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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. Thank god for that goal. Can now take a breath.
  2. Channel seven showing footage of 2000 grannie without first giving a warning. You know, a warning like the following images may be disturbing to some viewers.
  3. If I was to insist on only Dees friends, I’d be friendless. I have exactly zero friends, fam, or even acquaintances who barrack for the Dees. But Essendon and Collingwood? No shortage there. ?
  4. I recently told a friend of mine (Essendon supporter) that I’ve joined a Dees fan forum. She said, “are they snobs, or are they nice people?” I says, “yes.” She says, “yes, they’re snobs? Or yes, they’re nice people?” I says, “Both.” ? So now ima send her a screenshot of the above convo and that should illustrate my point beautifully.
  5. Yeah, but it gave us your shoe-out gag. So, almost worth a misspelling.
  6. Nooooooooo!!!!! Proofreading is my thing! It’s all I’m good at! (I’ve actually never seen that word written.) But hey, couldn’t think of a nicer (and smarter) person to pull me up on an error. ?
  7. Pardon me for sticking my nose in but I think JCB is saying we as supporters took it for granted that we’d beat the lowly sides. And if so, he’s right. We did think we were a shoo-in before the two losses.
  8. Oh, they find a way. Dirty players always find a way.
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