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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. There’ll always be folks who believe exactly what they read no matter where it comes from. Also, 14yo kids have yet to learn the difference between what’s credible and what’s not.
  2. Can we all just remember to NOT take things like this as gospel. Surely we’ve all learned by now. Tracc was going, Kozzie was going, Vines was off to North, remember? Even if some of the regulars (eg Cornes, Morris and other so-called journalists) jump all over this one, let’s not take the bait. On a personal level, I had a 14yo member of the DA call me the other day in tears. She adores Kozzie and was heartbroken to hear he wants to leave us. This is yet another reason why I can’t stand these people who propagate rumours and try passing them off as legit news. edit: I’m referring to the Riv Wants Out story above. NOT the awesome Riv video from the MFC site.
  3. Yeah Ikon is so much better than Casey. Inner-city ground for starters, more than one 300-seat stand (which is for players’ families anyways), wind protection, decent food and drink outlets and the girls love playing there more than anywhere else.
  4. Do you mean only two games at Casey for the season? There’s actually three but yeah that’s not many.
  5. My personal favourite. And by favourite I mean I hate this with a passion because this is the most destructive of the lot. Journos are smoke aficionados. They make more smoke in one day than at any of the parties I went to in my misspent youth 😁
  6. Keep at it, Andy. You’ll improve soon enough.
  7. Have you voted for Kate yet????? If not, please do 🙏 Voting closes at 10am tomorrow so get your votes in NOW! Round 1 GOTY nominee KATE HORE ❤️💙❤️💙❤️💙❤️💙
  8. Our first home game for Season 9. Really hoping to get a good crowd despite the inconvenient time-slot. If you live in the area (or even if you don’t) please come along to watch some pretty bloody good footy. Bring the kidlets too. There’ll be fun activities set up and the relaxed vibe is perfect for them and if they get bored they can run around and burn off energy (works for me 😅). The kids also get to interact with the players after the match. Come and support our Dees!!! ❤️💙
  9. Uhm… do you even know how to Red Bull, DP? Clearly not. Lemme explain: the match start time doesn’t determine how many cans I drink, it’s the same number of cans, only I start drinking them earlier. Geez for a lawyer you’re not terribly bright, are you. 😝 So it looks like brekky cans at 6am. Gotta leave home at 7am to get to the ground by 10am. Another coupla travellers on the train, with the final can chugged just before the first bounce. Factor in probs three coffees and I’ll be bouncing around Casey ‘til at least quarter time. 😅
  10. I don’t know what his face looks like, I can never see past that hairstyle 🤮
  11. Release the fixture in its entirety!!! I’m done buying concert tickets for example, then having to choose between attending the concert and attending the footy. Would also be cool to be able to book flights in December (for the coming season) while they’re cheaper. Oh and no stoopid Opening Round, especially select clubs having to travel interstate for it. But if it has to remain, how’s about we call it Round One. Sounds crazy, I know. But it might just work. 🙄
  12. I take it as them saying a player is choosing to walk out on us to join another club and we foolishly bid him farewell and thanks, when we really should be p’d off with him.
  13. Dziękuję bardzo Lex. Jestem błogosławiony 💖
  14. Shoutout to whomever it was on here who just KNEW from the get-go Kozzie was leaving and they’re like, See… I said this would happen and now it’s coming to fruition and then it transpires that no, Kozzie ain’t goin’ nowhere. Huge LOLZ to be had 😂 And if I was petty (NOT of the Harrison variety but of the picayune variety) I’d quote such a post.
  15. Ardu’s sister does indeed live in Melbourne and spends much time with them. I heard this morning that Kozzie’s sister is planning on moving here too. Idk if that’s true but perhaps that’s to what Jon Ralph was referring.
  16. I understand this and I agree, our comms aren’t great. But that doesn’t excuse these imbeciles. They should have researched the whys and wherefores surrounding Nibs’ departure instead of going with the he’s leaving for another club and you’re thanking him? thing. If they cbf finding out the circumstances, don’t comment at all.
  17. Come October I’ll definitely be renewing the membership of this precious little girl… I signed her up a few months ago and she was born four hours ago. She’s my granddaughter. 💕
  18. I don’t know why that’s so. But it’s a dog act to pick on a cheer squad when there’s no one else to pick on. It’s one thing to relentlessly bag our club, but to bag volunteers??? Shameful. I always say we don’t need/want thanks because we do it purely out of love, but I’ll be [censored] If I have to read this sort of bs from so-called professional journalists.
  19. Sch!tt just got real 🤬 Now it’s personal. Bagging us for thanking Nibs? Not on my watch mother-[censored]. These bastards need to do their research, first find out WHY Nibs is leaving, the exact circumstances, then comment if they must. Adrian from the DeeBrief pod went in to bat for us and he explained why…
  20. The biggest bunch of NOPE in the history of mankind… Do we really want someone so repugnant at our club?? And that’s just one reason.
  21. Our Captain Courageous Kate Hore is a nominee for this week’s Goal Of The Year. Please vote for Kate. It only takes a matter of seconds to vote. She deserves the honour. VOTE FOR KATE!!! Voting closes at 10am this Thursday and you can vote as many times as you like. Please, and thank you in advance ❤️💙 edit: just noticed Kate’s goal is the Demonland video of the week!!! 🥳
  22. For those thinking of not renewing their membership for whatever reason (as well as those who plan to renew), please consider an AFLW membership… $60 per year includes entry to all matches, a tote-bag, stickers, drink bottle etc., the occasional handwritten thank you from a player, and most importantly, you’ll be helping our girls who are very deserving of our support. Moreover, they’re very appreciative of our support.
  23. You’re right, Daise. You can have a ton of family members close by and still not receive adequate support. It’s not a given. Not only do Ardu and Kozzy have “close friends always there” for them, they also have Ardu’s sister who is in her words “my sister who’s also my best friend” who lives near them and spends a lot of time with Ardu. Not bleak at all. IN MY OPINION PS: Ardu’s sister is fully settled in Melbourne PPS: how cute is Bellanie!
  24. Banno’s 50th this week. We have a surprise in store for her but I can’t share since she may read Demonland (despite some posters on here who refuse to believe players read DL). Suffice to say, our banner crew among others will be wearing our love for Banno for all to see 🥰
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