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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. They even played that song with no crowd in attendance. ?
  2. True. And they need to jettison the fake crowd noise. It’s not necessary imo.
  3. Tonight it’s clear-cut. We have to barrack for Collingwood, right?
  4. NSW: closing the stable doors after the horses have bolted at it’s finest.
  5. What I don’t understand is why this loss is talked about but no one seems to ever mention that other loss, the one at the hands of Fitzroy, 42 years ago (28 July 1979). Is it because that was so much longer ago?
  6. You had me at chicken and tomato soup on your glasses ? And you feed the wild birds! I do this, too. But the sealer was the positive affirmation from a Rosella. Love it! ❤️?❤️?❤️?
  7. If I had $1 for every time I’ve heard that old saying… I’d have a grand total of $1. ?
  8. Go easy, mate. OD is venting and that’s one of the reasons we join a fan forum; footy or not. I personally agree with you in that footy is a very welcome distraction from covid and all the other ills of the world. But I wouldn’t tell anyone else to feel that way or to stop posting if they feel otherwise. ?
  9. If it doesn’t end with the table being angrily flipped, you’re not playing it right.? I still occasionally vacuum up the odd hotel or dice and we haven’t played Monopoly in at least two years.
  10. Remember “They Know We’re Coming” from about 10 years ago? I’m sure they’re still coming; just taking their sweet time about it. ?
  11. With the Saints it’s Jack. I was watching a match a couple of years ago and of the 18 Saints players on the ground, six were named Jack. A third! And I know this because BT mentioned it at every possible opportunity.
  12. Mighty decent of you to get off the tram first. ?
  13. Ezra Poyas is not of Polish descent. He is of Israeli Jewish extraction. ??
  14. I’m learning stuff at the rate of knots here so hope you don’t mind me asking questions. I was wondering why you didn’t address the point LN made about the number of ruck contests attended being factored in.
  15. Definitely not the same guy. The only ‘blaze’ with this guy is the colour of his hair. Biggest ginger afro ever. ?
  16. I was thinking I’ve not seen a poster by that name. But it might be him and he’s not posting because he’s been too busy filming Beauty and the Geek. ?
  17. Does he sport the dopest orange ‘fro you could ever imagine?
  18. Do you know if there’s any middle ground? As in, six, eight or 10 weeks. NVM ima call my GP. ?
  19. Wishing the very best and a happy outcome for both your parents, Nev. ?
  20. Ok, this guy is not a celebrity per se, but you never know, he may be one day. I’m watching Beauty and the Geek right now (don’t judge me) and one of the Geeks is labelled an AFL fanatic. And guess which team he goes for? Yep, the Mighty Dees. I was just thinking… he might be a Demonlander. ?
  21. Well I don’t know about being read the riot act, but imho it’s a shame the current players can’t have this thread read to them. So many posts that are insightful and informative. Probs the most enlightening and informative thread I’ve read on DL.
  22. If you don’t mind, could you please explain the difference between goal assists and score involvements? All good if you cbf. I’m sure there’s AFL for Dummies somewhere online. ?
  23. Jayden Hunt yawning on the bench wasn’t a good look, either.
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