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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. Oh, I thought Rab meant he’s…. Never mind.
  2. Anyone know how to un-imagine something? Asking for a friend.
  3. I watch Carlton matches in a group thread that comprises me and anywhere up to 20 Blues friends. I love them but geez, they’re absolutely insufferable right now. Idk which is worse, when they’re being thumped (again) or when they’re playing as they are today. I kinda get the hate for the Blues on here. *checks to make sure she’s not accidentally posting this in the Carlton group chat* 😬
  4. Is there a more ebullient commentator than Tubby Taylor?! He’s a joy to listen to 🤗
  5. Having ‘nam flashbacks to round 10 vs Port where we sat in the nonstop driving rain, freezing our arzes off and forgetting all that’s good and holy in the world. Thinking things couldn’t possibly get any worse. Then losing the game and having to hotfoot it back to the hotel ensconced in a throng of belligerent drunk Port supporters. Good times 😳
  6. Hashtag random. 😂 You remember this score info, or you looked it up?
  7. Not easily done, Rab. Images are “optically centred” meaning more space at the bottom than at the top. Also we have to be mindful of the top of the banner sagging forward or backwards at the top (Buddy was decapitated on his milestone banner last week because they stuck him on too close to the top). Another thing to consider is that the middle of the bottom of the banner must have minimal tape since that’s where the players run through. Also, we have to include several flaps (we cut out three sides of a 12 x 12inch-ish square every few feet) lest the banner turns into a 17th century sailing boat. 😬 These flaps have to be taken into account in terms of letter placement. The front lettering lining up with the back lettering can’t usually happen, different number of lines, wind flaps etc. I understand what you mean about cutting the outline of the player, but that can’t happen with a montage, and that’s what the Club likes to have.
  8. They paint everything! Anything that can be painted, they’ll paint it. And if you ask them why they’ll simply say, “we like painting.”
  9. Redundant question. Too many variables. Should we also be wondering how we’re any chance to beat GWS? Again, too many variables.
  10. SAY IT AGAIN!!!!! There’s still 50 seconds left!
  11. Sneaky lil Toby! Love watching him play.
  12. … and an abundance of cantankerous old grumps.
  13. Demonland’s resident nutcase will be watching this match on TV. ☹️ I’ve always wanted to attend an Alice match but it’s beyond my means. The airfare alone would see my son and me on a forced diet for a month. 😭 Mainly him since he eats the equivalent of a small village, livestock included, in a single day. Every day. 😁 I’ll likely watch it at The Sporting Globe in Richmond with others who can’t go for whatever reason.
  14. Based on this after any given match half our players would be dropping themselves. But LOL at the thought of ANB or Spargo or any player actually saying this to Goody. 🤣
  15. I thought channel 9 no longer had the cricket. 🤔 edit: channel 7 got the rights in 2017. I remember this because I won the last ever classic catches in 2016. Yep, a year’s worth of KFC 😋
  16. I don’t know how to watch the cricket. I have Kayo but they’re not broadcasting it. And it’s not on one of the channel 7 suite.
  17. BT is only now just learning about the goal celebration songs during Brisbane home games. Surely he’s commentated Brisbane matches this season before tonight? Also, Richo just suggested that Joe Daniher chose the song “Frozen” because of his child. My theory is that they’re told to choose a song that’s well-known. Joe actually has great taste in music but it’s mostly not mainstream and therefore not widely known. I reckon he chose frozen for a bit of a laugh. Now, back to watching the ga…zzzzzzzz 😴
  18. [censored] I wish I was bent right now. What a hard watch this game is.
  19. Second goal to Berry from a ridiculous decision. An uphill battle for the Swans.
  20. Brayshaw said he “nudged” his opponent out from under the ball. The commentators know what they saw but are reluctant to mention it. Or are told not to.
  21. Not in the back against Berry???! Or is my perception warped because I can’t stand him.
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