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Dee Dee

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Everything posted by Dee Dee

  1. Before the season started, if I remember correctly, many people on this site said that this year most of all they wanted the team to be competitive - no more losses by 70, 80 or more points. Rather, if we were to lose to teams higher up the ladder, lets be competitive and give 'em a run for their money. Well what do you think? So far only 5 wins and one draw. But good showings against Coll*#@^ood (almost won 'em both), Doggies and (to my mind at least) the Saints, and finally the Dockers: all top sides. To say we gave each of these sides a scare (even the Saints) would be an understatement. But on the other side of the ledger IMHO we should have run North Melbourne far closer and we were dozing when playing West Coast. However I reckon that those who were calling for the team to be more competitive this year have got their wish - but I do think that competitiveness could have translated into a couple of more wins.
  2. I met Jack at our AGM earlier in the year. He was keen to chat and seems like a very level headed young man. I asked him who he followed before he was drafted and he replied with a grin " Hawthorn: but I'm a big Melbourne supporter now" And he's nice and tall. I wish him well for the future.
  3. 6: Green 5: Jamar 4: Garland 3: Sylvia 2: Bruce 1: Moloney And Dunn was OK too as were Trengove, Scully and Bate!
  4. A couple of comments. Jack Watts. His best game for the Dee's (I didn't cringe when he got the ball - and the Saints supporters didn't laugh) and most importantly, his team mates started to kick the ball to him whereas in previous weeks they seemed to bypass him, probably fearing he may "stuff it up" (which he often did)! Jack's gaining confidence in himself as are his team mates in him. Jordie McKenzie. This kid's gunna be a real tough nut. One of our best today and was not IMHO "overwhelmed by class". I also agree that Lynden Dunn was "Lively and Involved". Before he was drafted I read a report (maybe by Emma Quayle) that he was a bit of a hard nut and quite aggressive in junior football, something I hadn't noticed at senior level. But that aggression/involvement was certainly evident yesterday. And he was certainly better than his fellow 2004 draftee Matthew Bate. I didn't think Jake Spencer was too bad! He's a gangling 204cm tall 20 y.o. who showed more than Jamar did at a similar age. (But yep I must agree his co ordination's a bit off).
  5. So where's Stef Martin? Isn't he supposed to be injured as well?
  6. I'm sure a year or two back, Jack Grimes acknowledged Wheatley's help as both mentor and sometime coach of some of the younger/newer boys at the club. At the time I was a little surprised because foolishly I didn't think Paul looked the mentor/coach type. But Grimes was quite effusive in his praise. And last year when I briefly talked to Paul at a function he seemed very level headed and knowledgeable. Good to see him putting something back into the game (frankly after that monster roost from full back against the Saints last season, I half expected him to go to the US and try out as a punter).
  7. 3: Jamar 2.5 : Moloney 2: Frawley 1.5: Garland 1: Davey 0.5: Grimes
  8. Yep, we need to have a bit more mongrel in our game. Two or three really aggressive a'hole's wouldn't go astray: Miller used to be quite aggressive, as did Brent Moloney. And what about Sylvia as well. Sitting at the game yesterday it was very embarrassing listening to the Blues supporters chortling away at Jack Watts as he got pushed all over the place - reminded me of his first game last year!!!!! Gee I hope they don't play him next week!
  9. Certainly a disappointing day but I liked:- 6: Jamar 5: Moloney 4: Gysberts 3: Grimes 2: McDonald 1: Bruce
  10. I reckon the little write up on Strauss looks interesting James did the big kick in from full-back that went an extra ten metres over what it had gone all day, so that was quite amazing. He worked off his man all day. We put him on Mark Williams, who is very dangerous, and I don’t think he conceded a goal against him. We threw him around a little bit - he went up to the wing a bit in the third quarter, and I thought he ran really well. He had about nine handball receives, and he’s starting to get it, being both defensive and attacking.
  11. Maybe not! They still teach Latin at Brighton Grammar School!
  12. Officially, the capacity of the Melbourne Cricket Ground is 100,018! At the 2008 grand final there were 100,012 so "officially" another 6 people could have attended. As for the all time record of 120.000+ set at the 1970 GF: unless the MCG is rebuilt or they throw out current health and safety regulations this will never be beaten. And I doubt the 99K+ home and away record will be beaten! Although all records are up for grabs - aren't they!!! Maybe when the Dee's are a powerhouse again!
