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Engorged Onion

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Everything posted by Engorged Onion

  1. @dazzledavey36 Petracca into the midfield tonight Youngest list = less composure under pressure -> equated that to why we lost against Freo. Oliver = ceiling is huge -> accelerates into contests- excellent work habits response to Mooney q - of fast tracking composure under pressure - Goodwin - talks about giving strategies - but through direct exposure...
  2. I agree with his notion of transparency- there appears to be a no [censored] policy - and unfortunately (or fortunately) - we are not privy to it.
  3. Personally, I prefer my own internal commentary than C7's...more expletives too...
  4. A very very VERY measured quote - sense and reason - I like it ProDee
  5. wish we could play at 10am a la junior footy - the day just drags and drags and drags...
  6. Just a passing reference to the headband *ahem* issue - nonetheless a jolly good read about focusing on the real issues by the afl. https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2017/apr/24/it-often-pays-to-be-sceptical-of-the-afls-social-responsibility-epiphany
  7. I can't see it any other way about Pedersen - and I actually quite like him. He does very well in marking contests, typically good defensive pressure, and I believe he has deserved a spot now before wiederman (considering his lithe frame)...clearly I am missing something - perhaps thats why I'm a keyboard warrior and not on the selection panel eh...
  8. I wasn't aiming for it to be intended like that. Perhaps I should have used more of these ??
  9. As a reluctant expert, I'd suggest Kent (as has been suggested in infinite other posts) has failed in his defensive duties. The coaching staff rate JKH and want to give him an opportunity and Pedersen, rightly or wrongly is cooked in the eyes of Goodwin and co... Also @Dr. Gonzo, I'd suggest trawling through...lets see... perhaps the two pages previous to the post that you are looking to make, to see what all the other reluctant experts are postulating about...
  10. @Petraccattack - help me out here, whilst I really rate Kent's power running offensively (and clear lack of pressure defensively - presumed reason for omission) - why is THIS a game that he would excel in?
  11. Perhaps we can have a seperate 'blood letting' thread rather than letting the personal stuff derail...
  12. As a reluctant expert - we are watching junk football from BOTH teams... port ain't much chop so far.
  13. One will bring a version of success, one won't.... we're all tainted no matter who within the AFL system comes on board... as they're all tainted...
  14. because he is young, dumb and full of c..
  15. on form...whats the length of his contract? that should cover it...
  16. Yes, and compelled to mention a half finished PhD for whatever that is worth...
  17. Agreed entirely...mind I used to have a pop at Trapper when I was young and he'd miss targets non stop...thought he was meant to be smooth like a Rolls???
  18. As a reluctant expert @Lord Travis do you think Melksham gets on Demonland a bit and frets about what us up in the bleachers think about him... our voices on here to the players are like yelling into a howling Antarctic wind. To quote a Super Furry Animals song -
  19. Agreed - and the same with Bernie - we could find another 60 goals from those two alone...
  20. As a reluctant expert - I'd say post #240 is spot on - well said @TeamPlayedFine39 - aside from having Paddy, I'd rather not...list clogger...
  21. Let's be clear, the players do not play for us as individuals - (can you imagine if Bernie was thinking of you or me, when bombing goals from 55m - it'd be [censored] hilarious) it is our own relationship to what a win, or a loss means (and its context) that dictates our stress and urgency for another win - so we can make sense of how we are tracking. It's all about hitting behavioural standards as a team, and the teams own expectations are very different from the behavioural standards. If we could have a chart from 14-17, we've improved exponentially - and supporters (myself included) get [censored] scared when its not linear. Further our own expectations as supporters mean one [censored] jot to Goodwin and the boys, inherent in supporting/playing for a team, is that they want to win. An acceptance that performance is not linear, is a good place to start, to become less stressed about 'must win games' - as a supporter (and an athlete) but that does not at all devalue or promote mediocrity/not striving for things...if anything from a performance perspective - an openness and a genuine intellectual and emotional understanding of these things actually promotes consistent performance. But that last point is meaningless as a supporter because we have no direct influence over how the athletes play.
  22. huh? I appreciate your sentiment, but its wide of the mark if you think it promotes mediocrity.
  23. An observation: I feel as a supporter, observing other supporters on Demonland who are starved of success/satisfaction about our club - we latch on to media hype, and take a very very generous gulp of the 'kool aid' about where we should be and about our young stars - we misattribute how important singular games are vs the body of work and get quite hysterical when our expectations are violated.
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