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Everything posted by Chook

  1. EFA. It's just human nature. Nobody wants to look bad, so we try make others look worse.
  2. Bile is like any bodily fluid. It tastes bad if it's yours, but it tastes much worse if it's someone else's.
  3. Can you apply the same smoothing/blurring to the words as you have to the players? That might make it blend into the rest of the image a little better.
  4. Depends where you're walking to (the PSD, or just "away from the club"). If you've definitively said "I'm leaving. Trade me, or deal with the consequences" then I still think you've 'walked.' Obviously that's not the same as what Bruce just did, which is leave without even giving us the opportunity to gain something out of it. To me, requesting a trade is just that: preferring one, but not threatening to leave if one can't be arranged.
  5. Does anyone know of this actually happening? Has a player publicly said "I'm leaving to go to Club X, because that's who I supported when I was a kid"? Going back to your home state doesn't really count, since that's a whole separate issue (home sickness, etc.).
  6. Yeah. Journalism hit a new low that day.
  7. If that's true, then you are seriously over-dressed.
  8. Haven't you heard? He's just an ankles country member, whatever that means. But I would like to know what a few posters on this site look like. Put a face to the "name," so to speak.
  9. If I was Dean Bailey and Cameron Bruce asked me to guarantee his spot in the team, I would have laughed in his face. What a pathetic caveat for a sportsman to try to add to a contract. I'd be too embarrassed to even mention it if I were Bruce. "Oh, please Mr. Coach, play me even if I'm crap. My poor ego couldn't take it if I ever had to play with those peons in the VFL."
  10. I think we need to keep the symmetry created by the black book-ends, and also by the middle player facing camera, with those to the left facing right and vice versa. I think we should also wait to see who's made captain and put him in the centre, with the remaining four players being a ruckman (Jamar), a midfielder, a forward and a defender, just to give some representation.
  11. All this talk of loyalty has got me thinking. Let's say you've been drafted by another club. Would you walk out on them just to play for your beloved Dees?
  12. James McDonald lasted until the age of 34 before we got rid of him, and the only reason Bruce left was because we didn't want to rashly commit to keeping him come hell or high water. It's not as if we've systematically gotten rid of everyone over thirty years old, and the senior players who are still around would realize that. Not to mention the fact that I think some of our younger players might see Bruce and McDonald's departures as a chance for them to cement a spot in our best 22.
  13. Grimes, Petterd, Jamar.
  14. This is the way we have to see it, for sure.
  15. LOL at BBP. Cameron Bruce wasn't helping us win critical games in August five years ago. Why would we expect him to do it now with a team of lawyers and a wallet as fat a George Costanza's weighing him down?
  16. Would we look silly if we asked him back and gave him the Captaincy? Would he even take the opportunity? And what if he did a Brad Johnson next year? Then we'd really look silly.
  17. If we took McDonald back, would that mean Bruce would also want to stay, since us asking Junior to leave was one of the reasons Cam got all sandy in his nether-regions?There's also the other JMacdonald whose toughness and leadership I rate pretty highly.
  18. Jolly, Thompson, McLean, Bruce. What a spudley centre-line up. Who'd ever want those guys?
  19. You can hear the champagne corks popping in Yze_Magic's house from here. Maybe Bruce leaving will free up some space to draft YM, finally.
  20. And thus the last vestige of the down again, up again, "I'll try when it suits me" Daniher era is gone. Good riddance to bad rubbish, I say.
  21. Hope to see him on the footy field next year.
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