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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. What a sheer delight to watch his skill. Thanks for posting!
  2. This post. This is what gives me a great sense of confidence that the current generation of kids will make the most progress in this attempt at monumental change for the future. Not so much the content of this post, which is btw exactly how I feel, and very well put, but the fact that it’s been posted by a young person (I’m guessing 18 or 19yo). I may sound naive but I hope the majority of @Hopeful Demon’s generation are of this view.
  3. Regrettably LH, this is largely true. Here in Melbourne, in the ‘70s and as sad as it is, it was allowed to flourish. It’s great that you didn’t see examples of it but that doesn’t mean it never happened. With much respect, I think you’ve taken this as a personal affront, being that your parents came from Italy. It’s by no means an attack on Italian migrants, it’s an observation of a blight that was prolific at that point in history.
  4. This is true. In the late ‘70s at the time of the huge ingress of Vietnamese refugees my school population practically doubled overnight. These kids copped abuse so harsh, so cruel, the main perpetrators of which were the kids of Greeks and Italians who’d migrated to Aus in the late ‘50s. I asked my older brother why this was happening and he said it’s as simple as: people of one race/Religion/Nationality who cop abuse upon settling here are gonna, as a result of this abuse, give the next intake from wherever a pasting just as severe. He said that as wrong as it was, it was human nature. 😞
  5. Wow, @Colin B. Flaubert! That’s insane! My family used to watch Hey Hey It’s Saturday so it’s highly likely I watched that when it was aired. If not, then similar since that instance is obvs not isolated. I don’t remember ever giving it a second thought at the time. I may’ve even found it funny. I don’t know, I can’t remember. I was in my teens at the time and I wondered how today’s teens would react. Then I remembered I have my 16yo son home (remote schooling) so I conducted a little experiment of sorts. Without prefacing it in any way, I showed him that clip. He was utterly shocked and disgusted and stopped watching it before it even finished. This is a really positive thing IMO. It shows that while we’re probs still a long way off, there has been significant changes in attitude, at the very least, in the past 30-40 years.
  6. Not gonna lie, he had me in tears. Had he been angry or aggressive (which btw would’ve been totally justified) it might have been easier to watch. But to watch a man who is clearly spent is so sad. The attrition has him at a point of exhaustion. That this scourge hasn’t entirely killed his resolve is unbelievable, and testament to the man he is.
  7. Super-proud of our club at all times but especially at times such as this. ❤️💙
  8. Something’s not right with the world: this was posted an hour ago and not a word from @Demonstone 🤔
  9. Literally blink and you miss it. I reckon he may’ve broken a couple of laws of physics right there. 😆
  10. Haha I thought he was Jobe for the start of the telecast, while I was out of the room but could still hear it. Jobe sounds like Tim only a little more animated and higher in tone. Both annoying though.
  11. Just curious as to what that was about. Was there a point to it, having all the guys who didn’t play running around after the game? I actually liked it; loved seeing Weids’ big smile. 😊
  12. Right? This brought out the 10yo kid in me. You know, the one who laughs when the teacher says, “doing it” and who spends study time in the library looking up “rude” words in the dictionary. That 10yo kid still lives in all of us. 😁
  13. I don’t see why not… Shannon Hurn seemingly played his second 300th game last night, according to the prematch anyways. 🙄
  15. Are you listening to yourself? Read back over your post, but as a sane person, and you’ll surely see exactly how ridiculous that is.
  16. … and umpires. Don’t forget umpires.
  17. Two goals needed… umps better pull their fingers out.
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