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Everything posted by KLV

  1. Yes, Lindsay Fox, the font of all football knowledge. This has got disaster written all over it.
  2. I’m a fan already. An upgrade on LJ
  3. Bad culture. gotta look after the fan base. Without us, the while system doesn’t exist
  4. Paid by Geelong’s secret special stash of cash
  5. Debacle. I think the list manager should perhaps go. Yze will get it, but does he want it?
  6. Bye bye Oskar, thanks and good luck. Loved the video of you and your dad when you got your first senior game. Beautiful!
  7. Heard from someone that would know, but still don’t shoot the messenger
  8. So, Freo have asked Jackson to go in the psd, “demand” $1.5M per year and let other clubs pass until he gets picked up by Freo. Jackson has sad no.
  9. Poor bastar*. He’s sent to the other side of the country to earn a buck (or 400,000 of them), and has to feign interest in their vile fan base. We know you’re there under sufferance Jayden. You’ll always be a Dee to me❤️💙❤️
  10. He’s not paid well, I believe
  11. Oh that’s so sad wcw, I hope you gave him a little cuddle
  12. Agree totally, very sad face
  13. While we’re waiting, I saw the Bowie movie a couple of nights ago. What an amazing artist and innovator
  14. Ok that’s enough for me, I’ll leave you guys to it. 🛌
  15. Sucked in on day 1 of trade radio and heard the genius Brenton Sanderson give his take on how Grundy gets to us and Jackson to Freo. Pick 13 from Freo to Melbourne for Jackson Ontrade pick 13 to Collingwood for Grundy. And… he suggested pies may need something more from us, like second rounder or a player eg: Weids!!! to cap off his work, he says he can’t see how Grundy improves Melbourne. FFS
  16. Wake me up when a trade actually happens
  17. Correct, he’s looking very promising, except he’s another bloody western Australian
  18. Paddy McCartin, 5 years at the saints and 8 concussions, out of the game, career finished. I want the swans to win for him. (And cos I really loathe Geelong and their self satisfied, smug coach)
  19. Yes, and face consequences
  20. Agree Diamond, this was merely an attempt to understand the reaction from Clarkson et al
  21. I completely agree, this is my opinion of what happened from Clarkson, Fagan, etc. I’m NOT sanctioning the actions of them at all
  22. I suspect the coaches believed they were doing the right thing by the players, hence the strident denial by those named. However, the advice, counsel, whatever you call it it, was given in 1. the ultra competitive environment of an afl team with a winning expectation, and 2. from a white man’s perspective. it is a sign of our growing maturity as a country that we are beginning to understand the indigenous experience of our white assumptions and “good intentions”. This independent investigation, with indigenous representation, is a good thing. Hopefully the truth it uncovers helps us in the white community to understand and learn.
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