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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. He exudes this confidence that’s so exciting. Not cockiness or arrogance, but an aura of self-belief. When he’s up our end and there’s a stoppage up the other end, for example, he’s acutely switched on at all times. His body language and the way he carries himself is quite something else. He has an irrepressible kind of pride that as a fan you love to see. So when one of our forwards cops what we think exceeds the usual level of pushing and shoving in the goal square, naturally we make our feelings known. It’s like a saturation of unhinged mums screaming in unison… “get off him!” But yesterday we discovered in an instant that JvR’s opponent didn’t need our ‘advice,’ JvR made short work of getting the message through, himself. ❤️💙
  2. Gotta love the mongrel streak in Rooey. He was getting pushed and shoved in the goal square by their defender, young bloke on debut (I think) while the ball was up the other end. Rooey was NOT having a bar of it. He immediately and aggressively retaliated and made the little upstart think twice about trying it again. It was very pleasing to see. 😁
  3. Too late. That ship’s sailed. I peaked at 6am. I’ll be fine for the match though, when I’ll get my 48th wind.
  4. The dog’s biased. He’s a hardcore Dees fan.
  5. Elite? The MOST elite! Those players have it easy compared to us. We make them look like they’re having a relaxing stroll in the park.
  6. That’s me before the match even starts!!!
  7. Gates open earlier than usual today (midday) because the Field Of Women takes place starting at 12:45. Y’all look out for me… I’ll be the one wearing pink. 🤣
  8. I hear ya Roosty. Waking up on GameDay is never pleasant. I recommend you do what I do… say a lil prayer to the footy gods as you down *two coffees and a 600ml can of Red Bull. Works every time! Yes you’ll hit a wall just as the match starts but that’s when you initiate part 2 of Operation Pumped… sugar! Lollies and lots of ‘em! Any kind will do (I personally go with Skittles and Killer Pythons). *three coffees minimum. I’m currently waiting for my third which will be ready once Vikram, the 7/11 guy cleans the machine. Cheers! GO THE MIGHTY DEES!!!
  9. Bagging the opposition on a banner is not something you see these days, certainly not with our Club anyways. But this happened today… 🤣 👏 🤣👏🤣👏🤣👏
  10. Sorry if already mentioned (feeding the hungry masses at the W praccy match at Casey. We’re giving the Hawks a warm welcome to the league 😁). Haven't been able to read this thread, but SHAME on North fans! Jack Ziebell’s farewell game and lucky to be one or two thousand fans there. Disgraceful!
  11. They’re still there, only now it’s the back of bay M3.
  12. Oh boy. Just when I think you couldn’t possibly be any more offensive, you pull this out. I don’t know what Pink Lady means to you, but it’s a large part of the reason I’m still here today, having not succumbed to the insidious disease that is breast cancer. A little sensitivity wouldn’t go astray.
  13. Maybe Sportsbet just saw this… Soz, I’ll let it go now. It’s out of my system, I think, never can be too sure though. 😏
  14. Trudat, DP! How much fun have we had in various *states?! Our bay fills quickly so members should arrive early enough to get good seats. *By “states” I mean parts of the country as well as the condition we’re in. 😝 PS: See you in Sydney!!!
  15. I didn’t mean to offend any DA members, I’d be the last person to do that. By “the rest of the DA members” I meant as opposed to those of us in the first few rows of M3 (the vid above is probs front row of M2 or M4 and yeah, it’s a monks’ retreat compared to where we are), who’ve earned our seats there based on time and effort devoted to the DA. We sometimes spot someone in oppo colours who’s snuck in or has been invited in by a DA member who should really know better. They certainly are given their marching orders. ❤️💙 edit: DDynasty, you look NOTHING like I’d expect you to look. And when you need the loo, don’t be standing there crying! The queues are a mile long, and one’s bladder is only reliable to a point. 😁
  16. LOL “commotion” 😁 I don’t call our bay M3, I call it the Bay of Carnage. The first three rows are not for the faint of heart. 🤕
  17. To sit with the cheer squad you and your sons need Demon Army membership, BbB. If you call the Club they will sign you up. The cost is $46 per person annually. Once signed up, you’ll receive a weekly email with details of that week’s match, and you can register your request for tickets in our bay. Demon Army membership gets you into our bay, but you still need to get yourselves into the ground with your MFC membership, or by purchasing tickets. The first 10 or so rows are reserved for folks who are involved in volunteering, the first four being for key members, the floggers, banner crew, chant leaders etc. The remaining rows are for all other DA members.
  18. Hey @Deebauched!!! Fages has got his ridiculousness going on! Lions will surely bomb now.
  19. BT just said Hipwood is milking the clock. Five goals up with a minute on the clock isn’t milking the clock, right? Serious question.
  20. Match reports and the ladder say we lost. But in terms of form and momentum, we won. And isn’t that what matters more?
  21. BT is an embarrassment. Always gets the most animated over fisticuffs, and clearly you can add a topless player to the list. 🙄
  22. So much so you quoted it twice! 😁 #GetaRoomAlready
  23. Something (not so serious) to look out for on Sunday when the boys run out… before they run through the banner, Bowser will kick a ball and hopefully hit Maxy’s forehead on the banner image. This is because we’ve asked him to. Why? Because we noticed a while ago that he has done this before, Tracc’s milestone banner pic as well as Gussy’s. On both occasions he got them in the face. A couple of weeks ago he kicked the ball aiming for a wind-flap (little openings we cut into the banner to stop it from effectively turning into a sail) and he nailed it! That said, I’ve likely put the mozz on him and he’ll shank it and end up concussing one of us. That also said, fair chance it’ll be me. 😁 Hashtag literally taking one for the team. 🤛
  24. Bill’s been named. By all means, go hell for leather if he stinks it up (not condoning it, but it’s DL so it’s gonna happen). But how about we encourage him and wish him the very best now that he’s been given this opportunity?! He’s a lovely kid and is so determined to make us proud, so let’s get behind him!!!
  25. Also, this is what happens when we have a kid-free night at banner… No one has owned up to it, and no, it wasn’t me, I’m just spewing I didn’t think of it. 😁
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