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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. I didn’t bite as a result of something I read on here. I can’t remember where I heard it but I know Goody uttered those words. I can deep dive through everything I’ve read/heard to find it but I don’t have the time nor patience. Besides, what does anyone expect the Club to say when they’re questioned about what Petracca’s future is… of course they’re gonna say he’s staying because until he officially leaves… he’s staying, right? Also the egg on their faces comment is ridiculous. They are making statements based on what they know currently. How can they look silly when he leaves if they don’t yet know he’s leaving??!!!
  2. Yeah he kicked 20 in a game in 2021. He was on track to kick 100 that season, 75 goals with seven games to go, but Covid meant the cessation of local footy for that season. He has played in the VFL, as recently as 2022 when he was picked up by the Northern Bullants but as mentioned, his chronic back issues ended any hopes for success.
  3. Egg on their faces??? They’re saying that as it stands he’s not leaving, and this is the truth, AS IT STANDS. Look up the meaning of this if you don’t understand. Also… “creditably [sic] of the club will be in question and our history of poorly managing of a once in a generational [sic] player which the club has built itself around.” WTF does this even mean??? Our history of poorly managing him???? What history???? Again, also… Tracc is the architect of his own fortunes. I’m sorry but you’ll have to find another reason to stick the boots into ‘Goodwin, Richo & Pert.’ But I’m sure you’ll find something, albeit yet another uninformed opinion.
  4. Ahem… 197cm. I know this because he gives me an update regularly 😃
  5. Not sure Pauline could cope having to hear both of her sons being sch!tt-canned.
  6. “… we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, We shall never surrender” This is how I read every post of yours. Not everything you say needs to sound so profound. Geez Louise, relax a little, bro. 😅 I don’t know why you have to (yet again) remind everyone of how long you’ve held memberships. Do you feel this gives your opinions more credence?
  7. Darcy is good enough for AFL level except for one thing… his back is shot to pieces. That’s the only reason he isn’t playing in the AFL, it’s the reason he doesn’t play in the VFL anymore. Such a shame, but he’s happy with his current situation and he’s much loved and respected by the whole EFL league.
  8. I may as well be. Anyways, you didn’t answer my questions.
  9. A late fifth rounder would be fantastic… I’ve heard he’s happy to accept a bag of chips. And it doesn’t even have to be salt n vinegar.
  10. That regular poster who barracks for Carlton is @No. 31 and has always been supportive of the Dees. You don’t see him bag our players like it’s a hobby. In fact, he’s more of a Dees supporter than many Dees supporters.
  11. Gave Darcy a cheer for you, FD. And guess what? HE DID IT!!! Nervous times though… he kicked a goal in the 2nd which took him to 99. But then nothing, absolutely nothing, the game had become a blowout (Coldstream were thrashed) and the ball rarely came into the F50. With about eight minutes remaining in the last quarter, Darcy took a set shot and the wind caught the ball and… a freaking poster! Three minutes later he snapped and it went through! We all ran onto the field and it was absolutely nuts! Lucky for Pauline since she had these t-shirts printed… Because the year is printed on them they were only good for today’s last chance at getting the ton. Had Darcy been stranded on 99 there’s $1000 down the drain. It was a surprise for him. 30 of us had them hidden ready to put them on before running onto the field. Balloons were released and a big congratulations sign was revealed. It was a huge occasion and quite the spectacle. Big bro Bayles was super proud.
  12. You’re right. I should know better. It’s not like this hasn’t happened a bazillion times before 🙄
  13. I’m fine with reading your truth, it’s the saturation of your truth that’s the issue. You trot out this generic type of phrase which really doesn’t mean anything. Incidentally, you said: “Depends how Serious the Club want to actually get there.” Your exact words. This begs two questions. (1) Do you truly believe our Club is not serious in wanting a premiership? (2) If yes, you truly believe that… why on earth do you stick with a club who isn’t serious about wanting to win a premiership????
  14. I know right. Dontchya just hate it when your Club is not serious in wanting a premiership?! Also, NEWSFLASH! “This off-season is super critical in terms of the Clubs [sic] future” Bet you didn’t know that!
  15. To save yourself time and effort you should copy and paste the above because give or take a word or two it’s pretty much your response to just about everything.
  16. The culprit wasn’t a cheer squad member. He made his way down to the cheer squad area, threw the bottle then immediately took off. It was the cheer squad who first alerted security. As feral as some clubs’ supporters are, their cheer squad members are almost always well-behaved, cameras and microphones capture everything.
  17. Sorry if already mentioned but what has to happen in this match to get Carlton into the eight? All good I just read the post above mine
  18. Sorry if already mentioned but what has to happen in this match to get Carlton into the eight?
  19. Are you talking about that semi last year? We may’ve panicked in the last two minutes but we didn’t gift them the win. The score review result gifted them the win when Tracc’s goal was deemed touched by Marchbank when it clearly wasn’t.
  20. They pop up in every thread though, Loges. There’s no avoiding them. Hell, they managed to contaminate the Positives For 2024 thread and the Goody Is The Man thread.
  21. I’ve posted this in the non-MFC thread and I know this isn’t the right thread for it but ima go ahead and post it anyways… BECAUSE IT’S HILARIOUS! AND BECAUSE I CAN!
  22. Obviously there’s different interpretations of that incident. I personally don’t think it’s worth three weeks. You clearly do. It’s calling him “Dumbo” that I don’t like. Whatevs. Everyone/opinion etc.
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