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Engorged Onion

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Everything posted by Engorged Onion

  1. The ownership of 'mental state' goes to the individual...
  2. I'd bring in JKH - 43 touches at VFL - he is BACK BABY!
  3. Perhaps changing the culture is also about changing language - and thus remedying the fact the QB is "our Grand Final" and starting to make the real Grand Final "our Grand Final".
  4. Again, there is no 'flow' moments, or 'flow minutes' - (flow is oft used, and outdated). I'd rather have the athletes execute consistently no matter how they feel, rather than putting energy and effort into 'getting into flow, getting comfortable, reducing anxiety'. This appears to be what Goodwin is educating... and it works on a physiological level (i.e. fatigue) as well as a psychological level (exposure to the discomfort whilst executing correctly = reduced anxiety as it feeds into competence in those situations (and thus confidence)) - THIS is what will hold MFC is great stead come finals... Personally I can't coach for [censored]...but I can psychobabble until armageddon...
  5. @Skuit - nice breakdown. Without lecturing or admonishing you - the inverted u hypothesis is archaic and redundant, and I'd be worried if this was one way that the department made sense of psychological states and reasons for not performing well, or in line with the brand. The inverted u hypothesis is about getting to your optimal performance state... which doesn't exist there is no evidence that exists (even though its a lovely fuzzy concept) and certainly is not sustainable. Was Jeffy in flow state in Alice? Was Hall in flow state in the first qrt...nope - both were simply 'on task' when the opportunities presented. So it's a fallacy (read, a [censored] waste of time) trying to pursue optimal arousal states, when the real emotional experience of playing AFL is... stressful, anxiety provoking, includes fear and (the positive emotions)... it takes far too much emotional effort to try and avoid that discomfort whilst trying to perform. This is what actually increases performance inconsistency. Trying to fix legitimate experiences, whilst not willing to have them and stick to behaviours that you would do when feeling good/comfortable/not fatigued etc etc etc Jargon such as mental fragility, mental toughness are catch all, simplistic terms for making sense of - at a particular point in time, why was x person unwilling/unable to do what matters while x (thoughts, feelings, emotions) was showing up. And the punters/commentators use such term, to make sense of - x person typically can do a behaviour (kick a goal) , why not then, i am soooooo disappointed. Goodwin speaks of brand --> read this as personal values. And the only reason anyone is ever willing to have discomfort ...is in service of what matters (gut running, the emotional experience of getting collected under a high ball, the urge to guide a kick under stress rather than kick fully through it).
  6. So Zach, what you're saying is...
  7. Another goal from straight off the bench from Frost would be nice... Geez he is developing into a weapon.
  8. I want Collingwood to lose, personally I rate how Buckley presents to the media and the public persona, but geez I want Eddie to lose... I think Buckley would be a great assistant coach a la Voss... and the enmeshment of the relationship with Edward has held him in good stead, so come on Freo.
  9. Golly gosh, if we're still a team that can only find motivation in these moments, or milestone games...
  10. there are some zingers on this thread...
  11. If we go from a thoroughly compassionate standpoint towards Robbo, maybe his heart is in the right place as an act of support for the athlete - but geez its naive. And I'm not sure if Robbo has ever written an editorial on the fact that players don't ask to be role models yet they still are... and then shone the mirror up to himself...
  12. Ahhh, the ol - "It appears he's functioning fine, ergo must be feeling fine - thus he's fixed... " viewpoint... effin cretin. But I guess all we can hope for is education education education.
  13. Give me a bloke that looks like Jack, who look silky and non effortful - whilst able to hit targets and execute most times under pressure, rather than being an average bloke that busts his gut that works up a sweat working hard with limited precision.
  14. I for one am glad that players are open to having the media (and thus the public) be aware of what they are experiencing. The more exposure, the less stigma. I for one remember Nathan Thompson talking about depression on The Footy Show (must be 10 years ago now) and tearing up - not for him, but for the acknowledgement that the more we speak, the more it creates change and a willingness to seek help...and not have to suck it up.
  15. Maybe some of us here on Demonland need to breed more...4+k is fantastic though
  16. @Bobby Clark is this 'cause you rate him as a defender or because you're worried we will be in deficit of our quota of 'Jacks' on the list when Trengove is delisted at seasons end?
  17. 'Like' Mmmm, maybe it was a keyboard slam... the eyebrows were raised for sure! The problem of forums sometimes is things are easily misconstrued. Certainly read like you were having a crack... But what you have just said is clear as...
  18. Commeth the moment, commeth the man - Bernard Vince. We were fekked if not for that intercept.
  19. Geez, we have a superstar and he's not going at the rate of knots that a 24 yo may be as a 19yo - FMD peoples need for instantaneous brilliance is remarkable. He's played 23 games... this stuff will come.
  20. I think its to do with whether you have a supportive stance and can relate to the notion of development and are the type to forgive errors in the short term - vs those who see things in black and white, who want instant gratification and that the only place to develop is in the VFL as opposed to the context of developing skills under high pressure contexts. Also these same people are just really tired of mediocrity and are anxious about the future...
  21. Personally I'd persist with Bugg...not sure what he has done to upset people... disappointing to miss goals...but hey it happens to champions as well, and he is getting pill, so the goals will come. He is a terrier, can take a mark, and he's far from simply been picked for being a 'pest'. He could had one goal that was attributed to Hannan if Hannan wasn't so greedy so he'd be 1.7 over the past fortnight
  22. The post hoc analysis by some shits me to tears... and @Older demon this is not about you, its about the simplistic way people try to make sense of things. None of the players out there 'drink their own bath water'...and its exactly the same issue in qrt2 that becomes the launching pad to win the game (going into the corridor). No player aims to eff a disposal up, yet it happens... thank god they continued to do what they did in qrt2 and the pay off came for the rest of the game. Maybe its a generational thing (older demon (hell, you could be 20 for all I know) but to fall back into - them being lazy, arrogant, not hungry enough, chose when to play, to make sense of not performing well is at best naive and at worst ignorant at how people behave in contexts of high stress and scruitiny.
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