  13. OK? I thought he was shocking! Yes a couple of marks but otherwise he was just a space filler on the ground! Wasn't he supposed to be super quick! He was lead footed and quite at sea for most of the day!
  14. I think Hughes was a Demon supporter as a kid. Can anyone confirm? Big thrill for him anyway!
  16. Hi Diablo Deemon There are 3 tenant clubs plus us! We own the joint!
  17. Ground sizes are all over the place. For instance the Geelong ground is apparently almost as long as the MCG but is only 115 meters wide!(over 30m narrower). And of course the SCG at 150 meters in length is about 24 meters shorter than the MCG (making CHF/CHB redundant?). I believe soccer pitches vary considerably in size but at international level they must be between 100 and 110m long by 64 and 75m wide. So there's quite a degree of variation there! A rugby (the real one not thugby) pitch is set at 100m by 69m.
  18. According to the AFL Season Guide 2010 Ethihad Stadium is 159.5 metres by 128.8 (fence to fence). And the MCG is 160 by 141. However I've checked the dimensions of the MCG with the MCC and it's actually 174 meters by 147. So, even if the given size of Ethihad is correct (and I suspect the management of the ground may overstate it by a meter or two) the MCG is quite a bit longer and wider. Players are less likely to be squeezed in at the MCG making the Melbourne game style easier to implement.
  19. 6: Grimes. This kid is mature beyond his years, his composure superb. 5: Green. I enjoy watching you. Thanks for the effort. 4: Dunn. He is fast becoming a very versatile player. 3: Bartram. I for one have had to swallow my pride and admit the lad has improved. Did well on Harvey. 2: Jamar. Not his best, but still good. 1: Bennell. At least he was a moving target and not a stationery one!
  20. If I remember correctly Tom Hawkins was touted as a No.1 draft pick before Geelong took him under the father/son rule. And if I remember correctly he was going to set the football world alight from the moment he stepped onto a football field at AFL level. Well he hasn't! Yes, he played in a winning grand final but was hardly best on ground (and quite frankly M. Newton of the MFC would have been OK with that team around him). Looking at him yesterday he was woeful, hardly touched the ball and when he did he was all thumbs. At the moment he looks severely out of his depth, a VFL player at best! From what I hear and read Geelong fans aren't too impressed and are starting to see him as a list clogger! Which brings me to Jack Watts. Three years or so younger than Hawkins and without the huge body, Watts appears more nimble, faster and to have better skills than Hawkins. Frankly, I don't care if we don't see the kid at senior level for another year (or at least 'till late in this season). He must be given tine to properly develop and to grow into his body. What I do not want to see is Jack Watts as another Tom Hawkins.
  21. 6: Frawley 5: Moloney 4: McDonald J 3: Trengove 2: Bruce 1: Jamar
  22. 6: James McDonald 5: Sylvia 4: Jamar 3: Bail 2: Moloney 1: Jones N.
  23. Physical maturity is not necessarily reached by men in their early to mid 20's. Many elite athletes reach peak physical maturity in their 30's (for example Linford Christie). And from what I've read, maximum physical strength in men may occur in their late 30's, early 40's or even later - many champion weight lifters are in that age bracket! This is not to argue that Bail will not reach his peak physically within the next year or three, but there's a good chance he will not reach it for a few years yet. And don't forget for someone playing an elite sport such as Australian Rules at the highest AFL level, physical maturity is but part of the overall package! Football "smarts" plays just as big a part, and that comes with games played. Bail with 50+ games under his belt could be an excellent player! Even elite - but we'll all have to hang on and see what happens over the next few years (and that's part of the fun isn't it).
  24. 18,400 for the North game! Don't they have to crack the 22k mark to make money at Docklands? I remember at their home game against the Dee's last year the crowd was quite small and one of their supporters told me that they would suffer a financial loss from the game!
  25. Leaving home for the ground yesterday, it was raining and rather cold. Here we go again I thought, lousy weather and a small crowd and the media hacks 'll be screaming for us to play games against Adelaide, Fremantle et al at Princess Park or North Ballarat or the like! (Remember the twilight game against Adelaide last year with around 14,000 at the ground?) So it was a pleasant surprise to see a reasonably good crowd of 23,000+ turn up! Would like to have seen another 10,000 or so in attendance but, if we win a few more who knows, we may see crowds of over 30,000 to these "interstate" games. And of course, the bigger the crowd the better for the bottom line as well!
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