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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. I reckon your kids cut sick at you when they hear you say “cut sick” Also, “mint” socks? Meaning they’re new, or they’re mint coloured? Also, geez it’s gonna be a LONG nine days before our next match.
  2. Yeah, it’s not something he’d like being discussed on a public forum. Anyways, he’s almost back to 100% because he’s a Fritsch and warp speed healing’s their thang 😁
  3. I have no idea. But many of them look about 12yo so maybe that’s why.
  4. Lemme guess… Longest. Flight. Ever. Amirite? You to the pilot…
  5. BEST H&A MOMENT OF THE AFL… Oh, wait, I thought you meant BT’s best H&A moment… EVER.
  6. Great thread, DZ! Mine is an off-field moment…. that Thursday night when we learned that the two-match suspension given to JvR had been successfully overturned. 🥳
  7. No. The only injury here is the injury to our intelligence. “Race against time” LOL.
  8. He’s also a hardcore Dees tragic, as is his dad. Clint’s a really nice person, too. I just hope they aren’t in trouble for this. Although now I’m wondering if this was orchestrated by the Club just to mess with Magpie heads. Maybe I just read DL too much. 😂
  9. I can’t remember exactly but it was around 400.
  10. There IS nothing in it. He didn’t tell his parents because the Club told him not to tell anyone.
  11. Why not? Clearly moonboots aren’t just for a new injury or re-injury, because Fritta’s not suffering either of those. Unnecessary worry right here. Understandable, but nonetheless unnecessary. 🙂
  12. Strange? Not at all. This is how the Club successfully keeps things under wraps. Even players’ parents aren’t told things that the Club want kept secret. So, how did the journo find out? The journo in question is Clint Stanaway. Clint’s dad works for the Club, he does the strapping of players etc. and has done for 30 years. Mods, feel free to delete this post if you feel it may be problematic. PS: Fritta was surprised to hear his parents know about the moonboot and wanted to know how they found out. They found out when I sent them a screenshot of Clint’s tweet. I won’t be doing something like that again in a hurry. Anyways, again… Fritta’s foot won’t keep him from playing next week. And yes, @Dannyzthe scan was pre-planned.
  13. Hey, I’m just as much in the dark as everyone else, including his parents. They didn’t know about the moonboot ‘til I told them 10 minutes ago.
  14. CHINNY CHIN CHIN CHANDLER! Look out! He may not be big, but he’s fearless!
  15. Yep coz I sense it too. 😁
  16. Incidentally, his dad stopped playing footy only a few years ago. He’d possibly still be playing now only he quit when he equalled the games played record at Coldstream FC because the guy who held the record on his own had recently lost his daughter to cancer and Scott didn’t wanna take the title away from him. Now they share the title.
  17. Yep. And he’ll play in the forward line alongside his own son and possibly his grandson as well.😂
  18. I’ve told Pauline I’d better be on speed dial. 😂
  19. She rides her bike while taking the dogs for a run every morning. She was crossing an oval when her puppy (the surprise birthday present from Fritta) got spooked and ran in front of the bike, and Pauline, trying to avoid the pup, came off the bike and landed awkwardly. ☹️
  20. The family is fine. 🙂 They heal at an otherworldly rate. They heal quickly and they heal well. Might have something to do with why they experience longevity, too. Pauline’s grandmother (Great-Grandma Fritta) passed away in December just gone. She was in her late 90s and was still getting around like a person 30 years younger.
  21. Also, he said “concerns” but didn’t elaborate. What type of concerns, Ralph? Exactly WHO is concerned, Ralph? From where did you get your info, Ralph? 🙄
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