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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. Yessiree the Fence put a Rock lobster on it for a very nice sum. Love the jangle of moola so did Mrs. Fence who negotiated for part of the stake!
  2. Belted Bail behind play about 4 years ago at Visy park Casey Vs Carltank ressies, Got weeks for it. One to be avoided! I have reservations about him.
  3. Would be absolute Gold Smithy, in fact I might tape it and file away for times when I need a good laugh!
  4. Au contraire, Logic?? Well my friend "The eyes move, the mouth speaks but Mr.Brain has long since departed" Really not that hard to work out is it. Pederson into the ruck with support of either Georgio or Mc Donald and lets face it in wet slippery conditions its all about contested ball at a lot of stoppages. Break even in the ruck ( something Spencer was not capable of doing last week) he got absolutely slaughtered, so you wont lose much by not playing him and after all he takes bugger all marks around the ground and in the wet will be a liability. Re jig back half slightly so that my plan can work and you hope we can win our share of stoppages and move ball quickly to Dawes, Watts, Dunne and whoever. Dunne once kicked Ten goals I think it was for Casey in the wet so why not give the Fence Idea a shot?? Logic my friend??? well at 0-3 zip lets try a little Edmund Blackadder "Out of left field Logic" "A plan so cunning you could brush your teeth with it"
  5. Call me as mad as Queenie in Blackadder, Simple as Lord Percy, Brainless as Baldrick, but I'm going to put $ 20.00 on the Dees to win at " Edmund Blackadder Odds"! Anyone else game for the upset of the round possibility?
  6. How spencil gets a game after having his opponent get 60 Hitouts is totally mystifying!!! Get Pedo and or Georgio in Ruck as it will be wet and bring in another in and under! Jetta desperately unlucky not to get a gig, should have replaced Bail.
  7. Understand that but given his previous wage at Brisbane and his Melbourne Wage lets say 2 Milllion to date at age 26 That's not a bad start. When I was 26 I was a first time homeowner with a sizable mortgage, I toddler and about 7 Grand in the bank as savings! I know what money I would rather have been on AND whatever he does outside footy might lead to a long and prosperous career! Remember he still has about 35 years left to work!
  8. Thanks Master interesting comment! I suppose how much is enough? As an ordinary wage earner I cannot fathom the enormity of this type of money !The chance to earn in excess of 1.5 Million for three years of work is bonanza money in anyone's language. Those of us who will be luck to retire on the average of 400 or so thousand ( and I think this above the average) can only Dream of being able to have a 1.5 mill sort of money to pay for family concerns and enjoy comfortable retirement. I can only hope his issues do not become permanent!
  9. Credibility is backing up your statements Machy but obviously you are not prepared to do that so can I suggest in future unless you plan to engage in useful debate and provide some evidence of argument that you not comment in future about any of my posts! Can I iterate I was not criticising Mitch Clark in any way, plenty would have done just as he did. I'm just providing opinion based on his volition to choose MFC over Freo. I have provided some "Food for thought" Something different and opinionated. I think at this stage Clarks wellbeing is the no 1 Priority. In so saying I wonder if he regrets signing with MFC Given the way things have panned out?
  10. I'm still waiting for a reply Machy????
  11. I.too heard the very same thing from an exceptional source! Typical MFC
  12. CARE TO EXPLAIN MY IGNORANCE ?? WHY, what don't you like? Elaborate rather than abuse without substance. What have I said that is incorrect? If you want to be ignorant can my posts without giving reason, now that is ignorant!
  13. I think Trengove would have and should have been dropped last year and only the captaincy probably saved him!
  14. The Tide will turn at Port Philip Heads will be at approx. 10.30 am Tomorrow as incoming. I think keeping that in mind the fish should start to come on the bite at the turn and rising tide popular spots Stockyard Point, the pier at Warneet and other prime locations, the cemetery beach at Kilcunda, Andersons inlet in Inverloch and not forgetting the old reliable Mordialloc pier for the ever popular and beautiful tasting Gars! Nothing like a turning tide to restore hope, promote a sense of wellbeing and become at peace with yourself and the cosmos! Turning tide? yep keep em coming!
  15. I would be more than happy if the club could negotiate with the league to wear the pink jumper which will feature in the field of women round . I love the color and the hose and believe that it looks very striking and would be an excellent clash jumper for evermore!
