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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. Religion is 90% cause of worlds problems. Just sayin!
  2. Chris Mayne is the most outside reciever I have ever seen, refuses to go, is slow and should be dropped next week.a poor player IMV
  3. Yep, That's what it is all about! Cashola. Is homesickness deemed a mental health issue? If that is his reason for returning I would expect GCS to play extreme hard ball. He went for cold hard cash, nothing more or less. Broke a lot of hearts at Geelong when he did. What's loyalty really worth??
  4. IMV if Brayshaw was my son I would be extremely reticent to let him play again! PERIOD His health must be paramount, and given his knocks to the head over the last two years, I would not like to see him suffer any long term effects! And to those of you that reckon ,Yeah Fence, Yadda, Yadda,.. he has passed tests before,yeah medical clearance has been obtained..... Can I direct you to the movie Concussion.. Based on the events in this movie we are walking a fine and dangerous line! Nup !!
  5. Money hungry mercenary who is from a highly flawed family background! No empathy or symapthy for him whatsoever. I hope GCS Play extreme hardball and he goes wherever they can get the best deal!
  6. Maybe,.... I Got Smith correct and he will surprise many with his strength and presence. Expect plenty of upside. Yes I can see where you are coming from with Melksham and for mine he would want to place himself front and square rather than just expect dish offs. Gets another week or tow to improve! Would still like Kent in if fit and possibly Frost. Bernie in is a given. Time to be a bit bold even though two suspensions is not ideal!
  7. Definite outs Hogan, Lewis Possible outs ANB, Harmes, Melksham in the mix Spencil, Smith, Kent, Frost, Vince, Bugg, Kennedy Final outs Hogan, Lewis, ANB, Harmes INS FROST SMITH, VINCE, KENT KEY MOVES SMITH FF WATTS HFF WEEDS CHF FROST BIT PART BACK AND RELIEF RUCK KENT ROTATING HIGH FORWARD
  8. Bolton is a better coach than Neeld who had no idea! That dvd before game 1 a few years ago was cringeworthy, how can you follow a bloke like that??
  9. This !!! Yep and yep again!! Gonz right o the money!
  10. Clarry Choo Choo.. what a sensational player!! How many 19 year olds get 70 odd possesions in TWO games in a handful of games in only his second year? Agree though,... back himself to use very good footskills more vto advantage! Just wait till he goes forward and kicks a couple of gials per match! SPELLBINDING STUFF!
  11. Clint, waaay of mate, Two totally different types of players for a start Gus Grunt plus, Toumpas ............ There is nothing there at all! Sorry poor comparison!
  12. Well yep today BOTH good, Next week however, is a very different proposition!
  13. O MAC Much better performance T Mac Much better again Petracca Improving with confidence Viney Take first OPTION
  14. Well never let it be said I don't acknowledge a good performance. I THOUGHT OSCAR AND ESPECIALLY TMAC WERE VERY GOOD TODAY!! PF The discerning man's critic!
  15. I recently went out and bought from the toyshop, 4 foam TV Remote controls. I will hurl them at the screen at a later time, thus completing the Cathartic effect of frustration and Aggression theory in practice !! But not today, as I will be in attendance at the HOME of footy, as distinct to the abyss that is, "Shitihad Stadium" a cold souless world of a place not even a Dalek would feel at home at!
  16. At least Hemmingway, both you and I retained some semblance of dignity and rare humility, not to mention literary credo!
  17. Sigh deeply and resign myself to another False Dawn of hope! Having said that if we don't win by 50+ pionts I feel we will not have gained much!
  18. Conversely some posters can't identify ordinary posters with ordinary appriasals!
  19. Yeah so glad!! the balance is one is a superstar the other a superdud there ya go perfect 50/50 balance!
  20. As long as the goods are not "Second Hand" then I'll trust the the handling fee is not tainted but a true reflection of cutting out the middle man! I reckon Biffen, Hemmingway,Earl Hood , Daisy Cutter, and Moonshadow, maybe even Dieter might all be intersted in acquiring a Little extra something! given your knowledge and procurement of such items!
  21. Dear Uncle I have a very serious question for you. On the home page there exists an Advertisement for Stelly.com for an item known as a " Playsuit" Tell me uncle.. know you of this garment and what is it's intended use!??
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