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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. A root canal of magpies? A syringe of bombers? A meth pipe of eagles? A frontal lobotomy of Demonlanders?
  2. I feel for your friend. I also feel sick every morning of game day. I can’t eat, I can’t concentrate on anything, I’m a bundle of nerves. It’s only once the siren’s gone and we’ve won that I feel human again.
  3. Lemme guess... you’re a member of N.A.D. (National Dyslexics Association). ?
  4. Sure! Not because she’s a woman, but because she is a great coach who happens to be a woman.
  5. Very similar article. This one is a great read, too.
  6. There was a fantastic double-page article/interview published in the Sunday Age on 21 July 2019 titled “The Ides of May.” Reading this at the time is what sold me on him. Idk how to find old articles such as this one but if anyone else does I highly recommend it. ❤️?
  7. I’m gonna appeal that. I’ll use the guy that represented Fritta. Should be all good. ?
  8. I always thought going from a MRP to a MRO was a backwards step. Look at the history of autocracy. *cough* Kim Jong-Un *cough*
  9. For your sake I sincerely hope you used cut and paste for that post. ?
  10. They can be as arrogant and drunk as they come. So long as they’re Dees fanatics, they’re fine by me. ❤️??
  11. Logistically a nightmare. Aren’t we all spread far and wide? Even OS?
  12. Or all of the above. I, too, fail to understand why they keep him in commentary. Surely there’s myriad ex-players who’d do a better job.
  13. Demonland is awesome! My only regret is that I only learned of its existence four weeks ago. I really, really could’ve done with it last year. In early March a three-week visit to Warsaw blew out to seven months thanks to covid. All I had was a 6-min highlights video on YouTube after each match, which I only watched if we’d won. The first (and only) match I watched in it’s entirety was the grannie, and that was on Day 11 of hotel quarantine in Adelaide. Oh, how I could’ve done with Demonland last year. ❤️?
  14. Certainly don’t miss McAvaney, do we? Only cared about his favourites, didn’t he? More suited to horse racing commentary, isn’t he? Annoying how he ended every statement with a question, wasn’t it? ?
  15. Jimmy Bartel is definitely embarrassed by BT’s buffoonery, as are Luke Hodge and Jobe Watson, among others. Sometimes to the degree that it makes for uncomfortable viewing.
  16. This pic’s going straight to the pool room. Well, my kitchen wall anyways. ?
  17. I guess Cripps still owes them a big one.
  18. Methinks Dictionary.com has made a rare error: they didn’t include BT’s picture with word of the day. ?
  19. Is Kozzie not THE MOST affectionate player ever?!?! Oh how I love him so. ❤️?
  20. It was Jimmy Bartel who had a great answer to a question from BT during one of his many digressions. BT was talking about Elvis songs for ages (during play, of course) and he asked Jimmy what’s your favourite Elvis song? Without missing a beat Jimmy says, “A Little Less Conversation.” ?
  21. That spring in our step? The spring that increases with every win/week?? I bet I’m not the only one who’s bounding around like a kangaroo this morning! And by kangaroo I mean the marsupial that’s on our coat of arms, NOT the sadsacks who barrack for North. ❤️?
  22. I love the thought of all the other clubs watching tapes of OUR games to see how to get the job done. ❤️?
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