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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. Im seduced some serious X FACTOR Small but so too was Paul Callery!! I like what he brings to the table and very young and teachable>> Oh hang on its MFC!!?
  2. Gawwd from what I"ve seen in highlights reel a real chance Dazzle????? Your appraisal??
  3. FFS what a farcical trade. Pick 50 for a bloke that played EVERY GAME Gee he must of been really Sheeeit to have played EVERY GAME. MFC NO IDEA. Just watch his replacement Oscar totally towel up all commers Sheeit NOT HAPPY! Watch him Really Blossom next year. Clarko will turn him into a terrific player. Hawks and the other 16 clubs must be lauging their heads of with our list decisions!!
  4. Juice Clone AND Maybe not as good either!
  5. Chriiiiist Deees Just get him in! Why oh why are we ultra conservative Offer NOW! Lets get some genuine excitment around the place!!
  6. Chrisssst if we dont take a punt now, We surely are a basket case! Cmon Dees for once in ur miserable existance of Dud draft picks FCS TAKE A FRIGGEN CHANCE!!
  7. An excellent football brain??? How does that equate to Slow, No penetration in kicking, Doesn't lay tackles, Too small?? I don't see how "Having a football Brain" can make up for these manifestly inadequate skills!
  8. Yeah but Richard Hadlee was also a sensational fast bowler?
  9. 13 Seasons Huh??not as pathetic as our 55 odd years of Jack Sheeeeeit!
  10. Cameron Ling?Tempted to say ..... Champion!! JV EONS away from that!!
  11. A Tagger that is super Slow???? Now u really have got me worried!! Limited footballer I;ve said it before!!
  12. They should be Verrry aging old list, prepare for the bottoming out ...maybe as soon as next year! With Kelly out as well looking vulnerable!! Gaff plus another draft for pick 3 A huge YESS FROM FENCE!!
  13. Would he get a game with us Now?? If Fit?? YES
  14. Missing the piont he has a Premiership Medallion.Was in best 22 in 2015. How many of the players I mentioned would have got a game in a GF in Hawks team???
  15. I thought him very ordinary , yet finished 3rd in B&F ?? We also finished 17th under his and Jones leadership. Needs r=to follow Jones and relinquish the Captaincy. Max to Captain in his own right!
  16. Its Not as if Weeds is a proven consistent performer as yet. He has time but would love another Tall, Would take any of in preferential order Gunston, Casboult, Jenkins easy!
  17. Its Not as if Weeds is a proven consistent performer as yet. He has time but would love another Tall, Would take any of in preferential order Gunston, Casboult, Jenkins easy!
  18. Could you ever see Stretch, Oscar, JKH, Spargo ANB playing in an AFL Premiership side??? I can't
  19. Ryan Schoenmakers is a PREMIERSHIP PLAYER Hardly Depth I wouldnt have thought!??
  20. Jenkins is a million times more mobile and dangerous than Pruess will ever be! Go Get him IMV
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