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Everything posted by Chook

  1. He's been awesome since about round 3. He sucked before then. I made mention of it ad nauseum last year and early this year, but his attitude as done a 180 and so has his form.
  2. Every coach's press conference I've hear has mentioned how both he and Matt Jones are only going to get better as they get more experienced. I suppose that's all anyone can tell you for now. Personally, I reckon he has been in our best 6 almost every week this year, and in our top 3 overall. 1 Garlo 2 N. Jones 3 D. Terlich
  3. I've been critical of him (perhaps only because of how high my expectations were), but he has an amazing kick and is apparently aware - and is working on - his weaknesses. Good on him.
  4. If Neil Craig doesn't get the job and is moved on from the club, does anyone think there might be some way for him to be used in some sort of advisory role during the drafting/trading period? Because one of the big problems facing 1st year coaches is that they simply don't know their players well enough to make educated decisions on their careers, and consequently are usually unwilling or unable to get rid of / keep the correct players. Having the kind of insight Neil Craig could provide might be a real help in this area. It's probably too impractical, but it would be useful to have him there through the trading + drafting periods, regardless of what happens afterward.
  5. I'm speaking from a list management perspective. All of the coaches I've mentioned would be good choices. I just think that Craig would be the best option because of his familiarity with the list; but if the Club thinks that he was the driving force behind the decisions that caused Mark Neeld to get the sack, then I could certainly understand him not being selected. I just wonder if that is the case, since we've opted to go with him over Viney (who also has senior coaching experience, albeit as an interim).
  6. I believe he believes that. He also said that "sometimes you just need to survive long enough to see the fruits of your work." That saying is certainly true, although whether it applies to Neeld is highly debatable. I guess we'll never know either way.
  7. Port Adelaide were flaky for years under Williams. Adelaide were probably underperforming for the last couple of years under Neil Craig. Both were sacked, so they obviously ran out of steam at their clubs. The difference is that Craig is familiar with our club, and can make the hard calls immediately. I'm sure Mark Williams is doing a great job as an assistant, but so did Mark Neeld.
  8. I s'pose you could look at it that way, but to me it shows how quickly things can turn around if the mental application is there.
  9. You mean like Mick Malthouse?Any other coach is going to come in not knowing out players, and we'll waste another season just getting him familiar with everyone before the real change starts. I don't know about you, but I'm sick of waiting.
  10. To me, he looks like he's about to go "Chopper Reed" all over everyone.
  11. What do we need? A senior coach who knows how to win, and knows what success looks like. But above all, we need someone with EXPERIENCE!!! Now let's look at the candidates: Paul Roos: Out of the game for 3(?) years now, lives in Sydney, and has his whole life set-up there. Reknowned for the culture he set-up at Sydney, which is still seeing dividends to this day. I don't want a coach who hasn't stayed in the coaching arena since his retirement. He's an alluring prospect, but I don't know if he'll live up to the hype. Rodney Eade: Stayed in the game, which is a positive. But he has had two opportunities at two different clubs. Will he really be able to make it at his THIRD club? Highly unlikely, I would have thought. Mark Williams: Also still coaching, and apparently has the fire to coach again. But I'm worried that the way Port played in the final few years of his Port Adelaide stint is way too much like the way we're playing now. I don't think he can bring what we don't have. To me, he's a definite no. Neil Craig: This is a guy who has all of what we need in a coach, but also already knows their strengths and weaknesses. He knows what success looks like, he knows what professionalism looks like, and he knows what motivates his players, because he knows who they are as people. All this adds up to Neil Craig being the best candidate. I would like to see what Al Clarkson's position is with respect to his relationship with Hawthorn, but I think Neil Craig is the second-best candidate for us after Clarko. Is there anyone else out there who thinks Craigy is the man for us?
  12. Wow. What a snakeoil salesman was Cam Schwab; all trimmings, no sausage.
  13. The best part about how good Colin Garland is, is how bad he was last year. Lackadaisical, prone to brainfades, and just totally lacking in intensity - he was all of those things last year; but now he's got himself totally mentally "on," and it shows.
  14. I'm under the distinct impression that he doesn't want it. He doesn't see himself in that position, and doesn't want his career to go in that direction.
  15. The Freo people were telling us all about Cam Schwab 3 years ago. I must admit I too had my doubts. If only we could rewind to 186 and do that whole weekend over again.
  16. Uhh...maybe because he's been just about our best player this year?
  17. Imagine if we had six players of Garland's composure, but with double (or more) experience. Because that's what most clubs have got, and let me tell you it helps.
  18. Has there been some photoshop done to Mitch Clark's face? He looks like he's smelled a turd.
  19. Given that McDonald is just about the perfect match-up for Nick Riewoldt, is there any reason why he couldn't play that role for our side?
  20. Too soon for what? Repeating the mistakes that got us into this god-awful position in the first place? No. It's never to soon for that at the MFC.
  21. Am I the only one who reckons Viney shouldn't be on there?
  22. I think you really put your foot in your mouth with that one. Toerrible!
  23. If it's true that he has no desire to be a senior coach and is unlikely to continue in his former supervisory role, I just wonder what the stakes are for him? Why would he want to go the extra mile to get the best out of what is a really bad situation?
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