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Engorged Onion

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Everything posted by Engorged Onion

  1. Ironic comment with an understanding of Demon supporters cultural view of attending Colonial Stadium? or Naive comment without an understanding of Demon supporters cultural view of attending Colonial Stadium?
  2. I'm surprised no one is mentioning their early morning urge to vomit heftily...tis a big game and all that jazz.
  3. Personally I can wear a loss today - mind, it'll be a great reality check for where we are, and as always all I want us is to continue to be competitive week in and week out. I presume the FD have pencilled in WC and Swans (as no gawn) as must wins more so than this one. This would be a bit of cream.
  4. I know what you're saying - personally I'm a believer if you're good enough -you'll always need to beat the best team - as most likely you'll play them in the big dance anyway.
  5. Interesting that neither co captain is automatic top 5... just an observation...
  6. Have we all gone off Steven May? His thread is nowhere to be seen now...
  7. Mmm, love a cheeky 9 or 10. Throwback Thursday. To answer the second question would be a long winded inebriated retort so I shall stop right here now....but whatever it is. I am dead right.
  8. 38/2?? marginally excessive???....for Geelong?
  9. rant... only 'cause others do it. Effing commentators on Tv - post hoc analysis - the only reason someone must miss a goal at the end of the 2nd qrt is exhaustion... mmmm interesting that one, yet the'll run a further 11km throughout the game. I wish I could get paid so much coin for such little insight, naivety, lack of research or understanding... ugh...I listen to ABC and that's great, and I am an angry angry man tonight. Cripps didn't miss cause of exhaustion, cause he wasn't willing to risk running in, but the bloke aint exhausted... no likes for me farrrrk this even reads like Im drunk...by which I am.
  10. How does that help recruitment and coaching?
  11. Do you like the sound of playing a west coast team that has won one in a row? Is that preferable @qwerty?
  12. how good was that mark in the final qrt. I don't think i've ever seen him drift in an have the confidence to take a grab vs halve the contest. Yes it's a sample size of one. Yet bloody good evidence.
  13. Demonlander of the month award for posting this. Both a grin and a tear in the eye!
  14. @Luther - Way to bring me down man... sure mine is more rustic, and not as perfect but man I toiled at my craft.
  15. Queens Birthday Redemption: Jack is deserving of getting into his fluro skwosh pants, doing some blow, doing some dough and calling some grrrllls.
  16. Yes internally, I'm sure there are some flogs on this forum who will always see Jack unfashionable and pick holes in him... much like OMac
  17. Watts - Seriously underrated with the amount he does both forward and defensively. Has won us games both ends, numerous numerous times. He needs a standing ovation from Demonlanders...perhaps we can podcast this?
  18. You can take the boy out of Melbourne but you can't take the Melbourne (gift goals in dying seconds of quarters) outta the boy. Thanks Dunny
  19. That is so so random Just been on a Elliott Smith stylised Acid trip perchance?
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