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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. Hnmm I have meditated and have an answer. You see its all about looking at this logically and with foresight! Using my superior powers and knowledge of Philosophy, Pyschophysiology, Sociobiology, Sophology, my Phys- Ed Degree, and my experience in and around sporting circles leads me to this point! I may or may not be prejudiced, but in my estimation several players need to step "up to the plate" I have named them. Lets see what they offer us tomorrow eh? Also I of the sincere belief that if this side goes in as "Unchanged" then we will be carrying injured players. History is littered with this practice which I think is not worth the risk. I myself have gone into finals with heavy question marks over injured players and it has rarely paid off! In Footy and Cricket! On your last point "Failure is not an option" In some cases this might be right, and given where some players are at, maybe time to apply a bit of pressure! I like what Paul Roos is doing and like his coaching style. Whether I agree or disagree on selection is up to me! I,like you have an opinion, I reckon this week we have erred not bringing a few in and possibly on playing injured players lets see how it all unfolds after Sunday Eh Signed FENCEOLOGY!
  2. FITZ Clearly concussed subbed out. should be a mandatory 1 week period no questions no discussion ( I hope they know what they are doing) will be largely ineffective. Mc DONALD will really be surprised if he plays and if he does it is a disgrace clearly cannot run. WATTS the most likely to play although I wouldn't be surprised if he is a lat minute withdrawal As for no change ??? Watch this space, A few need to be reminded that failure is not an option at this level! As consequence the microscope is right on Byrnes, Pederson, Toumpas, Howe, Frawley, Trengove ! I have a bad feeling about "No Change"
  3. No loss to anyone but himself, glad to see Hawks stuff up a draft selection for a change, Leopards never change spots.
  4. I have assumed Fitzpatrick , Mc Donald will not be fit , If Watts is injured Pedo might just have to play( Pity Juice was flicked would have got a gig given circumstances) Sorry couldn't resist. I would have had Blease for Toumpas ( easily I cannot how a bloke who can kick brilliant goals in a game and has electrifying pace cannot get a gig) Jetta for Byrnes and Clisby for Pederson., unless Watts out injured My side therefore would look like this B TERLICH FRAWLEY GRIMES HB DUNNE GEORGIO CLISBY C M JONES MICHIE TYSON HF BAIL HOWE BLEASE F GAWNE WATTS JETTA R SPENCER JONES VINCE inter CROSS, VINEY, TRENGOVE SUB KENNEDY- HARRIS plenty of flexibility and with a bit of X Factor.
  5. I have assumed Fitzpatrick , Mc Donald will not be fit , If Watts is injured Pedo might just have to play( Pity Juice was flicked would have got a gig given circumstances) Sorry couldn't resist. I would have had Blease for Toumpas ( easily I cannot how a bloke who can kick brilliant goals in a game and has electrifying pace cannot get a gig) Jetta for Byrnes and Clisby for Pederson., unless Watts out injured My side therefore would look like this B TERLICH FRAWLEY GRIMES HB DUNNE GEORGIO CLISBY C M JONES MICHIE TYSON HF BAIL HOWE BLEASE F GAWNE WATTS JETTA R SPENCER JONES VINCE inter CROSS, VINEY, TRENGOVE SUB KENNEDY- HARRIS plenty of flexibility and with a bit of X Factor.
  6. A ruckman who doesn't take an around the ground pack grab is surplus to needs IMV.
  7. And have called a cab, cabbie wrapped because he gets double time and a half for Sunday Morning pickups!
  8. Well as I iterated we lost this at selection, Who knows how we would have gone given my selections which are well publicised elsewhere. In a nutshell, Pederson, Byrnes should never play another game, Toumpas not up to it a few cheap possessions and so slow, its painful, still not sure regarding his volition to contest! Mc Donald Hnmm reckon he is starting to be found out, I know he was injured but can find himself being outpositioned and his kicking isn't great! Grimes and Trengove;s disposal is a worry, Worst game ever for Howe! A few positives Jones standout Capt, Watts starting to come of age, Ditto Dunne great game, Terlich and Matt jones give a bit of dash Vince Oh but for a centimetre either side of the post, but a class act.
