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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. Right lets put this to bed! I categorically state I was NOT Referring to Toumpas! Period! It might serve your apostolate and ego to think I was but I was not! Those that know my posts on this site will know If I go out on a limb... So be it and if I was referring to Toumpas I would say it! Secondly I do not hate Jimmy Toumpas. PERIOD! Yes I was and still am peeved we did not draft others commensurate to need, but the word Hate is wrongly used in this context! Ok I'll say it once and for all I don't think Jimmy Toumpas will turn out to be the player we hope him to be! That is my opinion! FACT, I HOPE I AM WRONG! I base my experience of playing and coaching and watching senior footy! This is my opinion, Like it or not! Yes fantasy or not first use in todays game is vital, contested footy is vital! This is the Gospel of the FENCE!!
  2. I can see where you are coming from BUT all these outside mids have strong core bodies and quickness to match. At 180 cm and skinny is Stretch of this ilk? Not saying that he may not be worth a pick at some point but by Jasus H we would want to be very sure that he will develop. I couldn't stand another Toumpas or Morton scenario for an early pick which backfires. Still reckon we need another strong in an under with speed!
  3. Your lack of footy knowledge does not surprise me Dazzler Ok No, I wasn't referring to Jimmy Toumpas ! I was referring to one Cale Morton! and I was referring to player type! That's one wrong Secondly you refer to Hawthorns outside mids as proof PROOF that outside mids are just as important as inside mids. Well now let me see Hawthorns inside mids consist of Hodge, Mitchell, Sewell et al takes a turn and that my friend is the grunt tough inside mid which gets it out to the outside receivers of which the Hawthorn types are nearly as good as the insiders. That type of midfield wins premierships, ah we don't have too many of those! That's two wrong! Steele Sidebottom great player a modern day utility who combines grunt and nous when to go in and when to stay out! Gee I wish we had him at Melbourne! So while we gild the lilly and dalliance around the recruitment of a Scrawny outside mid who has got ability, clubs in the know snare tough insiders because anyone with footy knowledge knows, it all starts from the coalface! No wonder other clubs have scoffed at our recruiting in the past! That makes it 3 zip to the Fence by my calculating! Go hang ya windsock out in the breeze, better hope the rain gets to it lest it might blow away, like a scrawny outside mid! Your turn!?
  4. Well that he might be but ask yourself this question, do we recruit the best in draft or for need?? And while you ponder that question ponder this! Yes he has great skills and ability but BUT he is only 180 cm Scrawny and an outside mid! Remind you of anyone? I reckon we draft as many big bodied inside mids as we can. Touch of class please! Yes we might draft him but not in a month of Sundays for anything other than a third round selection! That's my take!
  5. Gee so many varied opinions, I also thought he was poor today , When the game was there to be won his direct opponent kicked two telling goals on him. I reckon he had three kicked on him today. Made some shocking decision errors. I really am not fussed if he stays or goes to be honest. I think we win regardless!
  6. Fair enough points rjay! FWIW Toumpas is an outside receiver who enjoyed a very good season in the SANFL. Arguably it is much easier to get a kick in any grade of footy as an outside mid especially if supply is good. Toumpas apparently used to have pace and I spose used it appropriately when needed. He has stepped up into AFL and is struggling! In fact he is struggling at Casey as well which must be a huge worry. I take your point that the SANFL is astep down from AFL. I do believe however that it is akin to the VFL. So we have Jimmy Toumpas who is struggling in the VFL.. Something Juice Newton always did well was dominate the VFL. also Arguably it is harder to get a kick in the key forward roles F.F and CHF! From what I have seen and heard ( I have a mate who follows Norwood religiously, Juice Newton has put on size and is a commanding presence at CHF. Last week for example he took 11 contested marks. 11 contested marks in any footy is good. He also kicked 4 telling goals Friday night. So we have a dominant player at 27 who is playing very good footy in a key contested role and a Jimmy Toumpas an outside mid struggling for pace and also struggling to get going in the VFL. I hope both players continue on their respective journeys and play great football for Melbourne and Norwood respectively. Would anyone begrudge Juice another shot at it?
