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Demons 32

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Everything posted by Demons 32

  1. If Deboer could get his kicking in order he would be a very very good player. I still want Sibasado but would not be unhappy to pick up young Matthew. It is my opinion that any AFL coaching staff that can't help a kids kicking needs to find another job.
  2. Whelan Warnock Rivers Whetaley Garland Green Morton Jones Buckley Davey Miller Bate Wona Newton Sylvia Jamar Mclean Moloney Johnson Bartram Strauss Mcdonald Grimes, Dunn, Maric Think that may be, not my personal best 22 or who I would like to see but I think it will be close to that. I believe Strauss is a player who can make an impact early in his career. Naturally if Robbo is fit bring him in for Newton and if Rivers isn't fit bring in Martin. I doubt Blease will get much game time next season, he has alot of skill but is very light and doesn't have the natural abilities of Cale Morton so he would struggle early on I think. Watts will definately play next season, roaming a flank, but im just not sure if he will play round 1. If Jamie Bennell were to be selected it was be placed heavily on how he goes in the NAB cup, we all don't know much about him but if shows dynamic natural skill he could find himself on a wing throughout the season. Jetta is a good chance to play I believe, he is a hard at it midfielder who i think could push his way in for a few games. Bail is suppossedly the most AFL ready, I would like to see how he goes in the NAB cup before suggesting he plays in his first season.
  3. Definately keen on Sibasado. I think his fitness is his biggest issue. Worth a punt a forward line of Sibosado at CHF, Watts at FF, Wona, Maric, Jetta all crumbing and Bate leading up the ground sounds dangerous.
  4. Wouldn't be happy with that top 20.
  5. You just said he is inconsistent, from reports..... That ends your argument against Mckernan who we would be extremely lucky if he fell to us. Walters has been rumoured to be going to WC all along, top 20 pick... Great speed and is a talent, don't know why your shutting him down?
  6. I think Blease will go earlier. Shoenmakers is good, would take him, but I rate Mckernan alot higher.
  7. 1: Watts (VIC) 17: Mckernan (VIC) If Richmond choose Trengove ahead of him he could fall to us. 19: Walters (WA) Great speed and will be taken in this area. 35: Deboer (WA) I rate him as an easy top 20 but other people have cooled off so if he really will be here at this pick we have to get him 51: Redden (SA) Much like Bellchambers last year, alot expected him to go top 30 but Redden wont 64: Motlop (NT) Very talented young player, definately worth a try 76: Bentley (port) Could easily take CJ's spot in my opinion
  8. So has Mckernan. And so was Rance last season there is always a slider. ID actually suggest he is a big chance to slide, he had one incredible game, deserves to be top 15 but all of the names below have legitimate cases to be a better prospect... Watts Naita Rich Hartlett Ziebell Vickey Yarran Trengove Hill Swift
  9. Mckernan at pick 17 or 19 would be outstanding.
  10. 35: Dayne Beams, midfielder from Southport. He is a hard at it midfielder with good skills, has a bit of attitude (the good kind). Was originally touted as a late pick but is becoming more and more likely to go top 40. 51: Jarred Redden, ruckman from SA. He is a good prospect, definately a national draft pick instead of rookie/pre drafts. He could slide a bit further than people are thinking and we would have to take him at 51. A good young talent who could become a best 22 ruckman. 67: Stephen Motlop, forward/mid from NT. Young Motlop could either go alot earlier or alot later, hard to tell, regardless I think he would be a good pick up. He has good skills and fantastic speed. Naturally his name has got alot of attention and he has the tools to be a good player.
  11. Id say your way to confident and most likely very wrong. He will play as a HFF in about 6-10 games. If not more, everyone said Cale wouldn't play either.
  12. The most talented player is Yarran, easily.
  13. I agree that Naitanui will be a great player, and people are being foolish by saying getting Naita would be some major mistake. You have put together a good argument of why Naita would be good. But you ruined it, im sorry, you just plain stuffed up a perfectly good argument. Argument was working so well, I was motivated, thinking yeah Freak is right!! Then you said Watts isn't a natural footballer. Furthest thing from the truth I have ever read, basketball was his 2nd sport hence why he dropped that game and focused on footy. After seeing him play a few times this year, out of all the young guys ive witnessed play, he is one of the most natural players I have seen, maybe second to Rich.
  14. I think Goose needs to understand, while the majority of us want Watts, no one would be upset if we took Naitanui. He will be a gun, both will.
  15. All awesome news, brightened my day. Based at the G, developing fans in the City of Casey. Number 1 draft pick, things are going to get better. Getting a link back to the MCC is a major deal, hopefully this can get done.
  16. My best 22 BP: Whelan Warnock Rivers HB: Wheatley Garland Green C: Morton Moloney Buckley HF: Davey Miller Bruce FP: Wona Robbo Sylvia R: Jamar Mclean Jones Inter: Mcdonald, PJ, Bate, Petterd EMG: Martin, Bartram, Grimes
  17. Thing is, even if the elect someone else as captain, we all know who we consider the captain... so why not make it official.
  18. True. However look at the bright side, at least it lets you know who has no idea about the game.
  19. I always used to love Carroll, cause he looked hard and tough and wasn't a robot. Plus sadly he was our best defender with Rivers always hurt. But now with the emergence of Garland, Warnock, Martin and of course Rivers. He has become our 5th string defender, when he isn't playing well I don't think haha cool beard, I think can you just leave. However I will thank Carroll, for giving me one of my favourite moments in football history. As my most hated player (Fraser Gehrig) will never live that moment down.
  20. Rivers Warnock Whelan Wheatley Garland Green Morton Jones Buckley Bruce Bate Davey Wona Miller Sylvia Jamar Mclean Moloney CJ, PJ, Macca, Petterd emg: Bartram, Martin, Grimes Naturally if Robbo is fit, hopefully, he will slot into FF. Rivers to zone off on his player as much as possible, and most importantly just get his AFL touch back on the 3rd tall. With Mclean and Moloney back in the starting 22 I want to see Bruce be placed as much as possible in the forward line. I really want Petterd and CJ to push for continued selection next season, both have the talent desired. Jamar to play majority of ruck and PJ to help out forward while we still don't have Robbo.
  21. I do agree with that comment, would much rather Shoenmakers than Cornelius.
  22. Actually Jack is very very self confident on the football field. He showed that this season, most 17 year olds from 50-60 would not immediately decide to go goal, they would pass or consider other options. When Watts is in range, thats it, it's just him and the goals out there. My favourite Watts attribute actually.
  23. PASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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