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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. Ugly match. But we’ll take the win.❤️?❤️? 8 and zip!!!!!
  2. Well said, I’m so with you on that.
  3. I’d go beanie. Seems mild now but is bound to be chilly in a couple.
  4. I’m nervous af right now. I liken game day to going on a long haul flight: you’re nervous/excited/anxious on the day of, leading up to the bounce (take-off), you can only relax once the siren goes and we’ve won (touchdown) and you hope like hell that the people around you in forced close proximity don’t ruin your experience with nasty belligerent behaviour - talking to you, Collingwood thugs - (crying babies, passenger next to you who won’t stop talking to you and has bad breath). That last bit happened to me last year . 15.5 hours of drivel and halitosis. ?
  5. This could turn out to be another dream weekend: we win and Essendon and Collingwood lose.
  6. So nice of you to offer them for free! Geez, aren’t Dees ppl the best?!
  7. I was born in 1964, six months before the grannie and on the other side of the planet. I came a long way to see the Dees win our next flag. ? And waited a bl00dy long time, too! ❤️?❤️?
  8. That’s pretty much his bread n butter.
  9. Wayne Carey says don’t worry about the Tiges, this is just a “blemish.” A 10-goal pantsing is a “blemish.” LOL
  10. Dusty: there’s unselfish. Then there’s stupid.
  11. Same! I’ve already packed my lil bag: sangas, hand-warmers, ponchos, a contract to put out on Buddy Franklin’s head. You know, the usual. The contract has yet to be signed but I’m sure I’ll have no trouble finding a willing signatory at the ground. (Please form an orderly queue.) ?
  12. Totally agree. It’s the ripple effect.
  13. That’s what I took issue with: saying we’ve had the easiest draw thus far. Easy? Yeah, maybe. But surely not easiest.
  14. This is dredging up memories I was sure I had successfully repressed. Still stands as the second biggest thumping in VFL/AFL history. Dark, dark times. Second only to the biggest thumping in history three decades earlier, in 1979, again the Dees, this time at the hands of Fitzroy. I wasn’t at that match; but I did attend the grannie that year (with my brother, a CFC-tragic of the highest order). When the final siren sounded, since it was such a close finish with just a kick in it, the scenes were next-level hectic. I looked around at all the Blues supporters hugging, crying tears of joy; the players, totally spent but still able to muster the strength to do the usual stacks-on thing. And I distinctly remember, as clear as if it happened yesterday, thinking, ‘This will be us one day. This’ll be the Dees, and I’ll know what this feels like.’ That was 42 years ago and like all of us here, I’m still waiting. It’s a good thing we’re patient, right? CARNA MIGHTY DEES!!! ❤️?❤️?❤️?
  15. Oh, he’s the best. Sharp as a tack, and funny, too. Earlier this year I picked up a mistake he’d made in a Wordwit. Not a typo, which wouldn’t be a mistake on his part, anyways. This was a proper error he had made. I emailed him, (of course not before using every available resource to ensure I was right). I told him I was happy to find out that he’s in fact human. He appreciated my finding the mistake and I think I actually gained his respect. And you mentioned Danword, that’s what I call my last resort since it’s literally just being told the answers. I regularly use Andy’s Anagram Solver/Word Finder, where you enter the letters you know and are given a list of words fitting that pattern.
  16. I bow before you! If I get maybe three or four of his clues I call that a good day. This is from today’s cryptic set by NS. ?
  17. Well, you’ve struck a nerve now! DA is the bane of my life! He and I email each other on a regular basis. Apparently, DAytrippers, online fan(?)club, insist that DA stands for Don’t Attempt. And justifiably so.
  18. Only 31?! Thought it would’ve been more than that.
  19. That makes a little sense. But yeah, defs needs to be taken with a grain of salt.
  20. Didn’t wanna start a new topic so thought I’d just post this question here... HTF do they work this out? I just know that ima be getting texts from jealous non-Dees friends about this and I wanna know what to say. it’s from today’s HS.
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