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Demons 32

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Everything posted by Demons 32

  1. CAPTAIN: Brock Mclean (age 22, games played 75) VICE CAPTAINS: Brad Green (age 27, games played 186) Brad Miller (age 25, games played 110) Remaining members of leadership group: Aaron Davey Cameron Bruce James Mcdonald Other options for leadership could be Rivers, Moloney, Jones, Robbo and Whelan.
  2. Look YM. Melbourne are going to pick Watts, no question. Best to start liking him or you will hate our best young player. I originally didn't want Watts but I decided to watch some game tape, seen him play 6 games now and he is the best. Start looking at positives because he is the number 1. Sidebottom doesn't deserve to be top 5, one amazing game doesn't equal the best. Ziebell, Hartlett, Vickery, Naitanui, Rich, Watts, Hurley are all better than him and would deserve our pick 1 ahead of him.
  3. Looking at what you have written I have to say it.... Sure your not thinking Of Cam Bruce? You are not describing Green is all im saying.
  4. God guys I know it is the hot thing to do right now but there is no need for us to not want our best player and possible captain just because he is 27... The kids won't be developed well if we get pumped weekly...
  5. Quoted where? do we have a source?
  6. Bucks is better because of his size.... Id say Ray and Tenace still have a bit of potential, good pace. Might be worth something small but wouldn't give much.
  7. Are you serious, not simple at all it's his life we are talking about here. People seem to think this is a local club, it's not, it's the AFL and Green is a higher line AFL player, he will win our b & f and deserves 3 years right now. I don't know why he would even want to stay though to be honest, club doesn't respect what he did this year enough for a 3 year deal, but are willing to pay a whopping 400k for an unproven ruckman. Bit of a joke really. Fair enough we are a team with kids kids and more kids. But you can't get rid of everyone, won't do anygood for this young team to get belted every week. Need to keep some of our good players, while Morton, Maric, Wona etc are good, they are still young and will be very inconsistent, they need good senior players to help them from being demolished everyweek and have the confidence drop as low as Bells has. He is extremely entitled to go for 3 years, he does want to stay but im sure he doesn't want to be just shipped out of the club he loves in 2 years time. Bottom line is, even if he is playing good footy in 2 years time he may be let go because of age, by then he will be 29 pushing 30, and no club will pick him up, if he doesn't get 3 years his career could be ended prematuraly, Green is a smart man, he has the next 50 years of his life to worry about as well. AFL is a business, don't be ungrateful, if you were offered to leaveyour current job for an extra year of security and 100k more a year would you do it? Of course you would, Green is showing his passion by not asking to be traded. If he honestly wanted to go make more money and get more years which he could, he would have mentioned it by now, he wants to work it out.
  8. Personally no. My preference would be.... 1. Watts FF (should be the number one pick) 17. De Boer or Zaharakis Both MID (De Boer is a magnet plain and simple possession winner, Zaha is a tremendous leader who plays with passion, kicks goals) 19. Roughead RUCK (I think he could end up a good player, we prob won't get Warnock so Stick with Jamar until either Spencer or Roughy develop)
  9. At these picks im really hoping for Zaharakis and De Boer. If with our first 3 picks we get Watts, Zaharakis and De Boer I think we will be looking very good.
  10. He is a ruckman, could be a good one too.
  11. Im actually starting to like the idea of Naita. To be honest im not so one minded like other posters. I would be happy with Watts or Nait, both will be great so it's a win-win. Plus both players will take 4 years to develop.
  12. I distinctly remember it being reported in most papers when Bruce signed his long term deal that the contract was lengthy and back ended to ensure Collingwood couldn't get their mits on him. Did you just try and start a fight or do you know something of substance? Many contracts are back ended, you may see it as poor planning, which it is most of the time, but if a team is desperate a backended contract usually wins out. Unfortunately teams cannot always pay under the cap during one year but with an impending retirement/veteran status of a player a backended option is always viable and rightly so. If theres one thing I have learnt in my life of forecasting and contractual agreements is that to get the right business you will see some backended contracts, not everyday, but some.
  13. Id say your right, contracts are usually backended, especially our bigger ones from years past. Yze and Bruce both had big back ended contracts, Bruce will be having his last big money year this season, he will make the most next season than he ever has.
  14. White and Yze were on big contracts, especially Yze. Thats the thing about contracts, you get the big money when your really good, and you will usually get it for a year or two when your [censored] as well. Yze this season was on 500k plus.
  15. Captain: Mclean (would be just as happy with Green) Vice Captain: Green Deputy Vice Captain: Miller Leadership group (because there will be one) Mclean, Green, Miller, Jmac, Bruce, Rivers.... Robbo will probably sneak in too. Also would probably expect Davey and Moloney to get in.
  16. I really couldn't care less if we draft Watts or Naitanui. Would love them both so im happy either way, can't wait to find out, both will be absolute stars.
  17. Listen, we all know it is our original logo, problem is that it isn't our logo anymore, it isn't on our jumper etc. So we can't really lay total claim to it, it's actually the MCC's logo adapted.I like both but the bottom line is while it may have been our logo first, in a way we abandoned it and now it is seen by everyone as Carltons logo. Im sorry, and I as well as other people know it is ours originally, fact of the matter is in the greater publics view and most of our younger supporters, it's Carltons clash jumper with red instead. Sucks, yes. Unavoidable, yes.
  18. I actually like them both, some of you are being incredibly picky, get over yourselves. I like option B's tradition but lets be honest it looks exactly the same as Carltons. However A looks similar to the Dogs. Tough one, im happy with either to be honest, both look pretty good in my opinion. Don't know what everyones problem with white is, it's only every once in a while.
  19. Silly post, a solid servant? Simon Godfrey was a solid servant. Pay some respect to White, he revolutionised the ruck role in a way and he was a major part to our multiple finals campaigns, solid servants aren't all australians. Yes, Yze won a few off his own boot, your either very young and don't remember, or very old and don't remember.
  20. Gonna miss these guys, I hope despite everyones bagging we can all appreciate how many time Yze won us the game off his own boot and electrified us with his supreme skill. I also hope we always remember that Jeff White carried our team for the best part of 10 years. Don't think he didn't, if we didn't have our star ruckman we would never had made as many finals as we did.
  21. He was on ice. Would hardly help his football.
  22. Agreed. Both should have been delat a couple of years ago. I also agree that Yze has no hope in getting picked up, he needs to know it's over. But I think White has some value as mentioned in my previous post.
  23. We could get him to Carlton (upgrade from Cam Cloke to help Hampson and Kruezer) and we could get him to Sydney (Everitt is surely to old). I think we would get 3rd round picks from either. But hell why not just trade our 3rd rounder and White to Freo for Warnock, they get a pick and a short term back up.
  24. Im not sure about Valenti but Buckley was definately in there, Garland and Sylvia were as well. I heard that Sylvia really dominated the conversation, discussing how great the club, people, fans are. Heard on the radio that he spoke with passion about his team. All this 150 years celebration stuff has been great for our teams spirit. With Brock and now hearing Sylvia with this, seems like it enlightened a fire in the boys stomachs, they all seem to really love the club lately.
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