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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. Well lets drop all this carp about posters who don't want white being disrespectful of history/heritage/tradition/whatever yes, we wore all white jumpers for a few years in the beginning. I never said it wasn't a fact. So did all the other clubs playing then - there was no such thing as club jumpers then Thats why I don't think the "connection" is a strong one When we first looked at clash jumpers no-one said "lets go back to our heritage and add white" In fact our first clash jumper had no white It was the AFL who mandated white The arguments of invincible whites only came up then (after the use of white) We have never worn red+blue+white jumpers in our whole history (thats for Footscray) Yes I'm passionate about red and blue, it in our song FFS Yes I also don't like the current design I also don't like the sheer mass of white (the so called "predominately" white) Most of the clash jumpers all look much the same from a distance (a sea of white), so bland looking and so un-club looking Look, its just a POV OK, not a hanging offence. For those who like, or can live with the predominately white clash jumper then thats your right and I accept that as your POV even if I disagree, and, I don't criticize those on a personal basis I don't think there's much more to be said
  2. you've entered the link wrong (descr is correct though) these are only jumpers since 1897 though (start of VFL)
  3. Its a rather pathetic argument to criticize someone who doesn't want white in a clash jumper by accusing them of not respecting the history or heritage of the club. Personally, I take it as insult, and using this argument in a personal way is scraping the bottom of the barrel. I don't mind those whose POV is that white has some significance because of the link to "invincible whites". My POV is that is not a strong enough argument for me. That is just a personal POV, but those who turn it around and accuse people of ignoring or disrespecting history are guilty of playing the man and not the ball.
  4. Thanks, all I could find was on wikipedia - "Melbourne Football Club" - pretty much what you said if anyone has more info re the "green", please post
  5. Not me, I love the history. Throw out nothing. That we agree on Getting back to the green, did we actually wear any green on the jumper, or anywhere else. Would love some references to read.
  6. RPFC, Seeing as how we are discussing "Heritage" and, as a purely whimsical comment You do realise that our "clash" jumper of red white and blue is the same colours as Collingwoods heritage colours, when they were known as Britannia prior to joing the then VFA (pre VFL). Does that boil your blood WYL?
  7. Yeah, we've been here before My point about the "white" was that ALL the original clubs had all white jumpers, so what is MFC about that? But my point about not knowing what you are getting at was your following comment I don't agree with it, but not sure why you would make a point of saying that BTW, do you have any info links or more info to the red and green colours? I must have missed that . . . interesting. (Pity Vlad would consider green a dark colour)
  8. Edit: sorry rpfc, this was not meant to be a reply to your post - finger problems Happy to give Bruce a 1 or 2 year contract His fitness should stand for 2 more years (one of his assets) With such a dearth of experienced players there is plenty of opportunities to get games into young players So what if he is not a part of a premiership team, others won't be either
  9. Don't know what you are getting at here rpfc In the first decade (approx) of the MFC all the competing teams wore an all white(ish) "uniform" only distinguishable from each other by coloured caps. So white was no more a defining colour of the MFC than white is a defining colour of the Australian cricket team Or are you arguing for a return of the heritage red caps?
  10. to be fair read the whole thread. there are 5 pages yes there are mixed comments, just like here. they do have a lot of pizzed supporters remember too that white is part of their colours anyway and to them its more a design issue and just not being able to wear their preferred home strip (esp as coll changed the back of their home strip to be the same as aints) So, slightly different issues they also don't have the same attachment having only won one flag in their tricolor anyway they are not a club with strong traditions like us can you imagine if the situation was reversed and coll had to change?
  11. here's one WYL Saints fans outraged at clash jumper
  12. Dunno where you looked old dee but I had a look and found plenty of comment. One thread went 5 pages (and growing) But yes, of course dees supporters are more passionate P.S. The Saints clash jumper still only has the Saints colours - would be worse for some other clubs The Red'n'Blue isn't everything, it's the only thing (apologies to Vince Lombardi)
  13. I don't think they'll bend on the need for a clash jumper (well, not in my time) But, eventually, I believe they can be convinced to moderate their overly restrictive rulings You know, its not just a few "zealots" on 'land who are unhappy, there are many punters in many clubs (and other leagues) who are pizzed off too. And don't believe the club is happy either, its just not the biggest item on their agenda and given they have to have a clash strip under the AFLs strict rules, they have to put a bit of happy-face and spin on it. They are hardly likely to announce a new clash jumper shortly and say they are unhappy about it are they? Expect a lot of spin.
  14. Well, I have said it before a number of times for example a red/blue reverse jumper would be ok with me And there could be other "acceptable" designs if only we had more flexibility
  15. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm not totally against a clash strip What I am against is a predominately white clash strip, and the narrow defining of which teams we clash with. I think the AFL rulings on these two aspects are an overreaction and overly dictatorial Is that clearer for you or are you happy with the situation?
  16. the natives are not happy, old dee, i smell revolution in the making Seriously though, as a first step maybe we could at least convince the AFL to allow coloured shorts for away strips? This makes a big difference visually to the overall look of white. Look at many of the NRL away strips where this is not a requirement.
  17. Well, if I was in his position in a close game and got asked if I mistook the ump for a dee, guess what I'd say TBH I'm not saying it wasn't a case of a clash, it probably was, but there is room for doubt (totally stupid umpiring decision anyway) BTW I do believe there are cases of misidentification in games, always has been and always will be, even with clash strips. Problem is just how prevelant they are and to what extremes do you goto to avoid them. At the moment the AFL just dictatorially decide who clashes and what clash strips must look like and allows new franchises to design home strips which obviously clash etc. etc.
  18. Well it was a "crap" handpass - missed by a mile (assuming he did mistake umpire for a dee)
  19. And that isn't good enough reason for you!! people have been killed for less
  20. The white away shorts is a very good point Rogue Having a predominately white jumper plus white shorts just completes that awful white sheet KKK look I had a look at other leagues and they don't insist on white shorts. Have a look at the away strips of the NRL. Most are in their main club color e.g. Storm's is purple. This small change makes a huge difference to the overall look
  21. This is an abomination FTLOT I was at the 1966 GF and never heard anyone there or afterwards talk of "clashes"
  22. Swan and Didak have nasty headclash in 2nd Q with Filth 5 goals up, and take no further part in game. With only 2 rotations for Filth, Aints claw back and hit the front early in last Q Aints then run away with game by 28 points as Filth fans leave early in droves Riewoldt for Norm Smith, Eddie everywhere not seen anywhere
  23. I never said it was a reflection on ablett Probably a combination of his teammates ineptitude and the Filths ability to get numbers around the loose ball
  24. I can vouch for it. Was in Hun, either online or printed, can't remember Gist was MFC offered 1 year and pay cut GC offered 2 years and about 450k extra (presumably over 2 years, i.e. 200k approx more per year). Doesn't mean it was accurate though.
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