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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. i think the psd will be the afl highlight for 2011.........the tension is really getting to me time to walk the dog i think
  2. I've been pigging out on you know what lately given the prices from heaven however, i'm now getting worried having come across this I might be a walking time bomb?
  3. the tension out here in the burbs is quite palpable i need another smoothie
  4. personally I think the idea of the AFL playing home and away games overseas as just a megalomaniac fat-controller pipe-dream and I agree, why would the mainland chinese (in a big way) be interested in afl football i could though see a chinese company who wants to expand in australia being interested in sponsorship, but this would be local not overseas issue
  5. I wonder if the club has had a feng shui expert check out all aspects of our club to make us 'chinese acceptable' I suspect a few jumper numbers would not pass muster
  6. Chinese demons Demons or gui, are prevalent in the Chinese mythological world. Gui also refers to the secondary soul that is separated from the higher soul (hun) at death. The superior soul becomes spirit (shen), and if not treated properly in a ritualistic sense, gui can become a ghost or bad demon. Important demons are Chiyou, who fought against the Yellow Emperor, Huangdi (see Chiyou, Huangdi); Gonggong (see Gonggong), who destroyed one of the pillars of the world with his enormous horn, causing turmoil on earth; and the Four Evils, which any new sovereign had to over-come upon assuming rule. Chiyou had gigantic teeth, was part animal and part man, and had extra eyes and arms. Gonggong was a serpent-human combination, whose follower, the monstrous Xiangliu, ate nine mountains with his nine heads and then vomited up the swamps of the world.
  7. The Pope is to announce approval for Gay Marriage shortly
  8. and we could get all the players to dress up in drag
  9. you'll have to convince the chinese first that the Dees stands for Dragons otherwise bad feng shui not sure what Checker would think of the Melbourne Dragons? still if we just relocate it won't really matter
  10. Not supporting privately owned clubs but just quoting privately owned clubs that got into difficulties proves nothing in itself. Plenty of publicly owned clubs have got into just as many difficulties and in fact many have disappeared off the face of this world However I would hate to see the American or UK private franchise system in the AFL
  11. think i'll stick with the asprin....seems a lot easier to me
  12. wouldn't half an asprin do the blood thinning trick.?....and at a fraction of the cost
  13. What, they come back and sit in a special room for 4 weeks.....I'd like to see that
  14. It appears #31 won't be ready in time for next season The dry-cleaners are having problems with some tricky stains
  15. well DeeMfc in order for there to be a point you would have to believe at least something shoddy said.....and there is the dilemna unless your point is that Kevin Goebbels is spreading misinformation and propaganda again
  16. you would take notice of any drivel that comes out of Shoddy's mouth???? fcs
  17. hahaha, getting those early picks correct will be critical
  18. well if he does then he will never know and we will never know i'm also sure that choko and grubby keep a certain amount of rein on shoddy. after all his only purpose for being there is to create some publicity (and build his super fund)
  19. I think he is referring to this then this the only apology you owe is for your first statement where you wrongly attribute your personal opinion to that of CS's.
  20. nah, not saying it is apples/apples but for some reason made me think of norf etc wasn't norf's fault either really, AFL used them as cannon fodder, let them do all the hard yakka, pioneering etc then told them to pizz orf as there was bigger biccies playing the benefactors majors
  21. LOL, Had to have a little chuckle as this made me immediately think of Norf and Friday nights
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