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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. Mods might be time to lock this thread early! Too many bruised egos and blanched almonds! Amazing, you try to start an intelligent convo and everyone not only Jumps to conclusions, but provides scope for mass prescriptions of Valium!! Amazing reaction!
  2. Cannot kick!! Holds the ball like Carl Ditterich used to, but with far less result!
  3. Yep to all two proposals Blease must be given last chance to show wares and Michie to add grunt in midfield!
  4. Perhaps Dazzledavey, you would prefer to give a run down of you Avatars current form for Richmonds Magoos???
  5. Grimes very poor, Garland Ditto, Jordy gee, three year deal for a bloke with very limited skills (Previous Brains trust/ admin take a bow!) Frawley cannot kick!! Full stop. At this stage I couldn't care less if Frawley goes or stays!! Watts, pure class, some very good improvements I thought! Give Cross another two years, Bernie Vince another extension!
  6. Yes interesting take, Tyson for Wines. In an ideal world I would rather have them both. Tyson "Pure Class" Wines "Pure Grunt" Hnmm that's got me thinking!?
  7. Just amazing that I get thorough scorn put on me when I have a go at a player, But [censored] bugger me its ok for others to take "Pot Shots" when I was offering a newsworthy event of a past player! STAGGERING!
  8. And as I have said on this site for a Zillion Years, everyone is entitled to an opinion. Thanks so much for yours Ding a Ding aling!
  9. How did Rockliff get into this conversation?? As I said, very touchy bunch tonight?!!
  10. Gees touchy bunch aren't we! Where have I mentioned Jimmy Toumpas name WHERE?? I was just saying what a fine player he is and comparing him to our own Jack Viney. No swipe, veiled or otherwise at Toumpas! Gees touchy bunch some of you \. This is meant to be a footy forum is it not?? Go away!
  11. Got it wrong fella! Nup don't want him back at the Dees! Never said that!! just suggested that another club might take a look! Who's the moron now??
  12. Watched his game yesterday, a lazy 30 possesions. Gee what a player! He compares very evenly with our own Jack Viney, two ferocious in an under types. The game is better for these two young Tyro's!! Just love watching them play!
  13. And right on cue, Just a pleasant Sunday arvo convo starter before the main game. For anyone interested... Read on!... Well the big fella certainly is playing great footy at Norwood of late with bags of 6, 4, and 8 goals at his last 3 starts. Pretty good to see after he missed the past two Norwood Grand Finals through several shocking injuries. I saw a short SANFL Highlights package recently and he has put on some size. His 6 goals yesterday came playing CHF and pulling in 11 marks. Well done Juice and I'm sure all on Demonland wish you the best with the rest of the year. Never know, mature age player, might be of interest to another club next year?!
  14. Hnmm, Robbie was offered MASSIVE money to go to, I think ... Wait for it.. Essendon!!! in the early 80 s Knocked them back on Principle it was never about the money. More about a beautiful word .. LOYALTY! Enough said!
  15. The latest in yesterday today, tomorrow segment contains the thoughts of Robert Flower! Is there a more humble, self effacing, champion as he?? His passion and love of all things Melbourne Football Club certainly shine through. What a magnificent human being! Arise Sir Robert! Champion among Champions!!
  16. The only change I would ponder might be Blease for Riley! Rationale I would like to see a bit more pace in the lineup Blease has strung together some good games! Plus time to see If IF he is worth keeping beyond this year! Three good reasons Eh? Fence!
  17. Already have heard stories of some anger and bitterness from those at yesterdays game. Sad and a pity really, I suppose supporters must be feeling totally shattered. Many are still, still in denial over scenarios as played out. Hnmm interesting times ahead.
  18. Might take a day off tomorrow and find out where injectiondon do their rehab, My guess would be St. Kilda beach ah yeah St Kilda Beach, I might offer each player,... Ah a roll of life savers to each player! Spearmint or five Flavour ? Yep!
  19. Yep like these moves and Although Bitter and twisted has provided "Food for thought" with Jetta going to Chappy, with a one on one, Chappy would outmuscle Jetta, Still think Dunne to Chapman, but won't be surprised if this isn't the case!
