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Everything posted by Chook

  1. I see what you're getting at and generally I agree, but sometimes this blokey stuff can be okay. For some reason that I can't quite explain, I prefer the Saturday night team of BT, Darcy and Richo over the more standard white bread Friday night team. It's kind of like sitting by yourself at the footy and eavesdropping as a bunch of drunk yobbos spout garbage all night; it's unintentionally hilarious and somehow makes the game just as enjoyable as a well-analysed game of footy would (though obviously in a very different, almost "guilty pleasure" kind of way).
  2. The Dalai Lama wouldn't celebrate after kicking a goal no matter how unexpected it was. But I agree that you don't celebrate things you expect to do, so that could be a perfectly legitimate reason why Hogan didn't celebrate either.
  3. How is NOT celebrating something "arrogance?" Last time I checked, it was called "humility" (i.e. the opposite of arrogance).
  4. I agree with you on the goalkicking. One year a team is going to spend every available second practicing this most important skill, and then they'll win the premiership despite being a statistally average side. 15.10 beats 10.25 every day of the week.
  5. I actually think he's been great. His biggest weakness is that he can't play on Hale types, but other than that he has been influential all night.
  6. So you agree with me then. Inconsistent. But who else is loving this Hawthorn failure? I know I am.
  7. Are you taking the mickey with the holding the ball comment? Both Geelong and Hawthorn have been rooted by the umpires' inconsistency when it comes to htb decisions. It's probably evened out in the end though, so I guess nobody has been disadvantaged particularly by the poor umpiring.
  8. I would love to see how a so-called "shitcoach" would do if given the reigns of a top of the ladder side. I suspect he'd do MUCH better than people would generally assume.
  9. I think you can go ahead and put that on the "Fact" thread, Jack.
  10. Can we please refrain from using the initials JT to refer to anyone but Jack Trengove. He was first, and has thus earned the sole rights to those letters. I don't think I could handle another player being referred to as JT. My small brain couldn't take it.
  11. Gun in the making. Prove me wrong.
  12. BZZZZTTT!!! Godwin's Law dictates that this thread must now close and be stricken from the Internet forever.
  13. Listen to his best and fairest speech (if you can stay awake through it) and then come back and tell me if you still think the same way.
  14. More than that, if we were a good team everyone would be going to Darwin. When you're shite, everything you do is pointless. When you're going gangbusters, everything you do is the pinnacle of good management. In the immortal words of Luke Darcy: "Things are never as good as they seem, and things are never as bad as they seem."
  15. Because it's not a magic pill. It's one of about a trillion different things you can try to get an edge. Just because it isn't a gamebreaking advantage, doesn't mean it's useless either.
  16. And my point was that a week long trip interstate wouldn't interfere with that in the slightest. I thought that would be obvious to most.
  17. If you can put on 5 to 8 kilos of muscle in 9 days or however long they were in Darwin, then WOW!!! And that lost body weight is just water, and they'll put it straight back on no problems.
  18. Trolololololol!!! Hates the coach so stops trying. Openly defies instruction. Won't change body shape when asked. Bullies team-mates. Only runs one way. Worst clubman possible.
  19. It's funny how everything you do becomes pointless as soon as your performances suck.
  20. An on-ball brigade of Gawn, Clark, Hogan and Frawley would be really interesting to see. Surely it would be better than what we've got going on now.
  21. ONE training trip in Darwin may be a waste of time, but MULTIPLE training trips are likely to produce results.
  22. I seem to recall Collingwood winning a Premiership not too long ago. Explain that, Mister Science!
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