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Everything posted by Chook

  1. . That's some pretty "competitive" satire, Sassy.
  2. Stop acting like you have any better idea about what's going on than the rest of us.
  3. The way I see it, it's more like this: Step 1- Create Thread Step 2- Fight to the death for original posted opinion Step 3- Dismiss all other views by posters as stupid Step 4- Sook Step 5- Go to Step 1
  4. Hello derailed thread (again!). This is seriously not funny any more. Either PM each other or GTFO.
  5. By the same logic, why don't we flood the visiting team's dressing rooms and turn off the heaters in the coaches' box and accost them with knife-weilding maniacs as they come down the race at quarter-time? Stupid idea, though I guess I respect the motivation behind it.
  6. This chick knows jack shite about football. Do not listen to her.
  7. Dear Mr Clark, We don't know each other, but through both your fantastic photographs and your courageous performance on the football field I can tell that you are someone worth meeting. I envy those who have had the opportunity to do so, and I hope I get the same priviledge in the future. I understand that you have returned to Western Australia in the wake of yet another in a series of frustrating soft tissue injuries, and I'm sure you must be questioning whether all the work you've put in at the Melbourne Football Club has been for naught. Let me say as a supporter that it most certainly has not. In a dark time for the club, your example both on and off the field has been a shining light for not only me and over two-hundred thousand other Melbourne supporters, but indeed for all football enthusiasts. Whether you have lost your passion for the game and are counting the days until your sporting commitments are over; or whether you are frustrated not to be playing and wish you could be out there against St Kilda next week, please know that I and all those who have been lucky enough to watch you play and to see your work behind the camera are both envious and awestruck by your talent and commitment. Yours, Chook (a Melbourne supporter and photography enthusiast)
  8. Can't we do both? Rotate him through the forwardline and midfield, exchanging with someone like Jeremy Howe who can also play midfield?
  9. What do you mean "not let us." The AFL doesn't have a say.
  10. Because human beings are not all the same.
  11. Let some other club waste their money on him.
  12. What is this crap!? HOGAN is injured and SALEM hasn't even played a game but yet they're WASTING THERE tik tik tik on the TELE!?!? WTF111?
  13. Prostitution is one of the world's oldest professions. Embrace it.
  14. I imagine it might resemble the game day thread for Jonestown FC.
  15. Evidently there has been less progress made than we initally thought.
  16. You guys should have worn clash jumpers. I can't tell the two teams apart.
  17. It could be that they don't include people who have requested that they not be tracked. Computers don't usually make mistakes like this. If there's one thing they're good at, it's counting stuff.
  18. If you're going to mention the second two, you might as well also mention that I won't be playing either.
  19. The weird thing about Jack Watts is that he seems to exist in this bubble of slowness. We've all seen players that seem to have more time than most (and Wattsy is one of those); but with him it's like his opponents also have that extra time, simply through his low physicality and lack of intensity when he doesn't have the ball. Will he ever fix the off-the-ball side of his game? Probably not, but that doesn't mean he can't be an effective player if used right.
  20. I bet there are stories like that from sportsmen all around the world. I reckon at least half of them are true.
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