  9. Members 364 posts Gender:Male Posted Yesterday, 11:27 AM Not a bad team save for two possibly three inclusions. How Shannon Bynes gets a game with his modest stats and pre season form staggers me! Toumpas must consider himself extremely lucky to have got a gig, and Pederson gets a gig only by virtue of lack of other tall options. I would have had Blease for Toumpas ( easily I cannot how a bloke who can kick brilliant goals in a game and has electrifying pace cannot get a gig) Jetta for Byrnes and Clisby for Pederson. My side therefore would look like this B TERLICH FRAWLEY GRIMES HB DUNNE MC DONALD CLISBY C JETTA MICHIE TYSON HF BAIL FITZPATRICK BLEASE F HOWE WATTS KENNEDY- HARRIS R SPENCER JONES VINCE inter CROSS, GEORGIO, TRENGOVE SUB M JONES plenty of flexibility and with a bit of X Factor. Pity I'm not a selector as I reckon this team beats the actual team hands down. And my thoughts have been vindicated BYNES Pathetic should be his last game ever for MFC PEDERSON Clearly not up to it! TOUMPAS a lucky early goal and a few cheap worthless uncontested possessions roaming around the wing NOT GOOD ENOUGH WATTS our best Grimes and Trengove badly letting us down with leadership.
  10. Gary Lyon certainly rates Jimmy Toumpas, suggesting in todays Age " For Jimmy Toumpas to continue to develop and showcase his skills under pressure" Yep, well lets hope so! I will be watching for signs of this.
  11. My Dad took me and we were right on the Fence! Seems appropriate.
  12. Liked Garry Lyon as reasonably good footballer, just wish he would now not offer comments relating to demon matters and perhaps save his best work for the comedy segments which footy show faithful seem to enjoy. Interested in what others think?
  13. I can count hundreds of footballers both played with and watched who were "The best trainers in pre season" "Have not missed a session" "Worked his guts out" Etc Yadda yadda and guess what, when the real stuff starts they can't get the footy!! On the other side I have seen the worst trainers in footy teams" Tear it up in games" Your comment displays a very simplistic view of theory to practice.
  14. I would have Blease in the side rather than Toumpas at this stage.
  15. I beg your pardon? I have replaced two questionable outside types with some who can get the footy and do something with it. Your comment "You need to get the ball before these are really effective" can be ably attributed to Toumpas and Bynes I would have thought! To master Demon give me rare brilliant burst runs to a bloke who has to this stage shown none of that! anyday
  16. Not a bad team save for two possibly three inclusions. How Shannon Bynes gets a game with his modest stats and pre season form staggers me! Toumpas must consider himself extremely lucky to have got a gig, and Pederson gets a gig only by virtue of lack of other tall options. I would have had Blease for Toumpas ( easily I cannot how a bloke who can kick brilliant goals in a game and has electrifying pace cannot get a gig) Jetta for Byrnes and Clisby for Pederson. My side therefore would look like this B TERLICH FRAWLEY GRIMES HB DUNNE MC DONALD CLISBY C JETTA MICHIE TYSON HF BAIL FITZPATRICK BLEASE F HOWE WATTS KENNEDY- HARRIS R SPENCER JONES VINCE inter CROSS, GEORGIO, TRENGOVE SUB M JONES plenty of flexibility and with a bit of X Factor. Pity I'm not a selector as I reckon this team beats the actual team hands down.
  17. Thanks Mono understand and agree with your second paragraph. Fence
  18. I tend to agree but his ball drop leaves quite a bit of margin of error. Just check it out he seems to not guide the ball down with his right hand but rather drop from a greater height therefore increasing error.
  19. Yeah well they get it far more times than Fitzy so therefore conversion rates will be better! I would have thought that obvious! I like Fitzy really do, but the natural footballing instincts look a little more, ah, Forced!? He is Athletic in some ways but you wouldn't call him a Natural footballer.
  20. And to finish of with a "cool" goal was testimony to the exquisite skills which never were developed by Demon coaches, much to our dismay!
  21. Mods, it appears that I posted this under forum help. Please move to proper Forum location as I cannot seem to be able to do this! Thanks PF
  22. Love Fitzys endeavour but he is not a reliable kick for goal. To me that is a key ingredient for any forward.
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