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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. Nooooo! Do we need to see this?! We WILL put the 2018 nightmare to bed tonight!!!
  2. Like we need another reason to be proud of our beloved Dees. I mean seriously, is there no end to the awesomeness that is MFC?! ❤️💙❤️💙
  3. Now THERE’S a role model! Patty Mills is awesome, in so many ways. ❤️
  4. #ignoranceAbounds 😥 Related: how does one put someone on ignore? Serious question.
  5. What makes you think, consider, surmise, guess, conclude, gather, feel, judge, suspect, glean that? 😁
  6. I get what you mean about his sense of humour, but surely that’s overstepping the line, even for Ethan. Fans of other clubs may’ve found it funny; I’d find it funny had it been another club, but that wasn’t funny. To me, anyways.
  7. Many can’t give up Q. Can’t give up what ya ain’t getting in the first place!
  8. What??? Unless Ethan is a WA cop who clearly hates the Dees (coz only a hater would post that), it wasn’t him. Unless you mean it was Ethan who responded to that tweet brilliantly by saying something to the effect of “you (WA cops) should’ve been this diligent and reactive re the Eagles drug-fuelled premiership year, 2006.” I’ve totally butchered that as I’m going by memory. I’d look it up for quoting purposes but can’t bring myself to read that exchange ever again. #theHurtisReal
  9. One thing I will never forget is after the 2018 prelim the WA Police, on their official Twitter account (yep, their OFFICIAL account), posted something along the lines of “Missing: Melbourne Football Club. Last seen arriving at Optus Stadium.” For that reason, among others of course, a win tonight would be great. But a merciless thrashing would be the ultimate. STICK IT TO ‘EM DEES!!!!! ❤️💙
  10. Worse, Tim’s number!!!! I’m older than you think 😉
  11. Yeah they’d have to win eight of their next three matches.
  12. 100% HTB No grey area. But even if not HTB, dangerous tackle?! Is that ump for real?
  14. Please, please organise an intervention for me before I get to that stage!
  15. This is unbelievable!!!! Thank you Essendon! Still hate you with a passion though
  16. Ugh. I just caught myself saying “nice, Jake (Stringer)” and now I’m questioning my life and all that’s good in the world.
  17. I thought so too. Although I don’t see why they’d have no crowds when they have no cases and no restrictions.
  18. Nah, just means the umpires have to work a little harder. 😁
  19. I don’t know if you’d call that racial abuse. What I do know is it sucks to be on the receiving end of it. I was a kid when my family came here from Ireland. Schools are different nowadays (thank goodness) but in 1970 there was no holding back. I copped so much [censored] from kids at school, it was unbearable. I still to this day occasionally have a bad dream about it. Thing is, I didn’t look any different to the other kids (red hair and freckles, so I already had a whole other source of grief 😂) but I spoke with an accent and was relentlessly teased for it to the point of choosing to be mute for the first year at school. I only spoke when I absolutely had no choice. Phew, haven’t discussed that with anyone in ages. Awesome to have an opportunity to vent. Thanks DL. ❤️ Incidentally, it didn’t help that on Day One at school the teacher asked me what the answer to a maths question was (the answer was 23 and a third) and I said “twenty tree and a [censored].” The laughter was deafening and seemingly endless. So yeah, seems funny now. Certainly wasn’t back then. edit: the censored word starts with T and rhymes with Word.
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