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Everything posted by Chook

  1. I'd have to agree with Sue here, CB. As she said, both the reverse-order draft system and the priority pick rule are implicitly designed to "reward" poor performance. The fact that one is always enforced and the other is rarer does not mean they are different in principle.
  2. I agree with both of you. Unfortunately I'm the kind of person who throws out every idea he can think of in the interest of being thorough - which often makes me look like a person with no good ideas at all.
  3. What if we got both Burns and Simpson to the club on the proviso that either one of them (performance based) would become our senior coach after Paul Roos left, and that the other would be free to leave if not selected? Would either of them go for that, in the knowledge that whatever happened they would be in the box-seat to coach any club that was looking for a new coach by then?
  4. I think you'd find that if you got into a time machine that took you back to 2009, you'd find similar opposition to threads targeting Jack Watts.
  5. Hang on...if he's saying it's been longer than it really has been, then doesn't that mean time moves faster for the author of that article?
  6. Anyone who has any idea about evolution would know that the egg came first. End of story.
  7. HOGAN, DAWES: Hagendaas HOWE, WATTS: (Who where and when) CLARK, KENT: Superman Surely this must have been planned from the beginning.
  8. Nathan Jones to stop skirting packs and start winning some hard ball every now and then.
  9. Nope, but I cost a hell of a lot less.
  10. Ass coach, eh? Sounds about right...
  11. You can start comparing the length of their contracts as soon as you tell me that Jesse Hogan is in the process of finding and mentoring the best young key forward in the country to take over for him once he leaves. But looking at it objectively, Hogan would be mad to go anywhere near a contract until at least half-way through next year. Looking at it through red and blue glasses, "come on and sign, Hoges!"
  12. Paul Roos wants players who run hard back and forth all game. To think that Nicholson and Bail would be delisted is lunacy when you go through the list of pea-hearts who have yet to be kicked out.
  13. I guess he doesn't have incriminating photos of the new lot, so there's nothing keeping him around anymore.
  14. Does this mean that my man Neville Jetta has been given another go around? And what about James Magner?
  15. That on a good day they could be good (73 points good), but on a bad day they give up (186). Simple.
  16. What happened to the whisper of Michael O'Loughlan? Could he be our possible forward coach?
  17. Roos didn't "fire" Neil Craig if that's what you're saying. My understanding is that both Craig and the club decided (well before Roos got here) that if he didn't get the job, he'd move on. And that's what's happened.
  18. Yep. When the new rule came in, Jolly was one of its most vocal opponents. Obviously his body was screwed and he knew that this was the last nail in the coffin.
  19. Surely it couldn't be any worse than the Australian version of the Bachelor,
  20. Forward coach: David Neitz Mid coach: James McDonald Ruck coach: Jeff White Back coach: Al Nicholson What could possibly go wrong, since it was such a ripping success the first time around.
  21. Would have been my preference to get the Big Gig should Peter Jackson not have been able to secure Paul Roos, thus giving us all stiffies for the next six months and putting him out of a job. Thanks for everything, Neil.
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