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Everything posted by Demon3

  1. He is in Perth again, in all reality, we should brace ourselves for the worst, the Mitch Clark era may be over.. its actually really sad!
  2. Parkin on league Teams tonight 6.30 504 on Foxtel, will be interesting to hear from him, he was a Mark Neeld fan.
  3. Have seen the IV.. It's great, honest and open.. Will like Jack even more than you do after it. Speaks about the pressures of being pick 1.. Says at times he wishes he was pick 76 so he could surprise people in a good way, rather than pick 1 and let people down. Says he is more likely to sign now than 2 weeks ago. It's must watch tv. Fox Footy pre game starts at 1230 iv towards end of it and at half time of game
  4. Footy Classified just went with John Northey being courted to join MFC board.. Interesting... Loved snooper and a players coach he was.. Like it.
  5. Find the constant G Lyon bashing on here now a bit over the top. People forget that this appointment was very well received when announced. People thought Neeld was going to be the saviour, they liked his attitude and was impressed with everything he said, these are the same people that now bag him, I'm sure Garry and the others thought the same thing,this was a coach in waiting, a Malthouse clone, who was destined to coach a senior team.. It has not worked.. Put your hand up, be honest, who thought the Neeld appointment was a great one.. I'm tipping a lot. Hindsight is great!
  6. Look, I was a Beamer fan, disappointed how it all went down, turns out he was not a team player prepared to do what the coach wanted.. Didn't like it, left. Silly by him to Instagram what he I'd. Move on now.
  7. Urge all Jimmy / Demon fans to tune into AFL360 tonight, they have a lovely Tribute , one year on!
  8. yeah i dont think thats right at all. His KPI's suggest that he got bettar as the year went on and did everything the club asked him to do. He will be a permanent part of our side for a long time.
  9. Toumpas has been all the rage of late, but the fact that up until a couple of days ago we were so in to Ollie Wines, could it be a case of the Club doing so much due dilligince on Wines because of the assumption that Toumpas would be top 3 that they may have already invested to much into Wines.. therefor it might be to hard to not pick Wines? Thats the whisper this morning, Dogs are also in the same case with Wines, it has almost been a given that Wines was going to MFC that they have not really factored him into their consideration.. Draft Madness i know, thank god in a few hrs we will know!
  10. No not really, just follow alot on Twitter and read some on here.. its great!
  11. I know this might be a bit out of left field, but over the last 12-18 months it has really been noticeable that the band of female MFC supporters must be the best in the competition. They are strong in their support for the club, very fair, they really know their football, have a brilliant self depricating attitude to some of the recent events that our great Club has been caught in the middle of, and best of all, i feel really proud that they support the demons. So i hope that this is not viewed as anything other than a positive thread, and that we are in good hands with all our supporters, but we really gain the edge when it comes to our female members!
  12. Ratings would suggest otherwise. TFS is still doing well in terms of numbers. It actually amuses me the amount of people that hate the footy show and continue to bag it, but seem to know what hapopens every week on the show...
  13. Toumpas is everything we need.. class,poise, skills, outside run and carry and pace.. Wines is everything that we have.. tough, inside,mid pace, ball gathering ability.. Should be simple really..
  14. Now that Barts has retired, No. 3 is available Dawes or Viney i reckon...
  15. As a lover of the Number 3 at the Demons, Barts was someone i loved watching, not blessed with natural ability, but blessed with heart and competitive spirit. Thanks for your contribution to the MFC, i think its fair to say you will be missed!
  16. My only knock on Wines is pace.. he is not quick. Jobe Watson is someone that he plays a bit like, he is not quick either i suppose....
  17. Yeah, travel big, Darwin our doing though, and as far as Etihad, well our record is a disgrace, our fault, lets fix it this year and beat nth, get over 2 stumbling blocks at once!
  18. The fixture is released tomorrow, I think we will find that it's is a pretty favourable draw, top 4 sides once only I believe. No friday nights however, Thoughts?
  19. WHO IS fOENANDER? F**k them all, its their job to critique, our job to support, and our right to disagree, and it will be our privellage to let them all know how far off the mark they were!
  20. Thats crazy talk, to suggest we dont put any work into developing our young guys is simply false. Its pretty simple we may have got it wrong with a couple of early picks.. and we are entering a new stage of the clubs planning..
  21. well i have heard the contrary to your contrary..? but anyway, i guess we all hear different things from different people. One's that i know suggest he is well liked..
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