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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. I’ve posted this on the Banners thread but thought I’d put it here for anyone who doesn’t look at the Banners thread (and also, why aren’t you looking at the Banners thread? 😁). Enjoy… https://m.facebook.com/demonarmy/videos/rd1-look-at-the-energy-in-the-guard-of-honour-welcome-to-a-new-season-season-7-p/2346352742241494/ An absolutely MAGNIFICENT spectacle!
  2. AFLW Round 1… https://m.facebook.com/demonarmy/videos/rd1-look-at-the-energy-in-the-guard-of-honour-welcome-to-a-new-season-season-7-p/2346352742241494/
  3. Round 24, front… THE DEMONS ARE COMING BE AFRAID, BE VERY AFRAID (advertising on the back)
  4. Chickens don’t sweat. Well, my chickens don’t. They’re dainty little ladies, sweating is beneath them. Chicken feet are a delicacy, no? Can’t imagine they’d be ground to make chicken salt. Maybe the beaks? Also, Thursday can’t come quickly enough, clearly. 😑
  5. Agreed. It was the right thing for the Club. But not for him. I was making the distinction because to say he did the right thing moving to the west implies he wanted to go and therefore made a choice to go. Anyways, he’s gone, and of course everyone here wishes him well. Fourth in their B&F is an achievement of which to be proud. I just miss him ‘s all. 🙁
  6. A lot of talk about him being out of shape and/or unfit during his career, some even suggesting he was fat. But I think it’s a genetic predisposition, and is therefore unalterable.
  7. Yes, it genuinely annoyed me. Very much, in fact. Even if it wasn’t in reference to the Entrecôte incident, I still wouldn’t find it funny, coz it’s not.
  8. Ok, now I’m [censored] angry. Was amused up until this comment. And whereas I’ve been hoping we beat them - even just by a point - now I want us to absolutely smash them. A hearty dose of humiliation is what’s on the menu. Then we can laugh at the stupid faces of the uncultured swine that are their supporters while they leave the ‘G nice n early, just as many of them did last night at Ikon. And for dessert? Watching them get knocked out the following week. All those H&A wins for nought.
  9. That’s more like it!!! LET’S GO CASEY!!!!!!
  10. Nice to see Maxy and the boys there! ❤️💙
  11. This is a great point, and will probably end up being the main difference. Still early in the match, though.
  12. I told the other DA members about this when I got to Ikon. I was waiting for the usual “oh WCW, be careful, your smart-mouth will get you into trouble one day!” But as one of them said, the beauty of a burn on a person whose IQ is in single digits is that they don’t realise it’s a burn. 😁 Also, I have some sneakers with Velcro fasteners myself. Difference is… I can tie shoelaces. 😂
  13. Yeah, DP. I usually don’t like the GameDay thread negativity but like you I didn’t mind it yesterday because it shows there’s the same level of passion and respect as there is for the M’s. Same can’t be said for some folks though… Yesterday I was walking through Royal Park on my way to Ikon when a couple of golfers came along (I’m head to toe in red n blue) and one of them says, “there’s no footy on this weekend.” I said, “yeah there is.” He looks puzzled. I said, “Dees vs Pies, AFLW season opener.” He laughs and says, “oh, the micky mouse comp.” I just eyeballed him. He says, “what?!” I said, “I’m just wondering who ties your shoelaces for you of a morning.” We both look down at his feet. His shoes have Velcro, no laces. I said, “Never mind. Question answered.” The score thus far… WCW 1 Knuckle-dragger 0
  14. The pennant is actually orange. That’s the colour of the AFLW in general, or so I was told when I asked the same question. They were giving out free AFLW scarves that were orange and purple, so I guess that’s the chosen colour scheme. Imho the pennant looked crappy: light orange on a white background, and I reckon a flag would’ve been better.
  15. I just got home. It’s been such a long day, my feet are killing, I’ve got no voice and I have the mother of all headaches, but none of that matters. Tonight was phenomenal! So proud of this team and thrilled to see them get season 8 off to a flyer. ❤️💙
  16. Yeah iirc that got 22,000 people attending. Clearly the novelty factor was in play.
  17. How good is Kate Roffey?! She saw us (banner crew) waiting on the boundary and she’d only just been given the premiership cup, she made a beeline directly to us. I asked her if we could touch it and she said, HELL YEAH!” She’s a huge fan of the DA and never fails to acknowledge us, no matter the event. She’s the best.
  18. Yes. Our first father/daughter. I was told he only played one game for the Dees, clearly one’s enough to qualify.
  19. We were definitely as loud and proud as usual. Not as many of us there, but those who were made a helluva lot of noise. We did “We are the girls from Casey Fields” a couple of times. Bummer you couldn’t hear us coz we were good. 😁
  20. Apologies if it’s already been mentioned, but does anyone know what the attendance was?
  21. Especially since the name Karen has been hijacked courtesy of Karen from Brighton. I have two friends named Karen who curse that woman. 😁
  22. Paxy is officially Paxy Paxman. They changed their name during the off-season.
  23. I think there’ll be quite a big crowd tonight. There’s already heaps of people here. Anyone who’s yet to arrive, come through Gate 6. The other Gates are closed or open, depending on who you ask. Gate 6 is definitely open. 👍🏽
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