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Demons 32

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Everything posted by Demons 32

  1. I don't think anything is majorly wrong with him, any other year he would be easy top 20 and probably pushing top 10. But in this draft, with this much incredible depth, I think he gets slightly pushed out because of how good some of the other players are. I maintain that pick 30 in this draft is like having pick 12-15 in a normal draft. I do rate him, hell id like to get him, but pick 17/19 for some reason seems a stretch to me in this draft. To be honest nothing would bother me if we took him at 17 or 19, as long as we got the best available mid with one of those pics. Be it Blease, Zaharakis, Deboer etc.
  2. At what pick? People said the same about Morton last year, pressures of AFL can mess with a players skill set...
  3. I could say all the same things regarding Deboer and/or Zaharakis. Any argument could be made for any player who is a possible top 20. All things true it is extremely difficult for even the best recruiters to understand the scope of a players improvement at AFL level. I do not claim any of these players to be potential stars. Not even Watts. It is near impossible to see how all players will perform at AFL level, alot of it is gut feeling and guess work due to what they have seen, what the players on field attitude is and what the players off field attitude is. Without looking at somethings past you cannot acurately judge it's future. Something that is often forgotten when discussing young players skill errors and fitness etc is that they are currently being coached in a non-advanced system. Training 2 times a week with their current clubs. The AFL system is a 9-5 job, players are at the club almost everyday, if an AFL coach cannot teach a young player how to kick properly then he shouldn't have a job. Alot of the time a player with poor disposal might have the slightest thing wrong with their kicking style that could dramatically change their style of play, thus showing why it is so hard to judge a players future purely on gut feel. For a player to become anygood you need alot of other great things, coaching, determination and persistence but most importantly luck. If a recruiter was to choose a player on a gut feel over a player with any questionable attribute then he is not doing his job correctly. I think Shoenmakers will be a good AFL player, I do not rate him top 20 at all, which is ok, we can disagree on that. This draft has incredible depth the top 40 players should all be good. It is times like this I wish we had another top 30 pick, as Shoenmakers would be an ideal pick 25. He could potentially be a very good player, but I hate the word potential in the top 20, thus why I don't want Naitanui. Regardless with everything we are saying, the only player I honestly believe can be a star is Zaharakis, based purely on his ability to kick goals and his spirit, and even then I contradict myself, because spirit is a gut feel on my part. The draft is an impossible task and thats why the much maligned recruiting guru's of the AFL have one of the toughest jobs in football. If your gut is right, your a hero, if it's wrong, your a massive failure, for every success there is a failure. It's a cruel game predicitng talent.
  4. I get what your saying. However I disagree in a sense, Shoenmakers will be a good player but I just really think you are over rating him. In regards to your Robinson/Thurgood comparison id say you need to change that to a very very rich mans Thurgood, not really understanding the comparison, different positions and many many different traits. O'Keefe is one that I like alot and very much agree with you that he would be great, id be more than happy with O'keefe. I think you are underating Zaharakis' ability to be a star, a strong midfielder who plays with great passion and kicks goals always has potential to be a star in the AFL. Lets not forget it's not all about X factor, Xavier Ellis is no flashy player at Hawthorn but his in integral to their 22. He is a strong leader, has a big kick and good skills, definately worth a top 20 pick. He is the one player other than Watts im desperate for, I honestly think the Saints might nab him at pick 13 though. But I would love this guy at the Dees next season. Deboer is the type of player that could slide, or could be missed by Victorians and the WA sides pick up a star mid from their own backyard. His skills aren't always perfect but either are Mortons and im damn happy with him in our side. He is a clearance machine, not some inside mid like we already have, but a player who can win his own ball and set up play, I'll tell you right now Rich wouldn't look half as good as he does without Deboer, every bit of footage you see of Rich is usually started by a great handpass or sheperd from Deboer. As you say it is a long wait, I would be happy with O'keefe at 17 or 19, but really think Deboer/Zaharakis is also needed. At least we agree on Watts.
  5. Well, being a keen under 18's watcher I feel I should throw in my 2 cents. Ive seen all the state rep teams play at least once. Ive been questioning our picks all year. But im pretty certain what players id like to get. Pick 1: Jack Watts, 195.8cm's and about 86 kilos. Make no mistake anybody who questions this guy as number 1, he deserves to be and is the best kid in the land. Rich will be great, Naitanui will be an exciting player, and Vickery may just end up better than both of those two but Watts will be a sure fire superstar in a few years time and both WA teams would pick him given the chance. Pick 17: Got two players I like for this pick, David Zaharakis and Mitch Robinson, both these players are midfielders and could very well be ready made, Zaharakis is a tremendous leader, can kick goals and will die for his clubs jumper. Robinson was a top age player in the champs this year and is ready made, a great talent and would play in our starting 22 next season as a midfielder. Pick 19: Matthew Deboer and Jordan Roughead, either of these guys will be great. Before the draft camp alot of people slammed Deboer for not being quick enough, once he killed off those critics with his impressive sprint times he has shown he deserves to be picked top 20. His skills are good enough for a kid his age and he is an accumalator of possessions, he could average 25 per game. Roughead is a smart choice on a need basis here, he could become a very strong ruckman down the track, the vic country boy is the cousin of the Hawks Roughead and could learn with Spencer and play to hopefully be our starting ruckman someday. Pick 35: Tough choices here, I like Mitch Banner but im not all to sure on him as an AFL player due to his size. a real go-getter who will kick goals and run all day, could be a good AFL player. I also like Jarred Redden here, he is a good young ruckman and if we decided not to pick up Roughead he would be a smart choice. All this is on the basis that Blease, Hill, Swift etc won't be around at our picks. Because im sorry everyone, I know we all want Blease for his pace, but he won't last to 17 in my opinion. One that I would love to slide to 17 is Mckernan, he will be a very good AFL player, not a ruckman as he is in the 18's but a strong marking CHF with a booming kick, with Watts at FF and Mckernan at CHF we would be very dangerous in the future. That being said I don't think he will slide and if we can pick up a quality mid at those picks I'll be happy.
  6. Definately pick him up, very strong prospect.
  7. Id love him..... We won't get him.
  8. I love Green, is one of my fav players and is arguably our best player. I have no ill-feelings to what he did as bottom line, none of us know what went down behind closed doors, both Connolly and Green have publicly stated that they were very open and honest and Green always maintained he would only leave if the club thought it was best and they could get a good deal, bottom line, he is going to make 1.1 over 3 years. He could have made more elsewhere but wants to play for Melbourne. Also, Green is seen as a leader at Melbourne, a strong leader. Being awarded the MFC leadership award for 2008 by the match comitee proves this. I would be more than happy with Green as captain, he is a demon for life now, a one club player and will be a life member. All great news. HOWEVER. Our captain should be Brock Mclean. He is the clear choice, he is the obvious leader of the brigade of youth, is again arguably the best player and is respected as part of a senior group at the club that is beyond his age. A great captain must have 7 attributes in my opinion. 1. The respect of the club. Players, Coaches and Fans. Most importantly respect them back. (check) 2. The ability to lead men who have more experience (check) 3. The want to stand up when it's your turn (check) 4. Playing ability (check) 5. A love for the club (check) 6. The desire to earn their spot everyweek (check) 7. Lead by example (check) Brock passes in all of my personal categories and should be captain. Only one other man passes in my opinion, only one other player could possibly truely deserve the captaincy, and that is Miller. He would die for the guernsey and thats why we love him. He would be my 2nd choice. To the thought of Bruce/Macca I say no way.
  9. Yeah it is, I really liked it when CC spoke of how Green was very open and honest.
  10. Demons 32


