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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. It is not a good look on a number of levels 1 Smokes, how commited to his fitness is he? 2 Our sponsor Vic Health is sure to be unimpressed. 3 Sets poor example for Kid's But ok its a free world, he is dealing with issues, but also, he is an extremely highly paid professional sportsman! The optimum word here is is professional!
  2. You are kidding me! Does a really stupid thing ( suspended) then goes out and wastes away at a festival having a smoke??? If I were Goodwin I would give him another week on top of his supension to really wake him up! His father is sick?? So waste away?? Christ ,My old man died in really tragic circumstances but I never whinged or made excuses, which comprimised myself, family or sporting teams at the time!! Looks and is very poor!
  3. I reckon you wont see him again till 2018! Very Very tragic!
  4. Hey Uncle Bitter, I reckon Romsey would be as cold as a mother in laws kiss today! I hope you have several tons of logs on the fire and enjoying your usual cut price quaffer!
  5. Just posted ( on post match discussion thread) a rumour heard from a mate of mine and since confirmed on Melb Website that Max could be in serious trouble with the Hamstring! Tendon damage and surgery being explored ! Sheesh we cannot take a trick!
  6. I am hearing very big whispers that Max Gawn's Hamstring is worse than first thought Sorry if anyone else has posted this previously. Got it from a mate who is not often wrong. I hope this time he is! I am hearing tendon is cactus and surgery option being considered. If so could be 8-12 weeks. Dont shoot the messenger
  7. Yep and decisiveness is a key attribute which builds solid leadership! Take it or leave it!
  8. Nup, not having it! We picked two before ready captains in Trengove and Grimes and look what happened!?
  9. What I saw today was a great player effortlessly shrugging tackles and setting up play! I also saw Viney doing none of this. (IMV and what do I know) , If I were Goodwin I would be demanding that he takes 1st option next week !
  10. And this is exactly what I have been saying for a while. He takes everyone on and agree headbuts tummies. Dare I say it.. a very limited player!
  11. You are kidding me!?? Pressure acts?? The footballing equivalent to "Best Clubman" awards at the end of the year in under 12 footy! Dangerfield KILLED us today no more no less! 3 Goals, won hard ball, broke tackles, did it all, Pressure acts?? A panacea for finding a stat that amounts to nothing! Especially when you are Captain!
  12. Gee another bloke Baggin Oscar!! Who would have thought that??
  13. Yeah, me too Goffy, but limited Key technique over the years self taught one finger pick and poke plus laziness to correct! Well... it is what it is!
  14. Rule 1 Why pick dual captains?? The premise and reasoning poor! Dual captains?? Different mindsets, different methods, diferent modes of communication. If you want dysfunctional leadership in workplaces , just go dual CEO or Co Managers, Or Co Principals or Co Captains! The theory is flawed! Jones, for a lot of reasons should have been sole Captain. Viney Not up to it at this stage! Didn't like the decision then, Like it less now! Goodwin's 1st Mistake!
  15. He was totally inefective! Not a captain of the same class as Jones!
  16. Nup 10 tackles means he is second to the ball Jordy mrk2 ! Not AFL Standard IMV! What impact did he have on the game ?? Gifting that goal was as bad as it gets!
  17. Tony, take a word of advice from Dr. Fence...... 1 Have a Beverage or five 2 Snuggle up to the wife for a bit of .............. ah TLC 3 Grab any old dees VIDS which although aint premierships from better days still can calm the soul 4 wake up in the morning and thank your lucky stars! PF
  18. Their suspensions certianly hurt us big time today!
  19. Well I have to say it ..... Elephant 1 Viney has been very very average in the three games as captain and needs to lift! I wasn't that happy with his premature elevation to captaincy with Jones and I still haven't seen anything to make me change my mind that he is up to it! Tries to break tackles after tackles a la Dangerfield and Selwood , which , ah he is not! Elephant 2 Watts was simply Outstanding today, All the Watts knockers need to liberally eat that famous pie "Humble" His leadership, courage and skills shone out today in a role which he is not cut out for. Great game Jack and that goal , taking on opposition was "Priceless"
  20. Interesting Wiseblood I was at Shitihad today and I thought Neal Bullen very average!
  21. I thought Neal Bullen poor today and that chip back into the square dropable alone!! Harmes also not the answer. Stick with Hannan and Weeds Bring in Spencil, Frost, Kennedy and Bugg
  22. Me Too ! I thought him serviceable today! Still needs to get body on body and do some pro running in summer with a running coach to get him at least looking like he can run! Still looks slow
  23. Loved both articles on Clarry Choo Choo express!
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