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Engorged Onion

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Everything posted by Engorged Onion

  1. I'll do my best to give a training report 'live' as I observe. If anyone has any explicit questions about individuals or anything else. Post them up here and I'll do my best to answer. Cheers
  2. I've packed my bag and am leaving for the airport. ETA 1200. Any Demonlanders loitering up in Alice today keen for a drink and a yarn?
  3. Turkey - or as your location says, Torquay... I live on the Bellarine, I didn't realise dialects and time zones were so different a mere 25 minutes drive away...
  4. Ahhh, do you they rate him like Menzel...4 knee reco's.... good player (elite???) great clubman? I hope so, but then I am sad that whenever any player loves to genuinely have a crack, their body lets them down...
  5. nice introduction to your work @wobbleguts - measured.
  6. I agree, beyond the reality of where the players are developmentally, I think there is a structural problem of pushing up high allowing free space for the opposition mids to win the ball then get out over the back...last week felt a little like Pagans Paddock.... not too much a scrawny kid can do on Brown when its been delivered on his [censored]. I don't like exposing our back line...but [censored] it - I've never coached a game of football in my life, and no nothing about systems... I am however a reluctant expert who righteously posts on forums such as this.
  7. that took you all of 6 minutes @Ethan Tremblay ...impressive
  8. What a great coup - you must be well linked @Demonland
  9. @Unleash Hell Pretty certain your GIF avatar, was us all on sunday night... or this
  10. I'm calling this weekend in Alice 'The Steven May Cup'.... should we win, we snare him, should we lose...he's off to Richmond!
  11. Ok, so you've stopped accepting the garbage.... and this in no way is asking in a condensing way... but now what do you do with that...the players don't know, the coaches don't know... do you burn your membership? Do you vent on Demonland? Do you still turn up to games?.... I guess this is the difference of complete apathy for 10 years vs hope and dreams...
  12. People have short memories Nasher... all the evidence from whatever relevant KPI, sense, mystic vibe you like to use- we ARE doing better than 2016 (and the decade that preceded it). Even premiership teams make errors. Love the passion - but like anyone in the industry (well, any industry actually) don't let your emotions cloud the accuracy of reality. It's as though the supporters who write this hyperbole think the coaches don't know what they're on about... supporters really need to move away from the notion of instant gratification...a season is a process for gawwwwds sake.
  13. A good reality check - not happy with a loss, I still see progress. Get up for the next two rounds (collingwood will be a real bloody good test) and we are in with a sniff. I've seen enough progress this year (whats being the maximum loss by (4 goals??)) to be pretty content going forward. Not that I am inherently an optimistic person. Also, for those that can't stand Goodwin riffing about being in a developmental phase - what would you like him to say? "We made errors, at costly times, and its our role as coaching staff to consistently work on this from an intellectual, physical and strategic perspective, to ensure that we as a team don't do this?" - well, that's what they do day in day out anyway. I really feel some of us (understandably) want perfection out there on a moment to moment basis. One thing you can't fault throughout this season, has been the energy and the effort throughout games...
  14. I think its far too simplistic to link the two. As disappointing as it is...Correlation is not causation.
  15. As a reluctant armchair expert Brown to kick 5 Waite to kick 3.5 but no other contributors Our midfield to dominate in close and on the spread CP5 to also kick 5 Oliver to jag 3 +38 possesions Melbourne to win by 5 goals Brad to have a sook...
  16. Is that so, those Richmond members you speak of, purchase toasters for the bathtub?
  17. I think it's great that individuals of MFC keep getting exposure in the media - not so much about the individual or the article itself as a stand alone - but the more exposure MFC oriented topics are out there - the bigger the gain for commercial viability.
  18. Usual Tiges ploy... Pretty certain I've read this book before.
  19. wrong thread...cant think which one any disparaging remarks re PMac should go into...
  20. Best 3 games from a backman since Danny Hughes - the 1980's not the 2000's
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