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Engorged Onion

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Everything posted by Engorged Onion

  1. Mmmm, the only club with cultural issues. Uh huh. Let's think back to WCE during the mid 00's, or individuals of the Hawthorn, Geelong and even Tigers teams. during the 00's and 10's. There is a serious, serious issue with linking nonperforming teams and having that code for 'cultural issues'. But it is the court of public perception and people don't mind drinking that kool aid... It's low hanging fruit. I also get that people don't see it my way.
  2. Fair enough. 😀 Here's the last 10 years (from last year). All clubs, including Geelong and Hawthorn have had periods of being flaccid. Here's a little thing I put together via Reddit. (hope it's not too small). Whilst Longmire and Scott are verry good coaches, Sydney and Geelong have clear (and now often spoken about) niche, boutique and geographical advantages that attract certain players at a 'discount' compared to other clubs. A fair, or unfair competitive advantage on the rest of the competition.
  3. It's midway though the season and we are sitting 10th by % out of the 8. We haven't bottomed out, we're still in a window... but with all factors considered - it'll be tough to perform in finals if they are indeed even made. Going by Footywire and arbitrarily choosing the last 5 years... 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Geelong = 1st 4th 3rd 1st 12th Hawthorn = 9th 15th 14th 13th 16th Collingwood = 4th 8th 17th 4th 1st Sydney = 15th 16th 6th 3rd 8th Melbourne = 17th 9th 1st 2nd 4th We have a collective memory lapse at at times of how teams other than our own have progressed, and as such, things are never linear.
  4. https://www.theage.com.au/politics/federal/as-a-long-suffering-fan-the-demons-dynasty-looks-over-before-it-began-20240611-p5jl0j.html
  5. You know that frustration seeping out of your pores, that, [censored] urge to point fingers at the coaches and yell at the players, yell at each other on Demonland? It's just not good enough, the team let me down, the players are hacks and the FD department are useless... if only I could recapture '21. Here's the thing, *geeks, which I am one* have a term for what's happening: Regression to the mean. Statistical inevitability. So, here we are. God football is emotional.
  6. https://www.theage.com.au/sport/afl/enough-is-enough-simon-goodwin-on-personal-attacks-and-the-demons-culture-20240605-p5jjl8.html
  7. Welcome to the curve of equilibrium, by design. Welcome to the sport that neutered the influence of cash to have a 'relatively' equal competition, rather than purchased success, where over a period of half a decade, any team can win a premiership, in effect. We rode the crest of the wave with a game style that won a premiership and now, as the sport, the tactics and the opposition has evolved, those warriors (and coaches) that won us a premiership are moving towards the setting sun... Some may see it that we haven't moved with the times, or haven't drafted/recruited well enough. Or the coaches cant coach, or are outdated. Some may even be genuinely entitled in their expectations of a dynasty has been missed. I would take the players that we had, and the coach that we had, for the one premiership of supreme joy and 4 years of quality, quality competitive football, game after game after game. Whilst acknowledging that all good things, start a decline, and it's actually no-ones fault. There is no one to blame, but we do like to do so. Every thing in life is transitory, Everything is impermanent. "Pursue it vigorously, and hold it lightly."
  8. Mate, it’s Jesus Christ. He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. god, that reads terribly 😂
  9. Mmmm, Carlton are THE litmus test judging by 9 Entertainment
  10. Not tactics - just the ‘L’ word - or intensity of training volume and density. 👊🥩💥
  11. Lacrosse? [censored] love it - that is one brutal sport... if he is up for that - then he'll go in very hard.
  12. Lismore Vic, or NSW? If it's Vic - how's The Blue Yabby? They got in on $5 latte's well before the rush, around 20 years ago 🤑
  13. Alice is effectively 15 hours (1500km) south of Darwin, probably has a different climate eh? #knowgeography
  14. I've flown up for it a few times for the matches- effectively like a clear spring day on the coast here in Vicco. Perhaps 26 during the day and then dropping down to 14 overnight... clear skies on both occasions. So needed a jumper as soon as the sun set.
  15. I always look at quotes to reactions ratio to gauge a posters propensity to put forward outlandish statements… whilst you are entitled to your opinion, the ratio stacks up well. Oh, and Membrey and Stewart Lowe to kick 10 each…
  16. It’s 2020 style posting in this thread, all over again 🙌🏼
  17. You know how you get a little kick on Demonland when there is a notification - that’s dopamine. It counteracts symptoms of anxiety and depression. In effect, the Pat-a-cake is a behavioural activator of the same thing, in a highly stressful activity. It’s evolved in the last 10 years, where it only used to be done after a ‘positive’ bit of play whereas now it is done irrespective of play and acknowledges the effort irrespective of the outcome or error made by an individual. It is good for the receivers 🧠 to more quickly get back on task - at least that’s how I explain it.
  18. Oh for the love of god… 😂
  19. Geekout: Our evolutionary focus on pattern recognition, a key to our survival, is not always correct. The brain excels at finding meaning in randomness, a skill that once helped us anticipate threats and opportunities. However, this can lead to confirmation bias – we overemphasize coincidences that fit our existing beliefs. It's a fascinating paradox: our very strength in pattern recognition can create psychological vulnerabilities when faced with the randomness of life.
  20. Oh, you weren't aware? "$4.1m was allocated in this week’s state budget for a new scoreboard at GMHBA Stadium, while millions of dollars of cancer funding research was slashed, prompting widespread outrage."
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