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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. So if he was to “own it” and he was to say things such as what you’ve suggested, you’d be satisfied? As his “employer” hearing him trot out the “humble mea culpa” would suffice?
  2. Goody like everyone else is only human. I’m sure he wouldn’t be comfortable having torn strips off the players immediately after the match. I hope the players know this and it doesn’t change the fact that they all love him so much, which they do.
  3. I deliberately neglected to say that he started his tirade against Kozzie by calling him a f****n !d!ot. Clearly he was overcome by emotion because by all accounts he’s not usually one to yell at them in anger let alone name-calling. I didn’t mention that part because I’m a huge fan of Goody and I was sad to hear that he’d caved in to his anger and had uncharacteristically insulted the boys.
  4. What’s to stop this happening again?! It’s absolutely outrageous. The goal umpire on this occasion was stood down; cold comfort for Adelaide.
  5. I don’t think he’s answerable to the fans. What do you think he should’ve said? He could say what the fans wanna hear - whatever that may be - but would that appease anyone? The pressers aren’t even important imo. What purpose do they serve? You only hear what the Club want you to hear.
  6. Who cares what Goody says in his pressers, or how he says it. He’s not obliged to tell anyone anything, our supporters included. It’s what’s said behind closed doors that matters, and we aren’t privy to that. On that subject though, I’ve been told by a reliable source that Goody unleashed a scathing verbal attack on the whole team straight after Friday’s match. He didn’t hold back, it was brutal, he ripped right through them, even singling players out, Kozzie being one such player. And it seems the players were told there’d be no Mad Monday for them, and that Goody is gonna get them “out on the track harder and earlier” this off-season.
  7. Well, he says he doesn’t like it but I’m a bit suss about that because he loves the camera nowadays. Never shies away from a camera does our Duxy.
  8. That’s Duxy. He has rued that vision since the day it was filmed. And this young bloke is a good friend of mine who was captured crying tears of joy after a win and has been a meme for years. The Front Bar has tried several times to get him on the show but he’s not having a bar of it. And I don’t blame him.
  9. It never happened! I was never on the big screen for an inordinate length of time, likely singing and dancing like an eejit. Incidentally, we’re never allowed to leave our bay and we have to continue chanting and cheering and waving giant heads even when a loss is inevitable. My problem is that I cry at every loss. So, I’ve been granted special permission to hide from the cameras after a loss lest I become a meme. It’s happened to a couple of our members and they warned me that it’s never lived down. And so, THBT, you can stick your gif idea where the sun don’t shine. k? K.
  10. But wait, there’s more… throw in the two practice matches and scoring for second halves in 14 consecutive matches is: MFC 62.58.430 Opp 8.27.75 ❗️❗️❗️🤯
  11. Right??? And that cameraman simply wouldn’t go away. I asked him nicely to not film me but that only made him more determined. I should’ve learned my lesson earlier in the year when I hugged Checker (our mascot) and that same cameraman almost tripped over himself to get close enough to film it. 😑
  12. I hoped nobody noticed that. Apparently if you wear devil horns out there you’re fair game. I discovered this after the event. 😩
  13. Then how on earth did the Ben Keays goal vs Sydney remain a behind? For mine, that was the biggest howler of the season since there was absolutely no question it was a goal, a fact that was confirmed when the AFL came out and apologised for it. At the time someone on here said who cares it’s Adelaide, I hate ‘em anyways. But that’s not the point. Even disregarding the fact that it cost Adelaide a chance to play finals, it was the most outrageous goal decision we’ve seen in a long time.
  14. Please George, for the love of all that’s good and holy, please don’t ask him that!
  15. Dw! Please don’t encourage the incorrigible!!!
  16. Sure. When they become available, that is. Understandably the DA members who usually post the banner pics aren’t in a screaming hurry to do so this week. Everything is so much more difficult after what ends up being the last match of the season, (unless it’s a win in a grand final). Posting banner pics is one of many such postgame tasks.
  17. Oh boy. Now I’ve heard everything. But yeah, you’re entitled to your opinion, even if it is the biggest crock of [censored] I’ve ever read on Demonland. 😁
  18. I know who I’d like to shutdown right about now. To the “everyone’s entitled to their opinion” brigade… the above Ben Brown comments, are they fair enough? How dare anyone question what BBB does with his time! Shame on you, Deebauched.
  19. He has a fourth interview this Tuesday. Sounds as though it’s merely a formality. This came from his niece.
  20. A huge positive this year is our mighty AFLW side. The girls are in scintillating form, so exciting to watch. A wealth of talent in an even spread across the team. Well, almost even: Hanksy is a freak of nature. 😁 We (the Demon Army) have been supporting the W side all along but now that the men’s season has ended we can devote 100% of our time and effort to the W. Not everyone is invested in the W comp but those of us who are won’t be taking a break from footy anytime soon. ❤️💙 Forgot to mention, in case anyone wondered why there was no banner yesterday… on Thursday night we made the girls a banner for yesterday but it was deemed too windy to raise it.
  21. PLEASE can we keep this thread for 2023 positives only. There’s an abundance of threads for coulda woulda shoulda.
  22. My heart breaks for you, Daniel. I’m so sorry the MFC never reached out to you… that’s inexcusable. Please know that there are many, many people who care about you and wish nothing but the best for you and your children. Sending much love, and big hugs to you. 💕
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