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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. Yep and if he cracks the sheeeits then trade out to potential suitors, I don't care at what pick either.. Limited player with limited impact .. almost a throwback to the sixties and seventies when getting the ball and roosting it were the rage.
  2. Can we start a Trade Posters board!!?? Shheit a few to go on here. Sheeit I'd better watch out!!?
  3. If Jones gets a game next year it should only be to cover serious injuries and we have gone backwards. Loyalty means sheeit when you finish 17th IMV.
  4. Playing group is disconected with each other Young guys, Middle unmarrieds, Families, is what I have heard! Disconnected ! Hnmm leads to discontentment, leads to???
  5. Wrong !Spargo, Billy Stretch just as bad Trade or delist. Spargo, Billy Stretch, JKH, ANB, T Smith, both Wagners. AVB Gets one more year under the new fitness Guru and thats it Chandler and Bedford Just by the skin of their teeth Hopefully Dunkley comes on a Bit
  7. Ah ,,, Not sure that the rumours, aren't in fact. FACT!!
  8. You forgot one......... Earl "The Duke" Spalding! How we let him go to Carltank still mystyfies me to this day!!
  9. Amon??? AMEN to that!!?
  10. In answer to question is he better than Stretch, ANB, JKH Spargo ...YES HE IS!! Tough, strong , Quick, good skills, Touch of Mongrel Whats not to like??
  11. And WE GOT RID OF HIM?? FFS who replaces him?? Spargo?? Chandler?? Wagner?? shocking decision IMV Watch this come back and haunt us, I reckon another club will pick him up and he will play well. Thanks Jeffy, loved watching you play! PF
  12. Gaaaawd we lack players with serious X Factor ...... "who has one trick... to kick goals which is just what we need but he is hardly on the park. I love watching him play when he is playing well" Err ..Arr he is JUST WHAT WE NEED!
  13. Aw Sheeeit Really ?? Who was the Brainiac behind that decision??
  14. If Sam Frost one our our very Few shining lights doesn't get a contract This cLub really has NO IDEA!
  15. Yeah a bit like when we had the opportunity to get Kevin Sheedy and u know what....?? They wanted him to put in an application/ Submit to endless Screening , something like that and Sheedy goes??? Ah No you want me lets talk get the deal done! Typically conservative MFC! Could have had Dusty , but guess What ... Too many issues probably! We recruit types that look good. But sleep with the lights on coz are scared of the dark Just Typical
  16. Ah Still shizen....... Cops a very hard tag each week gets manhandled of the Ball.. Umps turn a Blind Eye!! AFL STYLE FAVOURITISM at its best Ablett?? Parrrrrk Me Dead!!!
  17. How can you be LEADING contested Ball winner in whole competition and NOT be in 40 best??? Rubbish non selection!?
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