    I say we should turn our attention to trying to get Lonergan to bail on his contract negotiations and enter the PSD.
  11. Listening to SEN Connolly said Green was very open and honest about his thoughts. He maintained to the club all week that he would never leave unless we got compensated and that he only wanted to leave if the club thought it was in his and their best interest. Green listened to offers from the Hawks, Pies, Swans and Power. Turned down all four. In short.... grow up buddy.
  12. Prismall over Warnock. I don't want Warnock, doesn't want to play for us. At least Prismall is open to the idea.
  13. Encouraging, at least we know we can always better Essendon in picks. Hopefully we can get the deal done. Most importantly though, im just happy to see a player say he is happy with either instead of thinking they are Judd and picking one side.
  14. If we got pick 16 and Taylor we have won. Pick 16 would be great, and Taylor while no superstar could work quite well with PJ. He is better than Jamar/Meeson. Maybe he could hold down the fort while we wait for Spencer or another drafted kid to develop.
  15. Mitch Thorp is a freak, if there is any way we can possibly get him, do it right now. Only isn't best 22 right now because of injuries. Was speaking to a bloke from work who is a mad Hawks fan, says the kid is an absolute star in the making and he would be shattered to see him go, would rather Roughy leave than Thorp. He followed this up by saying these words "although I must admit, if you got him and then Watts in the draft, the Dees would be scary in 3 years time"
  16. Yes he did. SOME people on here are morons, he has every right to do whatever he wants, I wouldn't wanna play for a bunch of whiney keyboard heroes like some of you either.
  17. Bate and pick 19 or 17 would be the only way..... Bell.... haha no idea...
  18. Hodge is 184cm's tall.... 10 cm's difference and he is still growing. Only turned 17 this year. Very very young. 194cm 85kg Played as a forward all his life. Im suggesting he will be a CHF eventually like Buddy and Riewoldts position. First two or three years he will play FP next to Robbo/Miller
  19. Whats wrong with 4.... Im not understanding people not wanting this number, it will be great and he can make it his own!! So in 10-15 years time we are all arguing about if the next kid should get number 4.
  20. Number 4, make it his own. No need to give him the pressure of number 9, plus it won't be that big of a deal to him, I assume he has never met him, doesn't barracked for the Dees and therefore isn't his hero like Neita is ours and it wouldn't really be a big deal to him, giving the number to someone like Moloney makes more sense, but to be honest, just let it slide for one season.
  21. Any young kid who speaks like that about a club he isn't currently playing for/barracks for is obviously a good kid. Maybe he will play with a bit of passion for the jumper, thats the one thing ive heard from a guy I know at Brighton is that he bled for the Brighton jumper. Didn't really care about the TAC teams as they were not his club. This in my opinion is a good sign he will care about the Dees as we will be his club.
  22. 1. We are not getting Vickery, stop putting it in every bloody thread, we get it, you like him. 2. You have assembled a very very ordinary starting 22. Miller, Sylvia, Jones, Wona and Green are best 22 and probably Valenti as well. 3. There is no way in this world we will get another top 5 pick. 4. Don't try and make Garland a forward, just because he can sort of play there doesn't mean he is the answer, for 10 years we were crying out for a backline, now we have Rivers, Warnock, Martin and Garland, who is probably the best out of all of them right now. He is confident and is working on a future partnership with Warnock. Why mess with it...? Those are my points, I hope this clears up confusion so we can avoid these silly things being posted in the future.
  23. Why Armitage was 9th overall pick in the 06 draft, is only 20 and looks the goods. That would be a good deal for us.
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