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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. Not all that fussed one way or another. Happy if he stays and if he goes we get some compensation. I don't think James Frawley is worth a reported $ 800 g to the Melbourne football club Nup. If money is the criteria then cest la vie. Worth 500- 600 no more no less. Lets build our team around blokes who want to be around the place which will build our culture. That's my take! Fence!
  2. I think he tried out for a gig once but the club said "Sorry we don't need Clark Kent we need Superman" Boom Boom!
  3. Looks like pinnochio and plays like pinnochio crossed with a matchstick man! A giant NO Hang on Giants can have him !!
  4. I'll wade in... I would have to say the transformation of Pedo, Dunn and Jetta is nothing short of extraordinary!! Gee they are playing so very bloody well! All credit to the belief Roosy has instilled, and the mentality and presence of mind to know they can be very good AFL footballers Team effort, well done!!
  5. Gawn was poor last game! Prefer medium forward Kent if Fit?? Pigdog in ?? More in and under grunt?? Intriguing selections coming up! FWIW I wouldn't mind betting Sam Blease comes in to add pace? Just a hunch!
  6. Don't misunderstand me, I'm not scapegoating anyone, just trying to point out a valid football judgement ( well I reckon it is anyway) As alluded to, many microseconds make up a game of footy and skill, luck, and infinestables all play a part. Just saying Mc Donald needs to develop more awareness that's all!
  7. Can agree to a point, but, for us to get better and win these games small and large things need to be worked on. I have made a point in the past that Mc Donald at times is outpositioned to such a degree that he fails to have an awareness of where his opponent actually is! This can and has resulted in his opponent taking an almost uncontested mark! This has cost him in the past and when the game was in the balance cost us two goals. As I said, no one factor, loses games, but this does need to be worked on. Just check back and you'll see what I mean. I'm sure the coaches will be working with him on this! The great defenders of the game always knew where an opponent was and the skill then was one of positioning and body on body creating pressure! Chris Mew, Bruce Doull, Glen Archer, Anthony Ingerson, and not forgetting Brett Lovett all had this ability.
  8. ,To quote one of your pionts " Injeneniothingy " We lost because we were tired, not lazy, it was like we played rope-a-dope, but had spent everything in the effort, and when Port was cherry ripe to be blown away in the fourth quarter, couldn't find the punch. So sad and frustrating because it had became our game to lose but you could see they just couldn't put it away. No wonder they were dark on themselves. But make no mistake, we stopped playing reactive footy, we played our game, a huge thing to be able to say when 15 plays 1." Fence comment, Critically,the inability of Tom Mc Donald to get body on body with Westoff was telling in the last quarter ( two goals) and whilst not looking to apportion blame for this in the washup this was telling. I have pointed out this deficiency of Tom Mc Donald previously! I trust the coaching staff will work on this!
  9. Yes Roosy has has turned players around, Grimes is not one of them! Put on the trade table I think!
  10. Trengove and Grimes, tarred with the same captaincy Brush, given far to early and as we saw last year, the only thing getting both a game was the captaincy! Time to make a few courageous decisions re list management I think!
  11. Trengove and Grimes, tarred with the same captaincy Brush, given far to early and as we saw last year, the only thing getting both a game was the captaincy! Time to make a few courageous decisions re list management I think!
  12. More Rose Colored glasses than Elton John as always! Give me a tough inside Mid anyday!!
  13. Unless Riley is injured this is a shocking move! Replacing a tough inside mid with an outside slow player in Toumpas? Even as sub I would question this logic. We are playing Port Adelaide who's strength is in its midfield!?? I hope they get this right!
  14. Yep good even player with good skills and awareness,.When suspended I wouldn't have called him outrageously aggressive but merely to the standard you would expect from a young player finding his way in the game. Vigorous and Fiesty come readlily to mind, no more no less! I thought his tackle was very good, Pure in execution and unfortunately the AFL thought it unfair. should NEVER have been rubbed out IMV but as many posters on this site will attest, what do I know? Hope that answers your question Robbie!
  15. Rather be independent than follow the fashionable Fluff (as warm and as comforting as it is) of the day! Now that really IS independence! Not as elusive as you may think Tunna, more, murky water under what was, a very creaky bridge! But under Roosy things are looking clearer and better! So tell me, If Trengove ever gets fit, where would you play him and who's spot would you see him taking?? Eh
  16. So be it!! Happy for our club if I am proved wrong and will wear it which is more than I can say for some on this site! Cheers Sass! Fence
  17. On the contrary, I call it like I see it. Bit harsh Troll?? I think not, I can for example, find nothing but invigoration and admiration for most players on the list. JONES, DAWES, GARLAND, TYSON, SALEM, KENT, DUNN, FRAWLEY, JKH, AND THE LIST GOES ON AND ON However some players in my opinion are either not up to it, and for a variety of reasons lost it! Eg a) Lack of work ethic b) Bad luck with injuries c) Ordinary and or highly speculative picks to start with etc etc. (And of course we have had plenty of those)! Jack Trengoves case he has not played good footy for two years, whether or not that is the fault of injury or the pace of the game has caught up with him. The fact of the matter is he has not developed and improved as we would have liked. IMO I believe his lack of pace is decisive and further I don't believe he will get this back ( was he ever quick to start with?) In this modern game if you are slow unless you are a ball winning freak that hurts opposition with your disposal you won't get a game. Q Can we afford to have a player like this in our side and if yes what position ( which currently is being taken by someone else) is he going to take??? Pity but I'm calling it now, Rose coloured glasses are wonderful and look, would love he proves me wrong, but Not IMO and those who don't like my opinion Stiff!! Troll ?? Nar just calling it as I see it!
  18. Finished,!! onwards and upwards!!
  19. I still haven't forgotten probably the most worst miss in League History Simon Eishold ! abysmal effort!' Regardless of any other result would have been King instead of being remembered for "That Miss" Typical Ormond Amateur!
  20. Salem will be our next "Gun" and deserves/demands a game! Toumpas only got in on Jetta's withdrawal. Still has much to learn. Salem is more advanced than Toumpas, therefore Salem stays and Toumpas goes! Also, Anyone else wanta play smart ar*@ with the FENCE out and associated garbage Rhetoric?
  21. Two changes for mine In Frawley, Jetta Out Dawes, Toumpas possible consider Kent if fit
  22. Yep, in fact I'm putting a "Rock Lobster" on it! I have an "Ariel" feeling about this!!!!!!???
  23. And sorry to say We could have had Dangerous Dangerfield instead Doh!
  24. FMD If James (Just call me God) Hird and his influence came anywhere near MFC it would be a combo of "Apocalypse Now" :"The Exorcist" and Gomez Adams blowing up a few trains all rolled into one! Keep anything James Hird away from MFC Fence
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