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Everything posted by KLV

  1. Wonder what the media will use for an excuse for the pies loss this week???
  2. Too stressful to contemplate
  3. His tattoos have all joined up
  4. Actually careful what you wish for, media will talk non stop about Carlton this week. Good time to start a new book
  5. And the daicos duo, where have they been? Maybe the footy media will talk about something else this week
  6. I’m cautious too. Reid is physically much more developed than many he’s playing with and against, give it a few years and he might fall back to being a very good player rather than the generational talent being talked about
  7. Or the uni student’s share house, in general
  8. I’m beginning to find Collingwood’s coach very annoying
  9. One media bloke’s opinion
  10. It’s a must read each week joeboy
  11. Where is he from?
  12. Absolutely, no issue with any of that. And also very aware of other team members mistakes.
  13. I think that is all understood. Most of us appreciate Nibbler’s important role in the team, however some of his turnovers are absolute shockers. He’s a good player but he has flaws.
  14. Yeah similar with us, except we went to the bar towards the end of the third, despondent and confused. How could Brisbane find so much space? Why can’t we kick with their pinpoint accuracy? What the hell is going on with our defensive zone? the bar was deserted apart from a few others like us. Then, as slowly it looked like we wouldn’t lose by 8 goals but maybe just a couple, hope was rekindled and back out we went. what happened in those last 10 minutes or so of the game was possibly the most exciting and courageous football, I have ever witnessed in person. With so much riding on it, it was truly memorable and inspiring
  15. Yes it was a head in the hands moment
  16. I apologise for my bad language during the second and third quarters and then in the last half of the fourth, actually I apologise for it throughout the entire game
  17. Hilarious, wcw, you are a hoot!
  18. I missed it any chance there’s a photo out there?
  19. In my top 5 favourites. Well done Christian
  20. And if the Pies don’t make it, the rest of us will have a good laugh 😆
  21. I think chandler is ready for a reset in the 2s. He’s been using a lot of energy for minimal results and lacking composure. Spargo will provide some space and options.
  22. Hilarious. Saints fans have do it hard more than any other supporters, (after we have won the flag in 21). Love their pessimism and black humour.
  23. Fantastic! Well done Taj!
  24. Lots of advice on here, I’m sure much of it useful. My contribution - Tracca, whatever you do, don’t go to Harry McKay’s coach for advice
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