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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. Dear Uncle I have a very serious question for you. On the home page there exists an Advertisement for Stelly.com for an item known as a " Playsuit" Tell me uncle.. know you of this garment and what is it's intended use!??
  2. 50/50 each way now dont ever tell me I dont have a balanced View!!?
  3. Not sure I ever said that but keep digging into lost relics file! Knew some smmmarty would no doubt bring this up!
  4. Rubbish!! Selectors reading Demonland?? For what reason?? Nar I'll tell you why...... Coz not one of my excellent suggestions is ever ever taken onboard! Now if you aren't going to listen to the Fence, then most times you will get it wrong, which has been proven time and time again!
  5. So we win 1 just 1 game and all is hunky dory?? Sorry George but your easily pleased views do not equate to sustained success of our footy club! Ok 1 Game lets see what else this teams got! Im not that easily pleased! Nor after 54 odd years in the wilderness should I be! I'll see ya and raise you treble!!
  6. Except he doesn't run like a Duck!
  7. In a few years time does Capt Chewwch ring true! Ohhhhhhh sheeeeeit Im getting ahead of myself!
  8. This is exactly what is needed! Bernie is too good a player and dare I say it a valued contributor in our impending finals campaign! Ok go on... bag me for the last comment ! But I really believe this Hey dazzle, on the same page for once!
  9. And as I said two years ago we cant get enough inside and unders. Many on this site thought I was mad! At the risk of opening up old wounds, do I have to remind everyone that we chose Dud Toumpas instead of Ollie Wines? Imagine having Wines in as well! Yer just cant have too many in and under elite mids! The game is won and lost right there!!
  10. Will go for 2 but for an early plea will get one. He never seems to learn unfortunately, as he has done this before! Cmon Bernie!!
  11. Clarry Choo Choo, The clearance king just keeps rolling along! Irresistable game from a soon to be superstar!
  12. No he's not "better than that" He is Slow, Indecisive, Uncoordinated, and should not be playing at this level. He simply is not up to it and in my book never wil be! Mark my words in a tight game he will cost us dearly. Any decent forward will have a day out on him. His brother is better but still has brain fades OUT OMac- Smith In any of Frost, Pedo, Tyson
  13. a coffee?? come on man time for a beer or something else!!
  15. Chezus Ethan Rum dumplings?? I hope you keep your rear end away from any naked flames!!!
  16. Stand by, this will be a public relations nightmare for the AFL. I can just see it now Star player........... Insert name does major injury on shifting surface. Afl says Its not our fault!! AFLPA on behalf of player, sue of the AFL, Shitihad , Adele and whoever else is involved!! Saw it in my tea leaves this morning!!
  17. Pretty wet over in Ivanhoe, England I believe! Not surprising really!
  18. OR C ( BIT OF BOTH ) Im not confident at all. I can see Aints forwards running amok with the freewheeling Mc Donald brothers getting smashed. All depends on supply. i also heard a whisper that the suface is highly questionable and the AFL are praying like hell no player gets hurt because of the shifting surface which my source says looks very very dodgy! Dees by the slimest of margins ( 1 Point), but I'm not confident at all. The aints will be very quick! I just hope Viney doesn't try to bulldoze through every tackle and give the first option, in fact that goes for everyone!
  19. In fact Neal Bullen veeeerrry lucky hasn't done much that I have seen, would have preferred Kent EASY!!
  20. Gee as much as I love WEEDS he hasn't shown much to date! I would have gone with Pedo or Spencer at this stage! WATTS IN
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