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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. understand what you are saying old55, Jim should never have had to take on the Leoncelli liason role but.....why does it have to be Garry? Are you telling me that there was no-one else in the whole of melbourne who couldn't have been capable of stepping into Leoncelli's position. Were the board that enfeebled that they couldn't find any candidates except Garry who has stated a number of times he doesn't want a board position at this time. FFS are we that impoverished that the cupboard was bare of candidates that we have to blame Garry? This is sounding more like a witchunt or personal vendetta to my thinking. I've had my issues with Garry at times, but this is not one of those times
  2. Quite. TimD has a long history of playing politic with board and governance matters. Be aware he has a well established agenda in this area.
  3. mind you i'm not in favour of moving Frawley to anywhere except the backline just that it has been done before I think our forward line is starting to look good with a number of maturing options (they just need better supply) I think our backline has/is ok but lacking in depth and one big gorilla short (some options showing promise though) My concern is the midfield and I'm looking forward to see how a new coach(es) and game plan can make a difference here
  4. Wasn't Neitz an AA CHB? or is my memory that bad?
  5. Fair crack of the whip AoB What will the recruiting staff do then when they can no longer logon to 'Land and check what old dee is saying?
  6. Yes, I wonder what they would have lost by if they weren't loyal to bails.....the mind boggles
  7. well that sort of comment really makes things crystal clear
  8. have you found a way to access the Sporting Globe archives (if they exist)? Sat night used to have all senior and magoo games IIRC
  9. Its a good question Super. And on a more practical way in these days what about: ...an IVF son where its not the fathers DNA ...an adopted son esp from a very young age any answer is bound to upset someone
  10. I always wonder how much a particular pick is the Draft Managers pick or the Coaches pick I would think the Draft managers job is to find, examine and classify the draftees then based on the coaches stated requirements, narrow down the options, make recommendations, then the coach having the final say. So I always see the draft picks as a combined effort with the coach being the final arbiter where necessary. The Draft Manager is just a (important) tool in the process and shouldn't bear all the blame if picks don't work out. This would be for most of the picks esp the high end. Surprise picks at the low end however are often more due to the Draft Manager's ability to spot talent. just my 2c worth
  11. Well I didn't think Howe was a left wing call at all, but maybe then I saw his potential that other posters didn't. It's not always all about picking TAC youngsters. I called for Howe pre-draft and its very satisfying to see his progress. However, obviously, your mileage may vary. P.S. a lot of posters here and on ology called for Darling pre-draft, so it 's not just a hindsight thing for some of us
  12. Now that is definitely revisionist Thomo A board and president who are forced by a mere club member/supporter - some board! And then to blame the 'mess' of the club on someone who is not employed by the club - wow! I think your agenda might just be showing
  13. then who would martyr him? just another case of suicide by cop
  14. you need to change the batteries on your sarcasm monitor Thomo
  15. why not call it our "entitlement $$$" or our "dividend $$$" calling it our Charity $$$ is like calling it our "Bend-over and take-it $$$". Sometimes we act as our own worst enemy.
  16. BTW it's not all AFL charity. It's partly recompense for getting screwed over by the AFL with it's unfair fixturing resulting in a two-speed competition The AFL gets its greedy hand first on most of the money generated by the entertainment provided by the individual clubs I'm not saying we don't need an independent body but it's not very transparent and likes keeping many clubs on the drip feed in a disadvantaged position for complaining, so it would be wrong to simply call it charity
  17. and did you notice that I put a strict timetable around my comments....or did you miss that?
  18. Its a tough gig from the moment garry stepped in until now I can't think of one action he has performed which has raised critical comment. on the other hand we have seen a complete transformation and enhancement of the fd and other areas of the club garry said his role was going to be temporary and so it has ensued. he also achieved what he was requesitioned to do obviously the transformation could not have been all done by one person. many must have contributed but garry was the 'facilitator' or 'manager' and sometimes 'instigator' the fact that more money was made available was in part due to the demands of his solutions and his ability to sell these requirements internally i'm not a great hollywood fan normally but credit must be given without reserve for this particular rescue mission
  19. That's eloquently argued Bob. Not saying I totally agree but nevertheless a well constructed post Now we just need to see whether Sellar is up to the the job. The last 6 years says no but I'll be happy if he can change his spots (for old dee's sake)
  20. they say leopards don't lose their spots does that mean zebras lose their stripes? something to ponder
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