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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. That's what it feels like being a Melbourne supporter. My dad took me to the 1964 Premiership win ( which I don't remember) but I was converted properly coz I loved the old style Demon jumper after seeing the mobil footy cards in the mid late sixties ( For those who don't know what I'm talking about think a glossy Tassie Johnson photo and others on your bedroom wall). The closest we got was probably 1987 ( Im not convinced we were that good in 2000 even though we made a GF). So I went today with a couple of my adult kids and they were pumped shouting cheering and very involved, I sat there today with a nondescript look on my face not getting in any way excited. I spose I was hoping for something but knowing full well another probable loss, particularly aftter that abysmal third quarter. So I don't seek closure , I don't seek the impossible, I just want before I get much older to see sustained success. I'm not convinced after today we are any closer to the premiership success we yearn. So excuss the melancholy and rhettoric but in all honesty being a Dees Supporter means you just get chewed up and spat out again, year after year after year!
  2. You are Kidding right?? Well if that's the case Oscar Mac will play for Manangatang Magoos next year! Frost was very good today and a definate upgrade on Omac!
  3. We have been learning since 1964! FFS! We are Recedivists!
  4. Well Dazzle I would like to see the stats that back it up but Gee he was excellent in the first game average last week and average today but as I suggested I was told he wasn't anywhere near fit with his toe, but no excuse once you are out there..........! I hope these indescretions, Hogan, Lewis, suspensions and brain fades and incorrect options not to mention shocking kicking for goals don'y cost us at the end of the season?? Maybe already it will! and has
  5. Frost just isn't just ahead of Oscar, He's LIGHT YEARS ahead, Oscar should now only play if we have a lot of injuries! IMV And I have been saying it for yonks!
  6. One highlight in amongst the Maelstrom of insignificance on the ground!
  7. Far too premature and an overly emotional response I feel. Bernie still offers value, Look at the continued costly misses for goal and a few very dubious umpiring decisions. Bernie did not cost us the game! Our unforced errors and inability to curtail Fyfe, Mundy and Neal certainly did! I thought Goodwin was outcoached by Ross Lyon today!
  8. Yep should have "Iced the game" a game I might add we didn't deserve to win FWIW Tommy Mac is a laiblity down back, Punches when he should mark and tries to mark when he should punch Viney is in dreadful form and should be dropped but he won't be Weeds needs time at Casey Neal Bullen not up to it and probably never will be, same might be said of Harmes Bernie had a shocker but played under huge dificuluty I am told Clarry great but needs to kick more Spencil very good Well I reckon the following changes should be made next week Outs ( Viney should be dropped but wont be) Neal Bullen, Weeds, Harmes In Brayshaw, Pedo and of course Colonel Hogan! I would also consider Kennedy who always has impressed me when he has come into the team. Bugg stays good today i thought!
  9. The Elephant is getting bigger. Viney a very limited footballer with and the decision which Goodwin and others made to make him co captain has backfired to the detriment of the club. I said at the time that I didn't agree 1 iota with this co captains model and today has proven me correct. I also said is last week Viney tries to beat tackle after tackle and his effectiveness is diminishing with this approach. They should drop him but they won"t. Whislt im at it Jack Watts is the clasiest player we have, by far! Elephants are returning and so be it!
  10. About time the selectors got it right Frost for OMac i have been advocating this for yonks Go Frosty! ??
  11. If we don't win then it is a false dawn for us! We had want to win this! Freo are very very average!
  12. Id invite you to my cave but I cant find my matches or candles!
  13. I think it might be "Weekend without Bernie"
  14. Trengove for Bernie?? You want a slow mid in??
  15. Just done some Math A pack a day smoker will pay between $150-$175 bucks a week assuming $ 25 bucks a pkt Over a month that = $600- 700 odd bucks Over a year = over $ 7, 000,00 Over 10 years = 70 grand Hnmm big bucks for a product that seriously halms your health and can kill you! Now aint that info a breath of fresh air? Just sayin
  16. Interesting Dino I had the same treatment PRP into a quad insertion tendon injury and it fixed me up so well I was able to get back to sport in a mater of a month aftre being out for 4 months. PRP will start to be used more frequently in speeding up the injury healing process, particularly in blood poor areas such as tendons! Hope your injury is fine!
  17. I am basing my case on some experience in these matters.I was a Phys Ed teacher with a Sports Exercise and Science background. All I'm saying Is that depending on the severity of the tendon tear be it grade 1,2 or 3 will have a large bearing on his recovery. I may be conservative with my esttimation and I don't know the specifics of the injury but a hamstring insertion/origin tendon tear is a bad injury, especially for a big man, given the action of the biomechanical movements and pressure on that muscle tendon group. Happy if any Phsios or Docs that are posters want to varify or offer alternative views. Let just hope the surgery goes well and he is back playing sooner than later!
  18. Care to name names? I cannot believe in this day and age of accurate knowledge on the effects of smoking on the body that professional footballers much less any sportsman would smoke. Putting on my old Phys Ed Teachers hat, Smoking is well-documented as a serious hazard to your health. It is also a serious hindrance to athletic performance, as it inhibits oxygen supply to your brain, heart and muscles. In addition, smoking decreases your body's capacity to heal, weakens your skeleton and raises your blood pressure. Athletes who smoke have less endurance, are weaker and suffer more injuries than their nonsmoking competitors. Pulmonary Effects Smoking has a pronounced effect on available oxygen in the body. The nicotine in cigarette smoke causes constriction of the bronchioles, which decreases the amount of oxygen that can enter the lungs. At the same time, nicotine constricts the blood vessels, decreasing the amount of blood flowing to the lungs. In addition, the smoke itself irritates the lungs, causing further bronchoconstriction. Carbon monoxide from smoke binds to hemoglobin, which would normally bind to oxygen, further decreasing the amount of oxygen the bloodstream. Cardiovascular Effects Smoking also limits cardiovascular performance. The heart depends on oxygen to function and, when oxygen levels are reduced, the heart is compromised. Nicotine's constriction of the blood vessels raises blood pressure and adds to the workload of the heart. Thus, athletes who smoke become fatigued faster than those who do not. Musculoskeletal Effects Smoking negatively affects the muscles and bones as well. During athletic activities, muscles need a constant supply of oxygen to perform. Smoking decreases the amount of blood flowing to the muscles. In addition, smoking lowers the amount of oxygen in the blood, further decreasing the muscles' ability to generate additional energy for movement. Smoking increases a person's risk for osteoporosis. This effect is amplified in female athletes who already have a predisposition for osteoporosis. As the skeleton becomes more fragile, athletic activities become more dangerous due to risk of bone fracture. Effects on Healing Smoking causes the release of enzymes that break down collagen, a protein in skin and connective tissue. In addition, smoking slows the synthesis of collagen, which is necessary for healing. When tendons, ligaments or bones are injured, collagen fibers are integral to the healing process. Athletes who smoke will heal more slowly than nonsmoking athletes. Long-term Effects Smoking has immediate effects on athletic performance, but there are also long-term effects. Smoking causes lung cancer, emphysema, chronic bronchitis and asthma. These severe respiratory conditions can permanently end your athletic activities. I would imagine the club would have explained these fact to players and given the professionalism expected If I were Goody I would not be at all impressed. But I have been known to be wrong!
  19. I don't think The Dees will risk him again this year! Spencil and King to front up!
  20. Yep and one other change Kennedy for Harmes, and possibly Bugg for ANB
  21. Ill wager that Oscar gets outmanouvered by the same Butt and have you ever had a lace out pass from Tommy that hits you on the chest?
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