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Everything posted by Chook

  1. Does anyone have a link to his interview after the Best 'n' Fairest. I'd like to hear it if I could.
  2. The only way Luke Ball gets near the top of any Top 50 is if it's alphabetical. Gary Ablett deserves his number one spot, and not just because of his surname.
  3. If there's one job I would not give Dean Bailey, it would be as an "Innovation Coach."
  4. He's too scared to make a quick decision with the ball. I'm okay with players being poor disposers of the ball (as long as they have other talents) if they are quick enough in the mind to give the ball up to those with better skills. Too often he hesitates, retreats to the goal-line and proceeds to have his kick smothered or put out on the full.
  5. Nicely done. I particularly like Chris Connoly's new role. It suits him well. You should add the players at the bottom, with the title "General Managers of Making Everone Look Good."
  6. Chook

    Neil Craig

    Just counting the days to the first official "Player X Looks Like He's Buffed Up" thread.
  7. Petition to add a poll to this thread: Should any man ever wear such an outfit?: A. Yes B. No C. Jack Watts
  8. I think he suffers from that terrible sports journalist disease known as "presenting a statement as a question." I prefer my journalists to pose their questions as follows: "How do you feel about your Best and Fairest win?", not "Your Best and Fairest win must be a great reward for effort." The first one allows the interviewee to actually voice their opinion, as follows: "I'm really happy about my performance this year, and it was a great reward for my effort, but . . .", rather than "um . . . yeah, it was." Where can you really go from there, as an interviewee?
  9. Now that's not fair. I won't have you denegrating the good folks at Champion Data like that.
  10. They're just tools, as is the Twitter-machine. They all have different functions, that's all.
  11. Norm Smith also didn't use video review, GPS and Champion Data. Should we get rid of that crap, too?
  12. There's breaching and there's breaching, if you know what I mean.
  13. Scully the Skeptic says it's just a coincidence. Scully the Traitor couldn't care less.
  14. Ironic likeage.
  15. I totally agree. I just don't think that the right time for Neeld to do that is the first time he meets his players.
  16. "Eff off! Who do you think you are?" is what I'd say. The fact is, Mark Neeld has no idea who these players really are and how to motivate them. Until he does, I'd be careful of making such broad statements.
  17. Looks like Melbourne was "lucky enough" to get him. I hope we can hear him "talk a little bit about that" in the future.
  18. Given that Neeld was a midfield coach at Collingwood, I would expect Royal to be working to a pretty detailed outline provided by MN. I don't think too much could go wrong with that, no matter how hopeless a coach Royal is or is not.
  19. That's typically idiotic Bailey nonsense. I don't watch the show, but we can't expect all footy players and coaches to present to the media as dry and devoid of personality as DB.
  20. If only the show were actually good...
  21. How Brent Moloney didn't get a spot on the extended team is beyond me.
  22. You mean R Lee Ermey. Just ten minutes with that guy and Cale Morton would turn into Private Pyle, complete with a full mental breakdown in a bathroom.
  23. I call him Engrish, aka Sam Breeze, cause he's as fast as the wind
  24. Chook


    Wow. Brad Green out. Whatever the reason, I can't say I'm disappointed. Hopefully Jamar stays in the selected side.
  25. Special comments on two sides that invented the press from the only coach who doesn't understand it. Brilliant!
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