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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. a perfectly acceptable state of mind in the silly season!
  2. sorry, you two lovers will have to find someone else for your menage a'trois
  3. but i did find it funny - i love irony but lets get back to maric
  4. I agree I don't think he'll make it, and given his only real position is small forward I'd rather trade for a draft pick or possibly another young player with more upside (read versatility). We're getting to the stage where we can't have players hanging around too long waiting to see if they'll turn the corner.
  5. Yeah, E25 being tongue in cheek is funny
  6. why would you think rpfc is gay?
  7. the tag team returns
  8. McD competing with McL for a place in the midfield . . . . I don't think so either
  9. We know, but are you now claiming it was your original intention? That would be even funnier. Yep, both B) B)
  10. the fact he re-signed a month ago then bailed out doesn't sit well with me, despite all the other arguments its unprofessional, full stop but, thats now consigned to the byways of history. lets take the opportunity to get an even better BL coach with new fresh ideas Lets hope the FD can turn it into a positive advantage
  11. my thoughts too
  12. maybe white polka dots??
  13. nah, perfect for collingwood though if she completes the sleeve
  14. touche
  15. better still, indiginous, gay, muslim, female
  16. sad but true i wonder though how much is enough - there must be other desires than $$$s ? Still, tis his decision - i'm just grateful i'm not a cat's supporter - i'd be devastated
  17. they also say discretion is the better part of valour
  18. that bad? Are you sure?
  19. Yeah its just a drawing and as another poster said its kids sizing therefore there is less room to fit the sponsors logos and MFC emblem, so the logos/emblem on the adult jumper could be in a slightly diff position with respect to the red yoke line and distance apart.
  20. Thats because it is top secret Suggest we keep mum, else every other club will be in for their chop From now on C*****n C***e will be referred to as Clarke Kent
  21. All sounds like an emotional knee-jerk, wishful thinking, self delusional fantasy to me. Must have a big war chest but. A pox on them all, and all who follow!
  22. I like it, keep him, get Hale, then we will have "Hale & Pace" . . . n'est-ce pas?
  23. and i can't see any stars on it
  24. but, its how it looks that really counts B)
  25. Aaaah, go on, tell us Robinvale Primary fc ??
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