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Everything posted by JimmyGadson

  1. Agree and I'm extremely suss on this "foot was trodden on" story.
  2. Someone from West Coast publicly stated that their interested so I'm not sure what you're on about. Also, you do know that the trade period goes for a week and that clubs have the ability to trade picks, and Freo are about to lose a host of players to opposition clubs, for picks? i.e. What they have right now means absolutely diddly-squat.
  3. Been thinking. Next year is a bumper crop and I wouldn't mind grabbing a future first rounder for next year. Zane Duursma is a player I'd die for, younger brother of Xavier who has been dominating games as an under-ager. He's likely to go top 5 though so we'd have to work some magic next year. I just get the feeling that's the draft we should hit hard given the talent available in those first 10 picks. We could really set ourselves up.
  4. Imagine we got Serong or Young cause Freo freak out about West Coast. Lols. Please allow it to happen.
  5. Massive unders? It's about output. Cameron and Kelly were consistent A- graders season upon season. Jackson is an inconsistent kid who had an incredibly underwhelming year and aside from that has shown glimpses. His grand final patch was grossly over hyped also, but that's natural because every second is analysed in a Grand final. Pick 2 would be absolutely fair.
  6. They're comparable simply because you nor I have any idea about their personal situations, so what's the point of saying things like "no support from me, I won't wish him well"? After Jake had left, it came out that a parent and grandparent were unwell, (happy to be corrected on that) and Tex ended up apologising for his childish beratement. It's just silly to assume he's going home for reasons that only you can think of.
  7. Interesting. How do you feel about Lever ? I'm sure you loved that he came to us. And what do you know about Luke's situation. Nothing I imagine. Supporters get way too caught up in emotionality about an individual they know nothing about.
  8. Lol I'm not sure what has been written is speculation anymore. Those articles are definitive and specified when Jackson will notify the club. The huge positive is what has been written regarding West Coast and from the article it sounds like Jackson will do what's best for us given he wants to go 'home'. I just can't see us losing in this trade now that West Coast are involved. Freo now know they have to beat pick 2. It's a win win. For a player that has been enormously over-hyped. And what we can do with that draft haul and ammunition is exciting.
  9. Yes. This is a big one and just as important as list changes etc. We need fresh eyes, voices and ideas and it will do the entire environment a world of good to land a couple of well respected assistants. Carlton and Collingwood have got fantastic assistants, we need a couple more.
  10. I'm sure this will be an unpopular opinion, but after hearing that Stevens has suggested Williams (Carlton) is on the tradetable, I'd make a play for him. I'd like to see a change of position for Salem going forward. If he can have a Petracca-like off-season, I'd like to see a move to either a half-forward and midfield role or a the Brayshaw wing role. Williams can then take a back flank which more than covers Salem's kicking ability/creativity but adds better run and carry. He won't be as defensively strong but I don't think the difference is too great. Hibbo if playing on I think needs a more simplified lock-down role going into next year. His strength now lies in his ability to scrap as a defender and lock-down on smalls, I think his run and carry game should be held back now. Salem closer to goal gives us an immediate boost in creativity and efficiency going forward. He was extremely damaging in that role in his under 18's year. Bowey is a must in our starting back six next year too for how clean he is at ground level as well as ball use. We are so vulnerable at ground level in our D50 it's scary. Williams and Bowey immediately add clean-up ability at ground level. I'd like our back six to look like the following: Hibberd May Petty Williams Lever Bowey
  11. Yep, I was surprised too. But they're definitely happening. Perhaps some news will be held back due to Casey playing though.
  12. Why hopefully not? We need to constantly update and changeover the list. You can't hold on to and develop every player year after year.
  13. Can confirm exit meetings are tomorrow and Tuesday. So we'll have some news by the end of the week on some players.
  14. But a 'bit of everything' is probably the answer.
  15. Totally dissipated in one offseason? Where'd you read that, I wanna know where that was stated! Do tell!
  16. @fr_aptop post and really insightful. Agree with it entirely. Most supporters want simple answers to sport and generally lack the insight/don't delve into the deeper layers that contribute to the success or failures of a team's fortune. Max the leader needs more refinement as do a number of our players. I agree entirely with what you said regarding the podcast too. I think we're lucky in many ways to have Max as a captain because he is both insightful and emotionally intelligent but sometimes he talks first and listens later. Which is part of why he needs refinement as a person and captain. He possesses the tools to be able to help create a culture that becomes impenetrable, but sometimes I think the default comedic/muck-about side of him gets in the way. It's the old double-edged sword. My brother and I talk about these things all the time regarding MFC and other clubs across the competition. More philisophical than anything else. There were obviously a number of contributing factors that led to our disconnect this year. But the fractures to our culture/'Melbourne player' theme that you pointed out across the entire season have definitely played a big part. One thing that I'll add to this 'culture' talk is that we the supporters play a big part in it too. The veil of negativity that Roos spoke about and the fact that we've been starved of success for so long has had some say on why so many of us pick and choose games to go to. And I loved when Roosy brought that at the time. I still feel that at our games. Our supporters seem much quieter and tense almost. Even if we have the same number of supporters there. There's trepidation amongst us and I've always thought that our players feed off that. Just as Collingwood, Carlton and Richmond supporters would feed off the raucous nature of their supporters and sheer numbers of them. It will take a long time to change the supporter issue however.. A lot of success and some generational young recruits who will bring new supporters to the club.
  17. I think you talk yourself into believing something is true about our side. Oscar McDonald being a good player for years. Loading being the biggest factor for our losses in the middle of the year and your constant over-analysis backing your theory. (which you still haven't said anything about post bombing out of finals). And now our method being significantly different in finals? Significant is a bold word. Aside from looking into the corridor noticibly more in the first half against Brisbane in the semi, our entire game plan and personell were the same.
  18. Yes. Who would have thought a Melbourne demons 'fan' forum would be a place for supporters to come and air their grievances.. Sure is funny that you're using the same platform as a place to complain about the very thing it's designed for!
  19. I should have specified. Defensively, he is awful. Yeh his goal sense is unreal so if the ball is in dispute and he's running into it he can be lethal. But outside of a 3 metre radius, he almost gives up at times.
  20. "who hopefully loves living in Melb and would never consider moving interstate." Lols.
  21. Van Rooyen has developed nicely, but I'd be careful to talk him up too much. He's a swing-man, not a natural forward and will not be THE answer/solution to our forwardline woes but will help structurally for sure and provide strong off the ball support. Our problem is we have Ben Brown, Tom McDonald, Weideman, Fritsch and a resting ruckman. And obviously we can't play all of them given they offer so little at ground level. They apply zero pressure. Like zero zero. Van Rooyen at least has great pressuring ability for a big guy and is quick and agile. I can see a big change to our forwardline next year both in personnel and role and it better happen or very little will change for us.
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