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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. To err is human. To forgive is DENIED because… Essendon ? Unless you’re prepared to destroy your phone and/or any other tainted device. And burn the clothes you were wearing at the time (for good measure.) ❤️??❤️?
  2. So the half-forward line will be a reference to a band with the word “blue” in it based on Jack Silvagni playing for the blues? Moody Blues?
  3. I know you’re technically giving clues, but the clues raise more questions than answers. Ie, I’m even more confused.
  4. I love that you use Dimma as your yardstick. ?
  5. Well there’s no fear of me breaching the two answer per poster rule. I’d be thrilled to get just one, at this point. DS at his devilish best! I feel like it’s got to do with cinema (?) Or cricket, perhaps (?) A clue would be much appreciated. ?
  6. Funnily enough, this is not beyond the realm of possibility. I will be attending a wedding in your hometown in November (covid permitting) and since the population is relatively small, I may run into you. Hells, you might even be at the same wedding. If so, don’t you dare to even think about breathing in my direction! ?
  7. Name-calling, huh? How old are you, five? You just go on living in that river in Egypt and hope and pray Covid doesn’t just do a Covid, ie, turn on a dime, as Covid is apt to do. No suburb, town, city, state, the world over is immune to the possibility of an outbreak. And it can happen seemingly in the blink of an eye.
  8. No one has ”died from Astra Zeneca.” Two people have died from blood clotting complications brought on by the combination of the AZ vaccine and other unspecified underlying issues.
  9. Hey, has anyone ever seen Jara and scromo in the same room together? Methinks I smell a ? JK of course. Or maybe not JK ?
  10. Couldn’t agree more. Initially I was put off the idea of having AZ but I’ve since realised that the point is to be vaccinated ASAP regardless of which company makes it. I had my first dose of AZ earlier this month and have zero regret.
  11. That’s not a percentage though. That’s ridiculous! So, if a venue has a capacity of, say, 50,000 and they cap it at 25,000 then that’s 50% so why can’t they go 50% at the G? It’s so nonsensical.
  12. Many people are shunning AZ coz of the blood clotting thing. I personally think the media went too far in sensationalising this issue, thus scaring many ppl. As has been widely stated, one is five times more likely to develop a blood clot when taking the contraceptive pill, for example.
  13. I would’ve said you’d have a better chance of being struck by lightning. But hey, you do you, fellah. ?
  14. And who the hell is Adam Ize, the Devil’s assistant coach? Surely someone’s taking the p!$$
  15. Proofreader must’ve had the day off that day.
  16. Melbourne might be this year’s hub city. ? Who’d a thunk?!
  17. Yeah, nah, they’re morons. If they were acting on the advice of epidemiologists and infectious diseases experts, then why are Covid restrictions, lockdowns etc. so vastly different from state to state? Are the epidemiologists giving conflicting advice? I very much doubt it. The point of difference is how that advice is interpreted, and then used in decision-making.
  18. Favourite win: vs Bulldogs because that followed the loss to Adelaide therefore many fans were expecting (and accepting) a loss to the Dogs was on the cards. My personal favourite moment: vs Carlton, Kozzie gesturing the touched goal. Honesty and integrity right there.
  19. I hated them with an unholy passion before the 2000 grannie and thought it was impossible to hate them any more than that at the time. But yeah, I somehow managed to beat my PB. The scary thing is my hate of them is seemingly still growing. Where will it end? How much hate can one little person manufacture? Somebody slap me!
  20. Weren’t they supposed to make the announcement today?
  21. ? yes, no, maybe, I don’t know, can you repeat the question… ?
  22. And if it was that easy to just turn it off, isn’t that what they’d do? Clearly it’s not that simple. I’m sure parents of kids who’ve taken their own lives as a result of cyber bullying can attest to that. I don’t know what needs to be done re Sam, but it breaks my heart to hear that he felt sick at halftime during the Collingwood match. ?
  23. Clubbing????? what does that mean, in this context?
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