  16. I have thought long and hard on this issue and I'm sorry to have come to the following conclusion. For once the club is not at fault and the reality is that Mitch Clarke and his love of the mighty dollar have seen us again being severely compromised. Let me explain. When the club went after him it faced an uphill battle. His management and he were hellbent on returning to his native Western Australia and there was a very lucrative offer from Freo for him to play there. This would have solved his pressing family issues and enabled him to return to his native state. This was said to be all but a done deal so what happened?? Enter MFC with a sackful of cash and a volition to lure Mitch Clark to Melbourne. Several meetings and increase in cash saw him finally agree to join Melbourne. He is reportedly the clubs highest paid player on around 650-750 K per year. This is a heck of a lot of money to outlay for a player who initially resisted our offer and said unequivocally that he desired a move back to Perth for family and other reasons. Just think about it....... He was hell bent on returning to his native state and nothing was going to change that! Nothing perhaps other than a truckload of money. Imaging 650=750 K per year to play footy? He agreed to join us and the rest is history. The injuries were bad luck. Bottom line it seems came over to us essentially for money pure and simple. Now what we have got in 2014 is a player who has endured a frustrating string of soft tissue injuries on top of his well documented Lisfranc fractures. Some family issues perhaps similar to ones which originally were very important to him when the Freo offer came up and his decision to turn his back on his own rationale and succumb to the lure of a sackload of money instead of proceeding with his original decision to go back home. Bottom line can money ever replace family and other environmental issues which he deemed so important to his future at the time? In hindsight how important is and was money now that these and other location issues have emerged ? It seems entirely that in this case sadly for player and club that it appears destined for his at this stage possible break from the game to address his issues. Sad for Mitch Clark and the club but if IF I am right a lesson to learn about what you really want and the betterment of self through following your heart. Not the $.
  17. If this wasn't so tragic for us it would be comical. Two players Toumpas and Tengove both who are slow are dropped . Well what not a surprise. Just adds more weight to the Ollie Wines Drafting fiasco.
  18. Honour?? Honour be buggerd, this is cut throat AFL Footy, not some "Mutally beneficial love thy neighbour fest"
  19. That scenario would be a sensational scenario, but what will probably happen because , well it just seems to happen to us will be He will agree to a slightly less payout figure which will still be 3or 4 times an average professional persons salary. He will Ostensibly "Retire" from the game citing injuries, family issues et al. We will delist him. Next year he feels he'd like to give it "One more crack" and lo and behold" Freo Hovering ( or should it be HOOOVERING) pick him up at reasonable cost he has recovered from his injuries and plays the type of footy we know he can play and end result?? WE again get screwed over and over again. Seen it happen before. Sorry but can't see a positive in this at all!
  20. Right, Dees new motto "CLUB KRYPTONITE"
  21. Righto time to clear the air on this. I have nothing against Jimmy Toumpas whatsoever. Not once have I "Spewed Vile Carp" I have purely pointed out his deficiencies as I see them which are 1 He is slow 2 He does not win enough contested Ball ( 95% or so uncontested) 3 He doesn't hurt you with his possessions, not talking about efficiency rate, a lot of player can chip the ball back and forwards over 25 metres. Talking about creating forward entries and crucial set up plays ( Gary Ablett is the one I'm thinking of) and no, don't expect him to accumulate Ablett like stats but would like to see some "Killer" Line breaking possesions. 4 He isn't a multiple goal scorer. I can see why we and other clubs drafted him, but in merely pointing out his deficiencies I have the right of opinion. This is my opinion. Jimmy Toumpas may or may not be the player which we hope can improve our footy club. However, the main point of my argument has always been that we drafted the wrong type of player for our needs then and now. This is nothing personal against Jimmy Toumpas, He got drafted by us Fact!! Fact Ollie Wines in hindsight still would have been a better pickup given our needs. Now, one other thing about culture my friend, I attended the 64 Grand Final with my old man as a knee high tacker, and don't remember much about the day. In the ensuing years I have been a passionate paid up member more often than not. My point is this Culture is not up to me to fester, that's the footy clubs job. I can agree with decisions made or disagree as all supporters of every club do in passing judgement about their footy club and its workings its called "Free thought and equally Free Speech" I believe our recruiting for so long has been the worst of any club in AFL/VFL History. Fact we have been paying for a bloody long time for our player choices and some Coaching/ Administration choices. Fact we haven't won a flag for 50 that's right 50 long years. The club has a responsibility to us all to start producing the goods so don't talk to me about "Culture" I know all about winning cultures. I have been involved in successful dynasties in Football and Cricket clubs for a loooong time. I reckon I know one or two things about sport and developing a strong Cultural Base I reckon Paul Roos and the club is in the best position to rectify previous problems. I like what the club is doing. Again I iterate I reckon we drafted the wrong type of player for our needs. This was previous administration decision which sounds very much like a Neeld override if the rumours are true. I wish Jimmy Toumpas all the best and by crikey he had want to develop into a champion. For all our sakes. 5O YEARS I think I have earn't the right to have to insightful commentary about our footy club. PF
  22. Should be easier than that. Go for Hunger, bit of mongrel and ball winning ability and you won't go far wrong! Whether they be mids, forwards or backs
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