  7. Ah dazzling one you are interesting in comments as usual! So.. I have friends who ah well can I say have siblings playing in ah um similar environment! Opinions are varied about players and so I remember a movie a while back called "Romancing the Stone" Ah the romance of getting a former players son into prominence for the MFC ! Hhnmm well, we might draft him we may not, lets just wait and see eh? Sad maybe and realistic as well!
  8. Ah, can I take a rain check on that??
  9. Glad to see others feeling the same way about ....... ( the player I'm not allowed to speak about)
  10. As I said in my opening post time to flick this union,! Players going backward at a faster rate than when Neeld was in charge of the ones! Time for Jackson, and the powerbrokers to pull the pin! a 80 + points thrashing at Casey this afternoon!
  11. You would have to think Strauss, Tapscott, Blease, would be feeling a mite jittery, That player who I'm not allowed to mention needs to find something as well!
  12. And close to "BOG" in boggy conditions playing CHF in a Norwood side that was pretty good last night!, Cmon dazzle davey36 you know you wanna jump onboard! check out the action photo as attached.
  13. Yep, well maybe a few other clubs as well as he kicked 4 out of 8 for Norwood tonight to continue impressive form! Good to see!
  14. Granted, played well, but BUT a almost pure tagger with little skills is surplus to needs when we become a good side! Clearly he won't get a game!
  15. Iv'e said it before, one dimensional player ( stopper) with limited skills and offered a three year deal a year or so ago! What were we thinking??
  16. Yep definitely would go with Blease and Michie for Jordy and either Riley or Salem depending on matchups!
  17. Yep, time to part ways! I can remember the first seeds of discontent started a few years ago with the recruitment of Brendon Fevola. The Dees admin of the time were furious that the Scorps had recruited him based on the potentiality for conflict of interest issues regarding the on field comprimises that might ensue regarding the grooming of our players.. I think quite a few issues with this alignment has arisen and some are still possibly being played out. I believe it costs in the vicinity of 250-500 a season to field a stand alone team. For that, what you get far outweigh the negatives. For a start you get to put all your own people into key positions from Coaches to Boot Studders! If a ground issue is a reason for staying put then surely the Dees can work straight through Casey Council and renegotiate a ground tenacy agreement! If no such problems arise then I have 2 solutions regarding where to play. 1 As a curtain raiser to Main game ( just like the good old days) OR 2 Punt Rd which has been extensively redeveloped. I'm sure Richmond would be receptive if some financial inducements were made! Imagine playing an 11.00 am game or whenever it would be 3 hours before a Melbourne home game at the "G" then taking a casual stroll across to the "G" to watch the main game! I say lets get fair dinkum and make it all Melbourne!! It really is the recipe for success!
  18. Ah, that's a good one is PF Juice Newton? Ah No. I just think and always have that through a combination of factors, he never really reached his potential. All i'm saying is at 27 I think an AFL Club might, ( might) think about him as a mature age recruit. If his form holds up why wouldn't a club consider him? As for rejoining Melbourne I wouldn't think so. I'm not pushing that barrel! Would I like to see him given another chance somewhere else ? Why not?
  19. Ah Davey"s Form ???? Hnmm a few crossed wires and maybe a blown fuse or two??
  20. If I were Roosy I think it time to play a selection of players including Jimmy Toumpas and consider Luke Tapscott, definitely Sam Blease and maybe one or two others to see if they are capable of playing the way he intends!
  21. A great pity you stoop to this level Sambo! My Mum is in very poor health!
  22. I do not think we would be interested! I started this thread to congratulate a much maligned former player on playing good footy in the SANFL. Pity the scorn and derision that has followed! The man played 25 odd games and kicked at least a goal a game! I think there may be a club out there that may, MAY be interested in a mature age Forward. Thanks for the enlightened thoughts Georgio!
  23. Worrying signs Sambo !! Are you alright??
  24. As I said amazingly reactions!! So be it!
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