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Jumping Jack Clennett

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Everything posted by Jumping Jack Clennett

  1. I've just watched the Geelong/Sydney game. I wasn't really barracking for either side, so for once, I was unbiased in my judgment of the umpiring. For the first 5 min, the umpires let the game flow, not paying "twiggy touch woods". Then they gave Dangerfield a very dubious free in front for a tiny jumper tug, which happens in every marking contest. From then on, I could only describe the umpiring in that game as unintelligent, ignorant and inconsistent. Nicholls, Raspberry and the other goose should never get another final. They pay too many "unnecessary" frees, where nobody would criticise them for not paying a free. Frees that you have to watch the replay three times in slow motion to see why they were paid. Then they fail to pay blatant holding the man, throw, or push in the back. The umpires are very well paid. They are above criticism. Tonight's Pelicans should get a pay cut or a fine.
  2. I feel terrible about Jack Trengove. I hope he doesn't hold it against the MFC for what happened in his career, but I don't blame him if he does. Neeld was correct in one respect when he foolishly appointed him captain....he's an outstanding citizen and a leader of men. But not of a struggling club when he was only 20 yrs old! What terrible luck to sustain the dreaded navicular injury. How hard he tried to get back! I can't help feeling it was a bit rough dropping him in 2016 , after the Saints loss. Everyone played badly, but Jack had been really good the week before. This year, he didn't do well when he got his chance, but usually promoted players get more than one chance to show their wares. He went back to VFL, and played well every week,unlike some regular AFL players, who fail to shine at VFL level. Gold Coast would be well advised to draft him for his leadership, team spirit, and football skills. There is no ex-demon I'd ever hope to play well against us, except Jack T. All the very best, Jack,and thanks for the courage and perseverance, which has been an inspiratiion to many people.
  3. No I think it was ump 8 that turned a blind eye to Dunne's scoop, and the same ump didn't pay the Pedo push in the back soon after on our 50 m line. I haven't checked whether it was Pannell(28), that failed to see the blatant free to Tmac in the square on 3/4 siren.
  4. Wrong. Melbourne out -possessed Coll. in Q1, and the time in forward line was 55:45 in our favour. Explain that.
  5. Mr Moonshadow YOU used the term "conspiracy". I contend that the umpires are influenced by bleating from the crowd. They should be above this. I pointed out errors in the Collingwood game which cost us a finals berth. You didn't address this. By the way , we DID lose the two games to North because of dubious umpiring decisions, and last year ,too, for the same reason. But that's irrelevant to my argument .
  6. WE WAS ROBBED!!! I have just finished watching the replay of the Coll. clash, and there were two absolutely GLARING pro-Collingwood umpiring decisions which undoubtedly cost us two definite goals. 1./ First quarter , in our goalsquare, Dunne scooped up the ball on the half-volley,and gave it off to a team-mate with two open hands,with Hogan directly behind him. Unm,issable goal from 11m. out. 2./Very end of Q3, when Melbourne fighting back strongly. In our goalsquare, Tom McDonald in front, probably about to mark, dragged down to ground by both shoulders. Unmissable goal, giving inspiring momentum into 3/4 time break. So ,really, we only lost by 5pts, and it cost us a finals berth. There was no way those frees would not have been paid to Coll. if the situation was reversed. The influence of the howling Mudpie fans made sure they got a good run all match.
  7. 24 free kicks to 13 when WCE were out possessed and out tackled certainly helped them. WCE got away with murder.
  8. I think our victory over the Mudpies in that last round in '76 made them Wooden Spooners for the first time in their history. Like with "fndee" above, my mates and I were mocked by their supporters when the Footscray/Carlton result came through. We were behind the goals at the Yarra Falls end.......where were you," fndee"? It's not relevant, but interestingly the Demons won their last three games at Victoria Park.....such joy for us Demon fans! I remember Sean Charles getting 5 in one of them, Dirty Dave Williams getting about 6 or 8 in another, and a young Schwarta marking everything in the last.One of the games was Rob Flower's 250th. In the Norm Smith biography, "The Red Fox", Norm is quoted as ordering his players to play around the outer wing, rather than the Coll. Members' wing, since he felt the Umpires were unduly influenced by the Coll. crowd. Things haven't changed!
  9. Does anyone know which, of the two pubs in Apollo Bay, Fred owned?
  10. How the hell does Footscray do it? 20 frees to 11, despite 10% less disposals. The umpires were clearly influenced by a crowd containing only one side's supporters( as in Perth). It was disgraceful the way every 50:50 went to the Dogs, and they could tackle wherever they liked, and hold the ball all day. It won them the 2016 GF, and it's been going on for years. Unfortunately the Demons rarely have a stadium with no opposition supporters,even with Sydney and Brisbane on the MCG.
  11. I get the impression , from Clare Cannon's profile, she's not a Dee supporter. The fact that the MFC isn't mentioned suggests to me she supports some other team, or no AFL team at all. She is more involved with cricket...and so she probably should be, on the MCC Committee! However, I'm trying to find out who has leanings to MFC , like Steve Smith, the pres. So far, I reckon we should go for King and Hodges. Can anyone suggest who the third vote should go to, with the welfare of the MFC in mind.?
  12. Do any Demonlanders know the MFC connections of the 6 candidates seeking 3 positions. I want to see as much MFC Sympathy on the Committee as possible. I think it's very important. The 6 candidates are... Peter King, John Mugavin, Clare Cannon, Duncan Banks, Bill Hodges, and Adrian Anderson. I think Anderson oversaw the unfair singling out of MFC in the tanking saga, while Demetriou was away. I therefore won't vote for him. I see Bill Hodges at all MFC games, so assume he's a Dee supporter. (then again, he says in his manifesto he attends over 90% of MCC events, so perhaps not) Does anyone know of their affiliations? We have to vote before 16/8.
  13. The players were magnificent. It must be a drag having to roll up on Sunday lunchtime and chat to fawning fans, but they were so polite and friendly. My 15 yr old daughter got photos with about 6 players who were all so kind to her. She even got a photo with her future husband.( J H!) Jack Watts and Trenners are such charmers! So patient!
  14. After Lethlean's demise, the AFL is seeking a new Football Operations Manager. There has been talk of Garry Pert, Nathan Buckley,the Geelong or Brisbane CEO's succeeding him. I'm worried they'll pinch Peter Jackson. Is there anything to worry about?
  15. Should the team wear black arm bands in respect on Saturday, when the oldest player has died?
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