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Everything posted by Chook

  1. What does the Worsfold situation do to the chances of Neil Craig sticking around next year? I can't imagine that a person of his calibre leaving would be beneficial.
  2. Agreed. Article quotes a recruiter calling him the strongest he'd ever seen. Ratings place him second-last on strength. Fail.
  3. Colin Garland was on my "get him out of the club as soon as possible," Brent Moloney list after round two. To have ended the year as probably our second-best performer is a tremendous testament to him as a person, and a fantastic reminder to me that I know jack-all about football.
  4. I hope the club isn't as keen to lose a coach with his experience as you lot are. When you have someone good in your organisation, you hold onto him for as long as you can.
  5. Where is a spambot selling Viagra pills when you need one? EDIT: Oh the irony... P.S. 5000 posts, b*tches! Yeah!!!
  6. There once was a fella from Sydney, Who we rang and said "Call us back quickly." Now we're waiting for news that'll give us our dues, Cause I tell you we need help and swiftly.
  7. Somebody needs to remind these people that in real life, people don't have video game stats. This is footy, not a game of Dungeons & Dragons or FIFA 13.
  8. He said they'd never win a flag playing like that. It only took them about ten more weeks to put that prediction in the can.
  9. Should be Neil Craig until Friday when the press conference is called. After that, it's #roosyourdaddy time.
  10. I suspect you don't know what a carbs load even is, and what it can do.
  11. Anyone can burn a bridge. It takes skill to build one.
  12. Or maybe he'll relish the opportunity to play under a coach who understands his weaknesses. Should Paul Roos get the job, Dean Terlich will have something to prove - and believe it or not, some people flourish when they have something to prove.
  13. I'd like to also give Mark Neeld some credit for the players that have been brought into the club under his watch. For every Tom Gillies or Cameron Pederson, there's a Mitch Clark, Chris Dawes, Matt Jones, Dean Terlich, Dean Kent or Jesse Hogan. It's always the done thing to take a dump on everything a sacked coach has done, but I think history will show that Mark Neeld actually did lay some pretty good foundations for the club's future.
  14. Whatever it takes...except for drugs. We won't do that. We won't tank either (we learned our lesson on that one), and we probably won't play dirty. We might flood if Roosey wants us to, and we're definitely gonna kick it long a lot. But we promise we won't go down the boundary line EVERY time...just most of the time. Is that too long?
  15. You don't meet with the leadership group and discuss your game plan unless you're damn sure you're gonna be coaching them. Paul Roos is locked and loaded.
  16. For what it's worth, I agree with him. That's where I've always seen as his best position. Great disposal into the forward line where it's needed, and a good sense of the game which would allow him to drift forward or back as required.
  17. Against all reason, I still harbor an irrational man-love for Neville Jetta. Here's hoping he kicks 10 goals and has 50 possessions today. That way, he might just stay on our list next year.
  18. Sorry. One thread is about Jack Watts. The other thread is about Paul Roos. That picture is about both.
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