  20. The Show Cause Suite, in effect means that it is up to the Players to prove that what was injected was not illegal!! Totally gooooone because as no records exist but proof made of injections taken place this unfortunately for the players means Adios!! Injectiondon in total denial! Little and his band of administration must know in their experience of business that the jigger is up! What will probably transpire regardless of any court delay will be: 1 Players given a lifeline of 6 month ban. this will hurt them in the short term and means another wasted season. 2 A total clearout of those in the know including Hird (who I think his reputation now must be totally ruined ) Thompson, Doc Reid, Simon Goodwin and anyone else who was in the know! Worse aspect is Hird taking his own legal action, trying tooth and nail to protect what skerrick of reputation he has left. Only the Essendon brain washed could possibly feel he is innocent. Buck stops at the top. He was Coach he should take total responsibility, His Ego is at Warp factor 10 and rising. He has admitted no shame, no liability, and so therefore from where I sit has no morals, and no idea! Feel for the players but, onus now is on players to become more aware of what exactly is going into their bodies and to question this practice. A simple example of this is each time cortisone is injected into tissue it has a anti inflammatory effect and can last 3 months or so but the joint, ligament etc breaks down and weakens because of the properties of cortisone. But normal bods on the street wouldn't know that, much less question a doc who administers it. I reckon players also would not question because after all this is an AFL Football club. I wonder how many of them now feel allegiance to the jumper and a regime which blatantly went all out for glory, whatever the cost, leaving ethics, moral obligation and player welfare at the bottom of a lavatory! I think times are about to change!! Players will now question ( as they should) as part of a collective responsibility of clubs to keep players in the loop particularly with medical. prescriptive medications and injectionable substances. The players association too, will be now looking at player welfare and that will open up yet another aspect to this sad and sorry saga. That's my take.
  21. Really like the side this week! In fact would only like to see Blease in this side to be almost ( bar Hogan) to be at full strength. Blease because his outside run and explosive pace are bonuses in out team. In answer to your question Dunne to take Chapman ( whom I greatly admire as a footballer) Wouldn't think Jordy bought in to be sub so may either be Salem or Kent. Having said that I really like Kent as a mobile forward ( something we lacked last week which is probably a reason Max was dropped.) Dees to win by 25 points, Injectiondon in disarray, time to strike!
  22. So the Monday Holiday of that week becomes perpetual is that correct, Regardless of Death and any other scenario? What if we became a Republic?
  23. Out Salem, Gawn, JKH In Kent, Riley and Blease! Start rolling a few Dices I think!
  24. Question, If Queenie Carks it before next year is the day still valid?? I mean you wouldn't really continue it as a public holiday if she wasn't around would you? Which means King Charlie takes over. When's his Birthday?? The royalists, historians and constitutional "Guru's" of Demonland might like to shed some light on this question.?
  25. I can Just remember the Scanlens football card ad of years ago. If my memory serves me correctly two coaches of the time David Parkin and Kevin Sheedy were facing each other with some cards in their hands like two poker players and Parkin leans across and says" "I'll give you Doull for Flower"?! Sheedy rubs chin in decision mode, camera pans out and then the ad goes into the spuik of the seasons footy card collection. The reason I pose this question is because I was having a talk with another Demon supporter and we were discussing who, if any player would be non tradeable? By that I mean are there any on the list who are untouchable? His response was yes, My response was an emphatic NO. My rationale was that to get a player of substance and to fill a need you have to offer a player of similar quality. Maybe not the same type but similar ilk. An example If Jon Patton wanted to come to MFC what would we be prepared to offer?? It's all about taking a risk, assessing needs and going hell for leather to get who you want! So I open it up to the good folk of Demonland, Who would/ should we go after and WHO and what would you offer to get them. Oh and the answer to the opening tag?? As wonderful a player as Bruce Doull was Rob Flower was the quintessential play maker. Should have made the AFL Team of the century long before Francis Bourke on a wing, FWIW Rob Flower would have Killed Francis Bourke for pace, skill and polish, but that's another story! Over to you all!
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